作者: 心理学 / 7116次阅读 时间: 2011年4月04日
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+^8|*\4F*t5a)G8i+KQ0根据一份报告,通过认知技巧调控与损失厌恶有关的自然增加的觉醒,可以减少人们在损失金钱后的不舒服的感觉。心理学空间(jl"[/S pcj

J4oXW'~%}\}0Elizabeth Phelps及其同事报告说,就像经常遇到盈利和损失的股票交易者那样,能够认识到市场有涨有落的人们能够更好地调控他们的与经济损失有关的情绪反应。此前的研究已经证明了大多数人对可能的损失的担心胜过他们预期可能的收益,这种现象称为损失厌恶。心理学空间5UC4N!d"pnc'a

Q\1k}n].?d0这组作者证实了这一发现,把生理觉醒的增加和损失而非收益关联了起来。但是当建议知受试者把一次损失放在和其他事件的不确定性相比的角度看待的时候,金钱损失的情绪觉醒显著降低了。然而,受试个体之间的损失厌恶减小的差别很大。心理学空间 j{\@ C^a1ohN.U

p.o[)z)vD*~Uu0这组科学家提出,尽管损失厌恶可能与我们的根深蒂固的人类反应有关,认知技巧可以帮助调控自然觉醒,而且可以帮助人们做出不同的选择。心理学空间;\$i gZ%K5dD1o t

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5] _"]&w"]&\0PNAS March 16, 2009, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0806761106心理学空间P9D@x/b? tK

W m'^ UuvP[v0Thinking like a trader selectively reduces individuals' loss aversion

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Peter Sokol-Hessnera, Ming Hsub, Nina G. Curleya, Mauricio R. Delgadoc, Colin F. Camererd and Elizabeth A. Phelpsa,1心理学空间wc0U {m.Np?

LW` a.D7zo5C0aDepartment of Psychology, New York University, 6 Washington Place, New York, NY 10003;心理学空间K\l8Q%H*X5x WV4x

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bBeckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, Department of Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 405 North Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801;心理学空间 G]w0H|p


cDepartment of Psychology, Rutgers University, 101 Warren Street, Newark, NJ 07102; and

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)|i-q$~Ub(V0dDivision of the Humanities and Social Sciences, California Institute of Technology, 1200 East California Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91125心理学空间 o&Q\E:gV*H/~:b

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Abstract心理学空间!i*F@(GXt!C A

Dx4_x?OA-gY0Research on emotion regulation has focused upon observers' ability to regulate their emotional reaction to stimuli such as affective pictures, but many other aspects of our affective experience are also potentially amenable to intentional cognitive regulation. In the domain of decision-making, recent work has demonstrated a role for emotions in choice, although such work has generally remained agnostic about the specific role of emotion. Combining psychologically-derived cognitive strategies, physiological measurements of arousal, and an economic model of behavior, this study examined changes in choices (specifically, loss aversion) and physiological correlates of behavior as the result of an intentional cognitive regulation strategy. Participants were on average more aroused per dollar to losses relative to gains, as measured with skin conductance response, and the difference in arousal to losses versus gains correlated with behavioral loss aversion across subjects. These results suggest a specific role for arousal responses in loss aversion. Most importantly, the intentional cognitive regulation strategy, which emphasized “perspective-taking,” uniquely reduced both behavioral loss aversion and arousal to losses relative to gains, largely by influencing arousal to losses. Our results confirm previous research demonstrating loss aversion while providing new evidence characterizing individual differences and arousal correlates and illustrating the effectiveness of intentional regulation strategies in reducing loss aversion both behaviorally and physiologically.心理学空间#o'R PJn:Hg;B#B

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