作者: 心理空间 / 16516次阅读 时间: 2012年9月19日
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,p5Ql8k4F0Patrick Davies 心理学空间MgvV(ZdV

GY.hy ft0January 2012

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Address: Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology 心理学空间 o7h.XG6V6F

E+sOA2~)F0University of Rochester 心理学空间5?0Y^BAX |7V

y^6u ^"j0Rochester, NY 14627

2LjJ*R ss[ c{0心理学空间%N'wZ+N/[ OB

(585) 273-4672 心理学空间)_(L F @'w9i3oh

1D4e6Sa3{ S.r9H%\B0E-MAIL: 心理学空间 [.[C)o&Y/T8G%f.p6H

@1BEe(v4r[R!Y%z;W0FAX: (585) 273-1100 心理学空间5L4m^Uj+l z


EDUCATION 心理学空间)s5H$DL(U xd^

~8]RI!`?1D&Q0B.A., Summa Cum Laude, Psychology, State University of New York (SUNY) 心理学空间8v}5WosB.L$N


College at Brockport, 1990

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]E@x S yP0d0M.A., Developmental Psychology, West Virginia University, 1993 心理学空间U'Wx|&I8R?P)f.r'pN

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Ph.D., Developmental Psychology, West Virginia University, 1995 心理学空间#oY.ME!I1B5U

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YVX w(Y?-L u02005-Present Professor, Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology, University of Rochester

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2001-2005 Associate Professor, Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in心理学空间1~)BWI5Td7]


Psychology, University of Rochester 心理学空间+c)Q)p [AC-Gz

Y"@d%S]!peRJ%W01997-2001 Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology, University of Rochester. 心理学空间8`,l4K `e|

8y#AU n&V1~.vOE01995-1997 Assistant Research Scientist, Research Institute on Addictions, Buffalo, NY (Post Doctoral Advisor: Michael Windle, Ph.D.). 心理学空间4f'T4m9o.[,q0y,k j!s


1993-1995 Undergraduate Instructor, Department of Psychology, West Virginia 心理学空间+z&XTP iuY6w^

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Sumg$R&av!HO01990 Mental Health Counselor, Attention Deficit Disorder Program, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh: Full-time summer position. Patrick Davies Curriculum Vitae Page 2

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/MZC/]1{0SELECTED HONORS AND AWARDS (1990 - Present) 心理学空间 p.b&N U,~1C

`v[&yHXsP CXC.N0Departmental Scholar Award in Psychology, SUNY Brockport, 1990


}n*S7_n5jj kw6d0Sigma Xi Student Research Award for Psychology, SUNY Brockport, 1990 心理学空间yn1FchY

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AArlen and Louise Stone Swiger Fellow, West Virginia University, 1990-1993


Dj}s$G,oY(d1p0Don Hake Outstanding Graduate Student Career Award, West Virginia University, 1995 心理学空间0c2yO,z(x6wQ Ca

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University of Rochester Georgen Award for Distinguished Achievement and Artistry in Undergraduate Education (2002)

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Boyd McCandless Early Career Award for Significant Contributions to Developmental Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 7 (Developmental) Award (2002)

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Golden Key International Honour Society, Honorary Member for Commitment and Outstanding Contributions to Higher Education, University of Rochester Chapter (2006) 心理学空间G~|7MY#kD$@*D

&].e"uY0x.Z?\#YV0Reuben Hill Research and Theory Award (2007), National Council on Family Relations, Best Research Paper. 心理学空间u;E4t ?JRu5G

;MH!q1q9R@_7g0Cattell, Sabbatical Award (2011-2012), James McKeen Cattell Fund Fellowships

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2010 Ranked in the 11% Percentile in Funding for Principal Investigators with NIH grants /p>心理学空间U&x5uyMc$Wo

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GRANT ACTIVITIES (1999 - Present) 心理学空间4DY&oX/zTm-S


1999-2005 Family process, emotional security, and child adjustment. National Institute of

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Mental Health, R01 MH57318. Principal Investigator. Funded: $1,878,816. (co PI: Mark Cummings)


g7e vcg z,`022002-2005 Interparental conflict and parenting: The role of gender. National Institute of Mental Health, F32 MH 066596, Sponsor of an Individual National Research Service Award at the Post-Doctoral Level for Melissa Sturge-Apple. Funded: $121,124.

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Cm {O^$nJo t02003-2005 Processes of child risk in family and community contexts. /font>National Institute of Mental Health, F31 MH068057, Sponsor of an Individual National Research Service Award at the Pre-Doctoral Level for Marcia Winter. Funded: $72,464.

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2004-2009 Domestic violence, child security, and child mental health. National Institute of Mental Health, R01 MH071256. Principal Investigator. Funded: $2,777,599. 心理学空间k#s}2Q+DP,[+Fx

NN']n4z02006-2012 Family process, emotional security, and child adjustment. National Institute of Mental Health,, 2R01 MH 57318. Principal Investigator. Funded: $3,164,171. (Co-PIs: Mark Cummings, Dante Cicchetti). Patrick Davies Curriculum Vitae Page 3


W{0U{.i*|9c&];y W02009-2012 Marital conflict, the role of sibling relationships, and child adjustment, /font>National心理学空间0T/M)F8e5o m*^6|

q6b%wPb0u D w `Ii0Institute of Child Health and Human Development,, F31 HD061348. Sponsor of an Individual National Research Service Award at the Predoctoral Level for Sonnette Bascoe. Funded: $89,564.

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2010-2015 An ethological analysis of children's emotional security, National Institute of Child Health and Development, R01 HD 065425. Principal Investigator. Funded: $3,109,653. 心理学空间Ye(brP8|Wy

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2010-2015 Emotional processes in families: New methods capturing multiple levels of

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analysis. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, R01 HD060709. Principal Investigator. Funded: $3,352,922. (PIs: Melissa Sturge-Apple, Wendi Heinzelman, Zeljko, Ignjatovic, Spencer Rosero, Mark Bocko). 心理学空间:]y R ]O A1w2M.n&K



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LQ-ifQ0American Psychological Association, 1989-present

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)`_0vlCaS0American Psychological Association, Division 7 (Developmental Psychology) 1999-present

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Society for Research in Child Development, 1991-present 心理学空间_hx)`(z@dw h



df9~Z)iPbP$b l L0Associate Editor 心理学空间5M&Q0r9U8M1q#U/N7o6c0I:m


Development and Psychopathology (2003 - Present)

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Developmental Psychology (2008-2010) 心理学空间UR_$s:vI@5sw'f

X'oGRNsYk(_0Guest Editor


Development and Psychopathology, ffor special issue entitled 揊amily Systems and Developmental Psychopathology?(2004) 心理学空间D[0i9U.N1P

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Editorial Board Membership /p>

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7k#pF4D-k x d1h0Child Development (1998 - 2007)

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Development and Psychopathology (1999 - Present)


!S,{z^ r2EF0Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (2002- Present)

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Journal of Family Psychology (2001 ?2003; 2007)

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Partner Abuse (2008-present) 心理学空间/q|W|(RY

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Society for Research in Child Development Conference, Review Panel Member (2000, 2002, 2008, 2010) 心理学空间'r!WmK+V

&I/kVR"Ca0Ad Hoc Reviewing 心理学空间L}8A9R^%~ o4S-Vt

s]Tnz"Tp n|0Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research Patrick Davies Curriculum Vitae Page 4 心理学空间&z8z5cz)e2~Q

Zbw b2gm(A7n0American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 心理学空间*b3CQj,B|3m

4j-` ]o~dk8zT@0Applied Developmental Science

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Child Development 心理学空间,M| K;U h&^rK-]e

YIOd(U3])xxOL0Development and Psychopathology 心理学空间0j`#`g!J,s

iwNC"Q.y0Developmental Psychology 心理学空间1I.l1`W&sN9b

2e0|1os3hn0Developmental Review 心理学空间 {Sk)TKn+n{*Z`

{-u&cBm[&{,~GE Y0Family Relations 心理学空间i%c9lY9p'C#N

d r8dR4\+t'fCz0Infant and Child Development 心理学空间%y UTo'z1f.a

!Ob/zYo/g+_0Infant Mental Health Journal

1I4F6?5lv,r.W1\ l2Q0

:V,\ ~H#rp,k0Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 心理学空间1K(kfxmJWd\m2X


Journal of Abnormal Psychology 心理学空间J+dZ GqJ

D,{8C0y:`-B3L'V-Y0Journal of Adolescence

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)? Z.|,\.j)v0Journal of Adolescent Research


q#C?Qmi0Journal of Affective Disorders 心理学空间 neuBE7F

~ V'|0yw2@(X0Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 心理学空间*j"X:zA-it?W

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Journal of Child and Family Studies 心理学空间*u2@^(P4R!{2W

Y9B2{*V/pg`-Y0Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 心理学空间l6G0S n T,Yjvt^wi

{0P0m3qPn Zr!zm'l,p0Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

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Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 心理学空间(}fQ1[7v Z

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Journal of Family Psychology


kOi/t Ky0Journal of Marriage and the Family

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Journal of Research on Adolescence 心理学空间L&S2R-l ds&k"u el)}

0T4q le%?K0Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 心理学空间;[!J nf8C J3N+?[

R:H| nIk/D0Journal of Undergraduate Research 心理学空间'D:mG6\c;ug2t {8R

/w B h#D{1R~0Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 心理学空间q juIy(W


Mind, Brain, and Education 心理学空间Z9dGvLw k

v8@X_ s4L0OE0Parenting: Science and Practice

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Partner Abuse

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9n}&`iD mXR8vy~hJ0Perceptual and Motor Skills 心理学空间1|I}r`4\/O

[Ouw jW0Psychological Assessment

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Psychological Medicine

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1N"M4w ?\ f4e0Psychological Reports


g]3@l B_g+Ts's0Psychopharmacology 心理学空间,dCq DS o

*u c9a8wu6Km3F0Social Development

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Grant Reviewing Activities 心理学空间WW4g#ca

1bb2Ldr1\0Australian Research Council, Large Grant Support Reviewer (95-96)

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National Institute of Health: Member of Risk, Prevention and Health Behavior 心理学空间_0|)\7m(r-i


Integrated Review Group (ZRG1-RPHB) (2004) 心理学空间#} fU5G8?

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Jacobs Foundation, Zurich Switzerland, Grant Reviewer 心理学空间i,}k3u'D]

} rZ3Ck;W1y4F#^0National Institute of Health: Member of Social Psychology, Risk, and Psychosocial Development Review Group (ZRG1-F11) (2005-2006; 2008).


National Institute of Health: Member of Risk, Prevention, and Health Behavior Scientific Patrick Davies Curriculum Vitae Page 5 心理学空间x'P*V'Df @ b

ZBht'`!\Q0Review Group Member (ZRG1 RPHB-A and ZRG1 RPHB-E) 心理学空间4Xg&yW+n

J e p g vBP&P0Standing Member, National Institute of Health: Member of the Psychosocial Development, Risk, 心理学空间.gx"{'Z]{0{

心理学空间bz2Z,f8oK:d rzZE ^

and Prevention (PDRP) Study Section (2010-2014)


~V.S!Ph0Chair, National Institute of Health: Member of the Psychosocial Development, Risk, and 心理学空间`Z7Fd'j-}v2j

)e B&X#T'l0Prevention (PDRP) Study Section (2011-2013)

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National Institute of Health: Member of the Psychosocial Development, Risk,

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and Prevention (PDRP) Study Section (2010-2014)

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Public Policy Activities

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National Family Violence Legislative Resource Center, Advisory Board (2008-present)



«婚姻冲突与儿童:情绪安全视角 Patrick Davies 帕特里克·戴维斯
《Patrick Davies 帕特里克·戴维斯》