作者: 心理学 / 6648次阅读 时间: 2011年4月04日
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Q v}pm%@2DQ0空间顺序联觉是几类联觉——通过与众不同的方式将感觉联系起来的神经状态——中的一种。例如,字母—颜色联觉能够将字母、数字与颜色联系起来——对联觉的人来说,数字6看起来可能总是红色的。而在其他类型的联觉中,“猫”这个词汇或许会产生番茄汤一般的味道,以及听到长笛的声音可能就如同看见了蓝天上的白云。

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最近,科学家曾寻思,联觉,特别是空间顺序联觉,是否与形成记忆的一种超级能力有关。因此,英国爱丁堡大学的心理学家Julia Simner对10名空间顺序联觉者进行了测试,旨在搞清他们所具有的不同寻常的记忆水平或智力才能。受试者被要求迅速回忆发生在1950年到2008年的120个公共事件的确切时间,例如纳尔逊曼德拉从南非监狱中重获自由的年份(1990年),或是《窈窕淑女》荣获奥斯卡最佳影片奖的时间(1965年)。平均来看,非联觉志愿者的记忆与事件发生的准确时间相差约8年,而联觉者的误差仅为4年。并且与对照组相比,联觉者能够指出的发生在特定年份的事件的数量是前者的两倍。Simner说:“他们拥有了一个神秘莫测的额外礼物。”心理学空间N0b*`S!iy h7@`mn

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,t| G#HV&| j8vmj D0美国得克萨斯州休斯敦市贝勒医学院的神经科学家David Eagleman认为,这项研究与我们对于记忆如何运作的认识是一致的。Eagleman说:“将事物放入空间位置进行记忆是我们已知的最古老的记忆术。而这些空间顺序联觉者却能够自由地掌握这门手艺。”心理学空间;cYpY}o(y"@o


心理学之家 推荐原文原始出处:

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Cortex 45(10):1246-60 (2009)心理学空间6wE1{ R4d/n/|6M8C/M

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A foundation for savantism? Visuo-spatial synaesthetes present with cognitive benefits心理学空间R ];|u:ZnQ


Julia Simner, Neil Mayo and Mary-Jane Spiller

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Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh, UK.心理学空间3D+[]DL\

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Individuals with 'time-space' synaesthesia have conscious awareness of mappings between time and space (e.g., they may see months arranged in an ellipse, or years as columns or spirals). These mappings exist in the 3D space around the body or in a virtual space within the mind's eye. Our study shows that these extra-ordinary mappings derive from, or give rise to, superior abilities in the two domains linked by this cross-modal phenomenon (i.e., abilities relating to time, and visualised space). We tested ten time-space synaesthetes with a battery of temporal and visual/spatial tests. Our temporal battery (the Edinburgh [Public and Autobiographical] Events Battery - EEB) assessed both autobiographical and non-autobiographical memory for events. Our visual/spatial tests assessed the ability to manipulate real or imagined objects in 3D space (the Three Dimensional Constructional Praxis test; Visual Object and Space Perception Battery, University of Southern California Mental Rotation Test) as well as assessing visual memory recall (Visual Patterns Test - VPT). Synaesthetes' performance was superior to the control population in every assessment, but was not superior in tasks that do not draw upon abilities related to their mental calendars. Our paper discusses the implications of this temporal-spatial advantage as it relates to normal processing, synaesthetic processing, and to the savant-like condition of hyperthymestic syndrome (Parker et al., 2006). | PMID: 19665699 | DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2009.07.007

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