Rudolph Maurice Loewenstein鲁文斯坦
作者: wiki / 7825次阅读 时间: 2010年11月29日
标签: Loewenstein Maurice Rudolph 鲁文斯坦
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网心理学空间'D)G s `,f^tUP

Rudolph Maurice Loewenstein (January 17, 1898, in Łódź, Congress Poland, Russian Empire - April 14, 1976, in New York City) was a Polish-French-American psychoanalyst.心理学空间]"R']jMi W'b@ K
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After studying medicine and neurology in Zurich, Loewenstein was analyzed in Berlin by Hans Sachs. He became a member of the German Psychoanalytic Society (DPG) in 1925. The same year he began to practice as a teaching analyst in Paris, where he trained a number of future analysts, including, notably, Jacques Lacan. In 1926, he founded the first French psychoanalytic society, the Société psychanalytique de Paris (SPP), along with eight other psychoanalysts, including René Laforgue, Marie Bonaparte, Raymond de Saussure, and Angelo Hesnard. He was elected secretary of the SPP. In 1927, he participated in the creation of the Revue française de psychanalyse.心理学空间'^ e*Gs6F#f6T/LDZ
In 1930, he became a French citizen and began his studies anew - defending his thesis for a doctorate in medicine in 1935. In 1939, he was mobilized as a doctor in the French army. After the Armistice, he fled to the south of France and from there left for the United States, where he settled in New York. There he pursued a distinguished institutional career with the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA), becoming its vice president from 1965 to 1967.心理学空间v{9L{^
Loewenstein is known above all as one of the foremost figures, with Ernst Kris and Heinz Hartmann, of what has been called Ego psychology
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Literary works心理学空间a"pn%ks s8N!|

;SmRv-^5Pv!`'fK0Origine du masochisme et la théorie des pulsions, 1938心理学空间Vq(c%L'mA,m^
The vital or somatic drives, 1940心理学空间)qR*|]Gn~
Psychanalyse de l'Antisemitisme, 1952心理学空间O!V(_O7mY7LzW
(ed. with Heinz Hartmann and Ernst Kris), Notes on the theory of aggressions, 1949
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External links
P(u^%p,mD jV|0Works by or about Rudolph Loewenstein (psychoanalyst) in libraries (WorldCat catalog)

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2tR7\ o)h_-P{0Most widely held works about Rudolph Maurice Loewenstein心理学空间*EC:Y6q P]O!v&X
Records, 1945-1979, 1946-1965 (bulk) by New York Psychoanalytic Institute( )
@ K2W&u"O~ P0Reminiscences of Rudolph Maurice Loewenstein : oral history, 1965 by Rudolph Maurice Loewenstein( )心理学空间1F G)z|4y!O
Psychoanalysts oral history interviews, 1962-1985 by New York Psychoanalytic Institute( )心理学空间r4n!Yr_4~c{ul
Records of the International Psycho-Analytical Association, 1933-1971 (bulk 1965-1970) by International Psycho-Analytical Association( )心理学空间!l w4`[:| N7_'a)a
Elisabeth R. Geleerd papers, 1927-1969 (bulk 1945-1969) by Elisabeth R Geleerd( )心理学空间7} gw;b-Ln
Berta Bornstein papers, 1933-1971 (bulk 1945-1970) by Berta Bornstein( )心理学空间RI3Npt+F2_1\th
Anna Freud papers, 1880-1995 (bulk 1946-1982) by Anna Freud( )
6F V'O(aEu'_ W*`0Princess Marie Bonaparte papers, 1889-1962 (bulk 1913-1961) by Marie Bonaparte( )
C"U \;AG-|F9AaDM0Records, 1933-1971 (bulk 1965-1970) by International Psycho-Analytical Association( )心理学空间d?|P(YwQr}
Papers, 1880-1988 (bulk 1946-1982) by Anna Freud( )心理学空间6U(B,z] Q2{c \c|
Papers, 1927-1969 (bulk 1945-1969) by Elisabeth R Geleerd( )心理学空间$G9gG)rU!hA

TAG: Loewenstein Maurice Rudolph 鲁文斯坦
«精神分析理论与动力精神病学的教学 鲁文斯坦 Loewenstein
《鲁文斯坦 Loewenstein》
2010-12-01 00:28:17 polluspollus

heh 好