Item Response Theory项目反应理论
作者: Susan E. Embretson / 6420次阅读 时间: 2012年11月20日
来源: Lawrence 标签: 项目 商品 principles displays familiar
Item Response Theory项目反应理论 作 者:Susan E. Embretson
出 版: Lawrence 2005
书 号:9780805828191
原 价:¥676.00元

Item Response Theory项目反应理论

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~ Susan E. Embretson (作者), Steven P. Reise (作者)心理学空间&zQz1Rb*L/\#CQ ZM

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出版社: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc (2000年5月1日)心理学空间&P r$X*|`9^iDi

1AGR0`.pla0丛书名: Multivariate Applications Series心理学空间[-k6rG_3S.{

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平装: 384页


9@0Qj4NO L+^A7P0语种: 英语心理学空间]F}F9e-n N8xp

A8C!X)R,Pq#oTq.Ua0ISBN: 0805828192心理学空间"pN iL\P@

7B pI.F2oi3M8R0条形码: 9780805828191

6IS Tj~&F IE0心理学空间;Y"y+b P&Apm

商品尺寸: 15.2 x 2.5 x 22.9 cm


商品重量: 544 g心理学空间.N|8v1jy/D


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This book develops an intuitive understanding of IRT principles through the use of graphical displays and analogies to familiar psychological principles. It surveys contemporary IRT models, estimation methods, and computer programs. Polytomous IRT models are given central coverage since many psychological tests use rating scales. Ideal for clinical, industrial, counseling, educational, and behavioral medicine professionals and students familiar with classical testing principles, exposure to material covered in first-year graduate statistics courses is helpful. All symbols and equations are thoroughly explained verbally and graphically.

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Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA University of California, Losa Angeles, USA心理学空间8h9w ob HSl

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Contents: Preface. Part I: Introduction. Introduction. Part II: Item Response Theory Principles: Some Contrasts and Comparisons. The New Rules of Measurement. Item Response Theory as Model-Based Measurement. Part III: The Fundamentals of Item Response Theory. Binary IRT Models. Polytomous IRT Models. The Trait Level Measurement Scale: Meaning, Interpretations, and Measurement-Scale Properties. Measuring Persons: Scoring Examinees With IRT Models. Calibrating Items: Estimation. Assessing the Fit of IRT Models. Part IV: Applications of IRT Models. IRT Applications: DIF, CAT, and Scale Analysis. IRT Applications in Cognitive and Developmental Assessment. Applications of IRT in Personality and Attitude Assessment. Computer Programs for Conducting IRT Parameter Estimation.心理学空间h{9Dahz'O

TAG: 项目 商品 principles displays familiar
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