Oxford Handbook of Developmental Behavioral Neuroscience
作者: Mark S. Blumberg / 5589次阅读 时间: 2012年8月01日
来源: Oxford 2009
Oxford Handbook of Developmental Behavioral Neuroscience 作 者:Mark S. Blumberg
出 版:Oxford 2009
书 号:9780195314731
原 价:¥1,393元

i7ZA3Bu U `7n0Oxford Handbook of Developmental Behavioral Neuroscience: Epigenetics, Evolution, and Behavior [精装]心理学空间3A9l$Y.{4L5Y&hdX

\"l8v(K[OV0~ Mark S. Blumberg (编者), John H. Freeman (编者), Scott R. Robinson (编者) 心理学空间%x:v5}!u%?4H)qD

_1^%]~&P#\`(t/v[Q0出版社: Oxford University Press Inc (2009年11月12日)心理学空间mxIC8]Qg:Mj5}n


精装: 784页心理学空间9}et ZW u+fd

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语种: 英语

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I1s6P,PO tNAao0ISBN: 0195314735心理学空间lFD#xn[!EXr

,j%L(z9y:_0条形码: 9780195314731心理学空间a3A#p zds wM8_

r-Q~V/nRX D0商品尺寸: 18.8 x 4.6 x 26.1 cm心理学空间Q:RgU#@

(k;i*CRYfh0商品重量: 2.1 Kg心理学空间| H;O6Kk9F(|z


ASIN: 0195314735心理学空间*][sm"{9d

zt+b*y OWR0价格: ¥ 1,393.00心理学空间%_ K `J `l8~._ D

@D1Zg;\,oQe9fm0The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Behavioral Neuroscience is a seminal reference work in the burgeoning field of developmental behavioral neuroscience, which has emerged in recent years as an important sister discipline to developmental psychobiology. This handbook, part of the OxfordLibrary of Neuroscience, provides an introduction to recent advances in research at the intersection of developmental science and behavioral neuroscience, while emphasizing the central research perspectives of developmental psychobiology. Contributors to the Oxford Handbook of DevelopmentalBehavioral Neuroscience are drawn from a variety of fields, including developmental psychobiology, neuroscience, comparative psychology, and evolutionary biology, demonstrating the opportunities to advance our understanding of behavioral and neural development through enhanced interactions among parallel disciplines. 心理学空间ixhX'Na.F

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In a field ripe for collaboration and integration, the Oxford Handbook of Developmental Behavioral Neuroscience provides an unprecedented overview of conceptual and methodological issues pertaining to comparative and developmental neuroscience that can serve as a roadmap for researchers and a textbook for educators. Its broad reach will spur new insights and compel new collaborations in this rapidly growing field.心理学空间 wd(_Wq ed8}d0H0t

Y1yH8T:R/FT H0"The epigenetics of behavioral development (aka developmental psychobiology) has a deep and rich history that recently has been overshadowed by discoveries in molecular epigenetics. Although both enterprises seek to understand development, behavioral neuroscientists are concerned principally with the organization of organisms throughout the different stages of their life history. As such, it reveals more about how the individual is formed and functions than do studies that focus only at the level of the control and consequences of gene action. This volume brings together the latest efforts of the most important researchers who synthesize and integrate findings from different levels of biological organization in both animals and humans." - David Crews, Ashbel Smith Professor of Zoology and Psychology, Section of Integrative Biology, University of Texas at Austin 心理学空间EGDG0B%f(La

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p,k V}-w3cI6N@}0"This is an extremely valuable handbook that draws on a stellar group of authors who are integrating behavioral and neurobiological analyses to characterize the ontogeny of psychological capacities. It is clear from the wealth of information and range of topics covered in this book that the field of developmental behavioral neuroscience has matured to a highly productive research area. Coincidentally, because it has also become clear that many neurological and psychiatric disorders have their origins in the course of brain development, the value of this basic research field is immense. Therefore, this volume is a must read, both for the basic neuroscientists who are curious about the emergence of their favorite psychological faculty, and for translational neuroscientists who are looking for clues about where and how brain and behavioral development can go right or go awry." -Howard C. Eichenbaum, Prof. of Psychology and Director, Program of Neuroscience, Boston University


"This comprehensive treatment of development draws on the traditions of neurobiology, behavioral neuroscie心理学空间%w4Kz!o!k |:_2XL8x

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