PNAS:虚拟游戏互动 验证心理学理论
作者: 心理学 / 9158次阅读 时间: 2011年5月26日
来源: 转载 标签: 科学家 网络游戏 心理学 移动电话 网上购物





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科学家重点研究了玩家之间在游戏中6种互动关系:友谊、交流、贸易、敌视、侵略和惩罚。每种互动关系形成自己的网络,所有6种互动关系结合在一起,形成一个大的网络关系。该数据最独特之处是,某些网络关系之间关系较为正面,如友谊、交流和贸易,而某些网络关系之间的关系则较为负面如敌视、侵略和惩罚。心理学空间 H|:jM D!b&tkg:H

b h!{n3q4J*Y0研究人员发现,在正面友好的关系中,玩家投桃报李的倾向较为明显,而在负面敌对关系中则不然。如某一玩家A宣布玩家B是他们的朋友,玩家B很大的可能也做出相同回应。但如果玩家A宣布玩家B是他们的敌人,玩家B一般不会做出相同的回应。心理学空间/omL0HU/w9u'K'e+r

.d dlNZ_5l Sr7z0研究人员目前正在利用数学工具来开发大型复杂的社会网络系统,通过手机数据来研究数百万人之间的沟通模式,甚至要利用这样的系统来研究不同区域脑部的沟通等生物学问题。(生物谷心理学空间&_'E,K#R;HF~%B

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8QP_E'vl0Evolution & Human Behavior:智力影响男性的吸引力心理学空间o:Bi#y/J+}1@b&?

nNl@7O!p#_~0推荐原文原文出处:心理学空间.w7o/]bu-B0l&o w

c t7\t9Y.fW.W0PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1004008107

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Multirelational organization of large-scale social networks in an online world心理学空间n oDV'~(Q3rF7n

:o KZ9jrX0Michael Szella, Renaud Lambiotteb,c, and Stefan Thurnera,d,1

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.Dd9{}8s8A0aSection for Science of Complex Systems, Medical University of Vienna, Spitalgasse 23, 1090 Vienna, Austria;心理学空间~w+v"L8L)S6J){

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bInstitute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, London SW7 2PG, United Kingdom;心理学空间2R1\,u} kJ)i{

&sL2w L3G-QmW0cDepartment of Mathematics, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom; and

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dSanta Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road, Santa Fe, NM 87501


TNC ^P6JR,Vxz0The capacity to collect fingerprints of individuals in online media has revolutionized the way researchers explore human society. Social systems can be seen as a nonlinear superposition of a multitude of complex social networks, where nodes represent individuals and links capture a variety of different social relations. Much emphasis has been put on the network topology of social interactions, however, the multidimensional nature of these interactions has largely been ignored, mostly because of lack of data. Here, for the first time, we analyze a complete, multirelational, large social network of a society consisting of the 300,000 odd players of a massive multiplayer online game. We extract networks of six different types of one-to-one interactions between the players. Three of them carry a positive connotation (friendship, communication, trade), three a negative (enmity, armed aggression, punishment). We first analyze these types of networks as separate entities and find that negative interactions differ from positive interactions by their lower reciprocity, weaker clustering, and fatter-tail degree distribution. We then explore how the interdependence of different network types determines the organization of the social system. In particular, we study correlations and overlap between different types of links and demonstrate the tendency of individuals to play different roles in different networks. As a demonstration of the power of the approach, we present the first empirical large-scale verification of the long-standing structural balance theory, by focusing on the specific multiplex network of friendship and enmity relations.

TAG: 科学家 网络游戏 心理学 移动电话 网上购物
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