作者: 杨紫嫣 罗宇 / 12181次阅读 时间: 2017年5月13日
来源: 《心理科学进展》
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Self-esteem and brain: A social neuroscience approach

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YANG Ziyan1,2; LUO Yu1; GU Ruolei1; LIU Yunzhi1,2; CAI Huajian1 心理学空间@3Ear9?3Ygtx

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(1 ICAS Key Laboratory of Behavioral Science, Institute of Psychology, Beijing 100101, China) 心理学空间U;NF1I*v/qS

&A(i0U4OD+Os:D0(2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China) Abstract: Accumulating research has approached self-esteem from the perspective of social neuroscience. A review of relevant research indicates that: 1) self-esteem is related to brain physiologically with high self-esteem associating with larger hippocampus volume and regional gray matter volume of anterior cingulate cortex; 2) self-esteem is also related to the resting state of default mode network and functional connectivity among some specific brain areas; 3) self-esteem modulates brain activities to threats such that individuals with low self-esteem exhibit stronger neural responses to self-threatening stimuli; 4) self-esteem modulates brain activities during self-evaluation process. Overall, these findings shed light on the neural basis of self-esteem as well as its adaptive functions. Key words: self-esteem; self-evaluation; threat; medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC); anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)

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