Handbook of Emotions情绪心理学手册, Third Edition
作者: Michael Lewis / 10533次阅读 时间: 2010年12月01日
标签: Emotion 心理学
Handbook of Emotions情绪心理学手册, Third Edition 作 者:Michael Lewis
出 版:The Guilford Press
书 号:9781609180447
原 价:¥$50.00元


Widely regarded as the standard reference in the field, this handbook comprehensively examines all aspects of emotion and its role in human behavior. The editors and contributors are foremost authorities who describe major theories, findings, methods, and applications. The volume addresses the interface of emotional processes with biology, child development, social behavior, personality, cognition, and physical and mental health. Also presented are state-of-the-science perspectives on fear, anger, shame, disgust, positive emotions, sadness, and other distinct emotions. Illustrations include seven color plates.
5\ _F:Q6s:G2G5z0Handbook of Emotions, Third Edition原版链接
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a.Ea5CGR#ymUKi@1O0Editor:Michael Lewis Phd, Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones Phd , Lisa Feldman Barrett PhD
!J:]#y(Ram%u0Publisher: The Guilford Press; Third Edition edition (November 3, 2010)心理学空间2r+aYB x u4v$p9U@
Language: English
|Al Y1R5Hn0ISBN-13: 9781609180447心理学空间J0m-C:]OV
Review心理学空间n$Kl} q.^m

P%?+znO W&B0"When selecting a textbook for my graduate students, I look for something that comprehensively describes the major theories and controversies in the discipline, written by well-recognized scholars. The Handbook of Emotions is just that. It is often difficult to find a text on affective processes that does not simply espouse one particular theorist’s perspective. The Handbook, however, provides models from a variety of perspectives, offering my students a well-rounded approach to emotion theory and research. This textbook remains a primary resource for my doctoral psychology students."--Thomas B. Virden, PhD, Clinical Psychology Program, Midwestern University, Glendale, Arizona心理学空间$~dw"Uo*`k
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"Emotion links all of psychology, making this handbook essential across the discipline. This 'who's who' and 'what's what' in emotion provides an indispensable foundation for students and scholars. Each reader will find much that is new in this rapidly changing and pivotal field. Personality and social psychologists appear at center stage, flanked on one side by biology and development, and on the other by cognition and application. The field of emotion--and this handbook--helps define what it means to be fully human."--Susan T. Fiske, PhD, Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology, Princeton University心理学空间;Mqaho.`
"Of the many brain functions that influence human behavior, none are more important than emotions. Emotions are also major determinants of a person's quality of life and health. In the past 30 years, knowledge about emotions has grown exponentially, and we are fortunate to have this handbook to provide detailed, comprehensive coverage of these advances. For those investigating emotions, as well as clinicians who care for patients with mood and emotional disorders, this book is essential reading."--Kenneth M. Heilman, MD, James E. Rooks Jr. Distinguished Professor of Neurology and Health Psychology, The University of Florida
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"The Handbook of Emotions has established itself as the standard reference in its field. Comprehensive, cogent, incisive, and authoritative, this volume is truly extraordinary. Its coverage and writing style make it a suitable text for graduate (and even advanced undergraduate) courses in human emotions. No other treatment of emotion touches so broadly and crisply on the major subfields of emotion, including basic, applied, medical, and mental health approaches. This third edition belongs on the shelves of everyone striving to understand emotions, and is a splendid high-level invitation to explore what has become one of the central fields of study in the behavioral sciences."--Joseph J. Campos, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley, and Cofounder, International Society for Research on Emotions心理学空间3\/Z,~+XW)O
"Once again, Lewis et al. have made it easy for anyone in the scholarly community to gain a rich appreciation of the current state of knowledge regarding emotions. This edition of the Handbook allows the current cohort of active investigators to see the next set of questions that must be answered."--Jerome Kagan, PhD, Daniel and Amy Starch Research Professor of Psychology, Emeritus, Harvard University
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6ug&?}'H0"This wonderful reference presents 49 different subtopic areas in order to better explain the concept of emotion. This book appears to be the gold standard in the field based on the distinguished editors and authors and the fact that it continues to be revised as new theories and research occur. All in all, this is a tremendous contribution to psychology and our understanding of human nature....4 stars!"--Doody''s Review Service心理学空间llg;NU/i2`p

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