Child Emotional Security and Interparental Conflict
作者: Davies, Patrick T / 9250次阅读 时间: 2012年9月18日
来源: Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2003-1 标签: 儿童 家庭冲突 亲子 情绪
Child Emotional Security and Interparental Conflict 作 者:Davies, Patrick T
出 版:Blackwell
书 号:9781405112345
原 价:¥376.00元

6e+l@VO0Child Emotional Security and Interparental Conflict 儿童情绪安全与父母冲突心理学空间\)NuQvg
心理学空间Kt M z7P7B} ]#n9L
副标: Monographs Of The Society For Research Inracial Exclusion心理学空间M{ TU)~+u.a KR
作者: Davies, Patrick T. 编 / Harold, Gordon T. 编 / Goeke-Morey, Marcie C. 编 / Cummings, E. Mark 编心理学空间S VD"N@'R:zh
出版: Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2003-1心理学空间$y-TgY ] ]
页数: 180
U F"Ny;pA4`1O0装帧: Pap心理学空间!Ux+O{ x-vJ? | [m
ISBN: 9781405112345心理学空间n {[yU+T
定价: ¥376.00心理学空间C6Tc3V(@j3n
Child Emotional Security and Interparental Conflict tests a theory proposing that high levels of conflict between parents leads to an increased child risk for mental health difficulties by shaking the childa s sense of security in the family. This insecurity was associated with greater mental health difficulties, even when considering the role of prior mental health, child perceptions of parental conflict, and parent--child relations.
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;y?3w;oWj8m$|#w%X&X0Patrick T. Davies (Ph.D., West Virginia University, 1995) is an Associaite Professor of Psychology at the University of Rochester. His primary research interests relate to understanding childrena s normal and abnormal development in the context of family relationships and processes. He is a co--author (with Mark Cummings) of Children and Marital Conflict (1994) and Developmental Psychopathology and Family Process (2000). Gordon Harold (Ph.D., 1998, Cardiff University) is a lecturer in the School of Psychology at Cardff University, Wales. His primary research interests relate to understanding the effects of interparental conflict on childrena s emotional and behavioral development, the genetic basis of childrena s emotional and behavioral problems, and methodological issues associated with the analysis of longitudinal family data. He is co--author with Jan Prior and Jenny Reynolds of the book Not in Front of the Children? (2001). Marcie C. Goeke--Morey (Ph.D., 1999, University of Notre Dame) is a research assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Notre Dame. Her research interests include the socio--emotional development of children within the family context, with particular emphasis on the influence of fathers and the constructive and positive elements of family life and relationships. E. Mark Cummings (Ph.D., 1977, University of California, Los Angeles) is professor of psychology and the Notre Dame Chair in Psychology at the University of Notre Dame. His research interests are broadly concerned with relations between adaptive and maladaptive family functioning and childrena s normal development and development of risk for psychopathology. Dr. Cummings is co--author of a half dozen books, including (with Patrick T. Davies) of Children and Marital Conflict (1994) and Developmental Psychopathology and Family Process (2000).
KA`#I0I vjdo0目录心理学空间&z ?Nf;UL
K8i*\c6v8{ v0I. Introduction and Literature Review.
X0aSV7C&l0II. Study 1: Child Responses to Interparental Conflict: Comparing the Relative Roles Of Emotional Security and Social Learning Processes.
#AGtWa8h0III. Study 2: Relations Between Interparental Conflict, Child Emotional Security, and Adjustment in the Context of Cognitive Appraisals.心理学空间YHup8^)A-K5W
IV. Study 3: Parental Conflict and Child Security in the Family System.心理学空间^d3r&b3P9QY F(Q
V. Study 4: Family Characteristics as Potentiating and Protective Factors in the Association Between Parental Conflict and Child Functioning.心理学空间4w9iE})W4eXnn?{
VI. Conclusions, Implications, and Future Directions.
.fX X'Q0q |2U0VII. References.心理学空间\!mg)o{Q s$g
VIII. Acknowledgements.
8I0}?i[5y0IX. Commentary: Mechanisms in the Development of Emotional Organization.心理学空间4Q0l)xT({~0}E
X. Contributors.
2B;KHl/O7W6n#r2~x0xi. Statement of Editorial Policy.

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TAG: 儿童 家庭冲突 亲子 情绪
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