Remembering William K. Estes
作者: BPS / 22113次阅读 时间: 2013年3月04日
标签: Estes
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网心理学空间^*C dKYh$R8{2_

Xt6~zZ&Z1B&} b0Janet Metcalfe
b+u;N+?B:r0Columbia University心理学空间c&c?2A1E+T

I knew Estes mainly as an editor and as a mentor from afar. He published my PhD Thesis — our first encounter — but he made me work for it, requiring the “small” revision that I take into account several decades of work. He did this as if it were just an obvious thing to do. It made an impression.心理学空间4PcWl i.Y"O ` g}I `

Bill was not just a touchstone scientifically, he was one of the most important figures in turning cognitive psychology into acommunityof researchers, all dedicated to understanding the big questions. I recall that when I was about to move to the East Coast to go to teach at Dartmouth University, Bill called me and invited me and my daughter Teal to stay with him and Kay in Boston to ease the transition. And stay we did, in William James’ home, which was then Kay and Bill’s home. Connections, through Estes, back to William James, and into the future.心理学空间7A9E6L7xW'Gp$A1B

He was an inspiration, and I’m very happy I was one of those many individuals who he so graciously took under his wing.

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