美国2009年心理治疗演化大会Evolution of Psychotherapy 2009 Conference
作者: Evolution of Psychot / 7367次阅读 时间: 2010年3月12日
来源: evolutionofpsychotherapy.com 标签: Conference Evolution 美国 心理治疗 演化
Daniel  Amen, MD
Daniel Amen, MDPhysician, psychiatrist, brain imaging specialist, Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, and the CEO and medical Director of Amen Clinics, Inc. in Newport Beach and Fairfield, California, Tacoma, Washington and Reston, Virginia. He is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, where he teaches medical students and psychiatric residents about using brain imaging in clinical practice. Dr. Amen is the author of 35 professional articles, four book chapters and 22 books, including the New York Times bestseller, Change Your Brain, Change Your Life. His most recent book is Magnificent Mind at Any Age. He also has co-produced a show called The Truth about Drinking, on alcohol education for teenagers, which won an Emmy Award for the Best Educational Television Show.
Albert Bandura, PhD
Albert Bandura, PhDProfessor of Psychology at Stanford University. A major focus of his work concerns the human capacity for self-directedness. This research is adding new insights on how people’s beliefs in their efficacy contribute to their aspirations, accomplishments, and well-being. Dr. Bandura is past president of the American Psychological Association.
David Barlow, PhD
Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, and Founder and Director Emeritus of the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders at Boston University. He has published more than 500 articles and 60 books mostly in the area of the nature and treatment of emotional disorders. Dr. Barlow is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Distinguished Scientific Award for Applications of Psychology from the American Psychological Association.
Aaron Beck, MD

President of the non-profit Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research, and Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. He is the recipient of numerous awards and honorary degrees. Dr. Beck is the only psychiatrist to receive research awards from the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association. He is author and co-author of more than 375 articles and 13 books.

Judith Beck, PhD
Judith Beck, PhDDirector of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research in suburban Philadelphia, and Clinical Associate Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. She divides her time between administration, supervision and teaching, clinical work, program development, research and writing. Dr. Beck is a founding fellow and past president of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. She has written numerous articles on a variety of topics related to cognitive therapy, and is the author of the widely adopted textbooks,Cognitive Therapy: Basics and BeyondandCognitive Therapy for Challenging Problems, which have been translated into 20 languages. Her other books includeCognitive Therapy for Personality DisordersandThe Oxford Textbook of Psychotherapy. She has written extensively on a cognitive behavioral approach to weight loss, including three books for consumers,The Beck Diet Solution: Train Your Brain to Think Like a Thin Personwith workbook, andThe Complete Beck Diet for Life.
Claudia Black, PhD
Claudia Black, PhDClaudia Black, Ph.D. is a renowned addictions and codependency expert, author and trainer internationally recognized for her pioneering and contemporary work with family systems and addictive disorders. Dr. Black’s work has encompassed the impact of addiction on young and adult children. She has offered models of intervention and treatment related to family violence, multi-addictions, relapse, anger, depression and women’s issues. Dr. Black designs and presents training workshops and seminars to professional audiences in the field of family service, mental health, addiction and correctional services. She is the Senior Editorial Advisor for Central Recovery Press and serves as Senior Clinical and Family Services Provider for Las Vegas Recovery Center. She serves on the Advisory Board for the National Association of Children of Alcoholics, and the Advisory Council of the Moyer Foundation. Dr. Black is the recipient of numerous national awards including the 2004 Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Washington School of Social Work. Claudia is the author ofIt Will Never Happen To Me,Changing Course,My Dad Loves Me,My Dad Has A Disease,Repeat After Me,It's Never Too Late To Have A Happy Childhood,Relapse Toolkit,A Hole in the Sidewalk,Depression Strategies,Straight Talk,The Stamp Game,Family Strategies,Anger Strategiesand her newest titleDeceived: Facing Sexual Betrayal, Lies and Secrets. She has produced several audio CDs and over twenty DVDs. All of Claudia’s materials are available from her websitewww.claudiablack.com.
David Burns, MD
Adjunct Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Stanford University School of Medicine. He has served as Visiting Scholar at Harvard Medical School and Acting Chief of Psychiatry at the Presbyterian/University of Pennsylvania Medical Center. His best-selling books,Feeling GoodandThe Feeling Good Handbookhave sold more than five million copies worldwide and are books most frequently recommended by American and Canadian mental health professionals for patients suffering from depression. His latest book,When Panic Attacks,illustrates new approaches to the treatment of anxiety disorders. Dr. Burns has won many awards for his research and teaching, including the Outstanding Contributions Award from the National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists, the A.E. Bennett Award, and the Distinguished Contribution to Psychology through the Media Award. The graduating residents at the Stanford Medical School have named him “Teacher of the Year” on three occasions.
Deepak Chopra, MD
Deepak Chopra, MDPhysician board-certified in internal medicine. He is licensed to practice medicine in Massachusetts and California. He is a member of the American Medical Association, and a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. Dr. Chopra is co-founder of the Chopra Center located in Carlsbad, California; with a branch in New York City. He teaches an update in Internal Medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School. Dr. Chopra has written more than 50 books. They range broadly across spiritual and health topics; including bestsellers on aging, theSeven Spiritual Laws of Success, the existence of God, arguments for the afterlife and world peace. He also has written novels and edited collections of spiritual poetry from India and Persia.
Nicholas A. Cummings, PhD, ScD
Former president of the American Psychological Association, founded the California School of Professional Psychology, and the National Council of Schools of Professional Psychology (NCSPP), as well as the National Academies of Practice. Dr. Cummings founded American Biodyne, the only psychology-driven national mental health care company. He is currently Distinguished Professor at the University of Nevada, Reno and President of the Cummings Foundation for Behavioral health. He is author or co-author of 47 books.
Janet L. Cummings, PsyD
Janet L. Cummings, PsyDCo-director of the new Doctor of Behavioral Health Program at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, adjunct professor of psychology at the University of Nevada, Reno, NV, and in halftime private practice in Scottsdale, AZ. She is an authority on suicidal behavior and the treatment of Axis II patients, and is sought after as an expert therapy supervisor. She is author or co-author of eight books.
Robert Dilts
Global reputation as a leading developer, author, coach, trainer and consultant in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Robert worked closely with NLP co-founders, John Grinder and Richard Bandler at the time of its creation, and also studied with Milton H. Erickson, MD, and Gregory Bateson. Robert pioneered the applications of NLP to education, creativity, health, leadership, belief systems and the development of what has become known as “Third Generation NLP.”  Robert is the principal author ofNeuro-Linguistic Programming, Vol.1, which serves as the standard reference text for the field, and has authored or co-authored numerous other books on NLP includingChanging Belief Systems with NLP;Beliefs: Pathways to Health and Well Being;Tools for the Spirit; andFrom Coach to Awakener.
Eugene Gendlin, PhD
Eugene Gendlin, PhDInternationally recognized as a major American philosopher and psychologist and founder of the Focusing Institute. He has been honored three times by the American Psychological Association for his development of Experiential Psychotherapy. He received the first “Distinguished Professional Psychologist of the Year” award from the Clinical Division, an award from Philosophical Psychology Division, and he and the Focusing Institute received an award from the Humanistic Division. His book,Focusing, has sold more than 400,000 copies and is in twelve languages. His other books include,Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams,andFocusing-Oriented Psychotherapy.
Stephen Gilligan, PhD
Licensed psychologist practicing in Encinitas, California. He studied extensively with Milton H. Erickson and Gregory Bateson. After receiving his doctorate from Stanford University, Dr. Gilligan became known as one of the premier teachers and practitioners of Ericksonian Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. He later developed Self-Relations Psychotherapy, an approach that integrates mind, body and spiritual experience. In 2004, he received the lifetime Achievement Award from the Milton H. Erickson Foundation. His numerous books includeTherapeutic Trances: The Cooperation Principle in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, Brief Therapy, Therapeutic Conversations, The Courage to Love: Principles and Practices of Self-Relations Psychotherapy, The Legacy of Milton Erickson,andWalking in Two Worlds: Self-Relations in Theory.His website address is  www.StephenGilligan.com.
William Glasser, MD
Board certified in psychiatry and has received the honorary degree of Doctor of Human Letters, Honoris Causa. He is President and Founder of the William Glasser Institute, which provides training in Reality Therapy and Choice Theory worldwide. Dr. Glasser is author of more than 20 books. His latest publication isTreating Mental Health as a Public Health Problem.
John Gottman, PhD, &Jule Schwartz Gottman, PhD
John Gottman is world renowned for his work on marital stability and divorce prediction, involving the study of emotions, physiology and communication. His breakthrough research on marriage and parenting has erned him numerous major awards. he is author or co-author of 119 published academic articles and 37 books. John has appeared on numerous TV programs, including Good Morning, America, Today, CBS Morning News, Discovery Health, and Oprah. Dr. Gottman is co-founder of the Gottman Institute. He is executive director of the non-profit Relationship Research Institute.
Jule Gottman, is co-founder and Clinical Director of the Gottman Institute and co-teaches the Institute’s Advanced Training Seminar in Couples Therapy and the Art and Science of Love Couples Weekend Workshop with Dr. John Gottman. Julie co-founded the Gottman Institute and established its affiliated marriage Clinic at which she serves as Clinical Director. Julie also is in private practice in Seattle, Washington.
Steven C. Hayes, PhD
Nevada Foundation Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Nevada, Reno. An author of more than 400 scientific articles and 32 books, includingGet Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life, his work focuses on the role of language and cognition in human suffering. He is one of the leading voices for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, an acceptance and mindfulness-based behavioral and cognitive therapy.
Harville Hendrix, PhD
Co-created Image Relationship Therapy and co-founded Imago Relationships International. He lectures to the public and trains professionals. Dr. Hendrix authored the two million copy, best seller,Getting the Love You Wantand has co-published eight additional books. He has been on the Oprah Show 17 times, and has has received an honorary doctorate and two distinguished service awards. He and his wife, Helen, have six children and four grandchildren.
James Hillman, PhD
Jungian psychologist, considered to be one of the most original of the 20th century. He was trained at the Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland. Dr. Hillman developed Archetypal Psychology. He was awarded the 2001 Medal of the Presidency of the Italian Republic as the originator of Archetypal Psychology. He teaches Archetypal Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpintaria, CA. Dr. Hillman is a prolific writer and international lecturer. He maintains a private practice in Connecticut.
Jean Houston, PhD
Protégé of the late anthropologist Margaret Mead, scholar and researcher in human capacities, specializes in the development and application of multiple methods of increasing physical and mental skills, learning and creativity. She has been invited to work personally with heads of state (including Hillary Clinton), to assist in the rethinking of goals and agendas. Having taught in more than 75 countries, Dr. Houston’s work has been the core of hundreds of teaching-learning communities throughout the world. Dr. Houston is author or co-author of 20 books.
Kay Redfield Jamison, PhD
Professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and co-director of the Johns Hopkins Mood Disorders Center. She also is Honorary Professor of English at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. She is the author of the national bestsellersAn Unquiet MindandNight Falls Fast, as well asTouched with FireandExuberance. She is co-author of the standard medical text on bi-polar illness,Manic-Depressive Illness: Bipolar Disorders and Recurrent Depressionand author or co-author of more than 100 scientific papers about mood disorders, creativity, and psychopharmacology. Dr. Jameson is the recipient of numerous national and international scientific awards, as well as a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Fellowship.
Sue Johnson, EdD
Clinical psychologist and a recognized leader in the new science of relationships. She is the developer of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT), an approach to building loving relationships. Dr. Johnson is Director of the Ottawa, Canada, Couples and Family Institute and the International Center for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT), as well as Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Ottawa and Research Professor at Alliant University in San Diego, CA. She is author of the bookHold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love, a streamlined version of EFT for the general public, in addition to several professional books and numerous articles and papers.
Otto F. Kernberg, MD, FAPA
Director of the Personality Disorders Institute at the New York Presbyterian Hospital, Westchester Division, and Professor of Psychiatry at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University. Dr. Kernberg is a Past-President of the International Psychoanalytic Association. He is also Training and Supervising Analyst of the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. Dr. Kernberg is the author of twelve books and co-author of twelve others. His most recent books arePsychotherapy for Borderline Personality: Focusing on Object RelationsandHandbook of Dynamic Psychotherapy for Higher Level Personality Pathology.
Bessel van der Kolk, MD
Professor of Psychiatry, Boston University Medical School and Harvard University, and is Medical Director of the Trauma Center at HRI Hospital, Brookline, Massachusetts. He was co-principal investigator of the DSM IV Field Trials for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. Dr. van der Kolk is past-president of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. His newest bookTraumatic Stressdescribes the impact of trauma on the whole human being and analyzes factors affecting recovery.
Jack Kornfield, PhD
Clinical psychologist who was trained as a Buddhist monk in monasteries of Thailand, India and Burma. He is one of the key teachers to introduce Buddhist mindfulness practice to the West. Dr. Kornfield co-founded the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts. He is also a founding teacher of the Spirit Rock Center in Woodacre, California. Dr. Kornfield has taught in centers and universities worldwide, let International Buddhist Teacher meeting with the Dalai Lama. His books have been translated into 20 languages and sold more than a million copies. His most recent book isA Wise Heart: A Guide to the Universal Teachings of Buddhist Psychology.
Harriet Lerner, PhD
One of our nation’s most respected voices on the psychology of women and family relationships. She has authored numerous scholarly articles and ten books, includingThe Dance of Anger, Women in Therapy,andThe Dance of Fear.Formerly a senior staff psychologist at the Menninger Clinic, she is currently in private practice in Lawrence, Kansas.
Marsha Linehan, PhD
Professor of Psychology and Director of the Behavioral Research and Therapy Clinics at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Her primary research is in the application of behavioral models to suicidal behaviors, drug abuse, and borderline personality disorder. She has received several awards recognizing her clinical and research contributions and is past president of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy. A fellow of the American Psychological Association and the American Psychopathological Association, Dr. Linehan is a diplomate of the American Board of Behavioral Psychology.
Cloe Madanes, HDL, LIC
World-renowned teacher of psychotherapy. She is the author of seven books that are classics in the field. Her two latest books areThe Therapist as Humanist, Social Activist and Systemic ThinkerandRelationship Breakthrough. She has won numerous awards for her contributions to psychotherapy. She is the Director of the Madanes Institute in La Jolla, California.
Donald Meichenbaum, PhD
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada and Research Director of the Melissa Institute for Violence Prevention, Miami, Floridawww.melissainstitute.org. He was voted “one of the most influential psychotherapists of the century” and is one of the Founders of cognitive-behavior therapy. Dr. Meichenbaum is the recent recipient os the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Psychotherapy Association. For his most recent work, seewww.warfighterdiaries.com.
Scott D. Miller, PhD
Founder of the Center for Clinical Excellence, an international consortium of clinicians and researchers dedicated to helping behavioral health practicioners achieve superior performance. He is the author of numerous articles and research studies. His most recent books includeThe Heart and Soul of Change: What Works in Therapy, The Heroic Client,and the forthcomingSupershrinks: Empitical Lessons from the Field’s Most Effective Practioners.

lL C#O/{\0You can find out more about Scott Miller byreading his blog, includinghis personal account of The Evolution of Psychotherapy.心理学空间t.k] i B y

SalvadorMinuchin, MD
Retired family therapist living in Boca Raton, Florida. He has been Research Professor of Psychiatry, New York University. Professor of Child Psychiatry and Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania and Director Emeritus, Family Therapy Training Center of the Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic. Dr. Minuchin lectures nationally and internationally and is author of seven books and numerous papers and articles.
Violet Oaklander, PhD
Clinical psychologist and Certified Gestalt Therapist. she is author of two books on her unique approach to working with children and adolescents. Dr. Oaklander has given numerous seminars worldwide. and has received many awards for her contributions to work with children and adolescents. The Violet Solomon Oaklander Foundation has been formed to carry on her work as she begins retirement –www.vsof.org.
Christine Padesky, PhD
Co-Founder of the Center for Cognitive Therapy in Huntington Beach, California. She is a Distinguished Founding Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy and former President of the International Association for Cognitive Therapy. British CBT therapists have voted her the “Most Influential International CBT Therapist.” The California Psychological Association recognized her “Distinguished Contribution to Psychology,” and the Academy fo Cognitive Therapy awarded her its 2007 Aaron T. Beck Award for enduring contributions to the firld. Dr. Padesky is a leading cognitive therapy innovator and develops audio CD and DVD therapist training materials (described atwww.store.padesky.com).  Her recent book,Collaborative Case Conceptualization, joins five previous books, translated into 18 languages. BABCP voted her best selling self-help bookMind Over Mood(www.mindovermood.com) the most influential cognitive therapy book of all time.
Mary Pipher, PhD,
A psychologist living in Lincoln, Nebraska,  and the author of eight books, including the New York Times bestsellersReviving Ophelia, The Shelter of Each Other,andAnother Country, as well asWriting to Change the World. Her work  has been translated into more than 25 languages, and she has lectured to groups  and conferences worldwide.
Erving Polster, PhD
Veteran teacher of Gesalt Therapy, and has attracted students to San Diego from all over the world. He also has authored five books and numerous anthology chapters, elaborating on a wide renge of therapy basics. His recent book,Uncommon Ground, is a novel twist on the communal mission of psychotherapy.
Ernest Rossi, PhD
Internationally renowned psychotherapist, teacher and pioneer in the psychobiology of mind-body healing. He has a private practice in Los Osos, California. He is Diplomate in Clinical Psychology, the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Psychotherapy from the Milton H. Erickson Foundation in 1980, and the American Association of Psychotherapy in 2003, and the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis in 2008. Dr Rossi is a Jungian Analyst, the Science Editor of Psychological Perspectives, and the author, co-author and editor of 24 professional books and more than 140 published scientific papers in the areas of neuroscience, psychotherapy, dreams, and therapeutic hypnosis, which have been translated into a dozen languages. His most recent books are The Psychobiology of Gene Expression: Neuroscience and Neurogenesis in Hypnosis and the Healing Arts and A Dialogue with Our Genes: The Psychosocial Genomics of Therapeutic Hypnosis and Psychotherapy.
Robert Sapolsky, PhD
Robert Sapolsky, PhD, is a MacArthur “Genius” Fellow, a professor of biology and neurology at Stanford University, and a research associate with the Institute of Primate Research at the National Museum of Kenya. In 2008, National Geographic and PBS aired an hour-long special on stress featuring Dr. Sapolsky and his research on the subject. In addition to A Primate’s Memoir, which won the 2001 Bay Area Book Reviewers Award in nonfiction, Robert Sapolsky has written three other books, including The Trouble with Testosterone, Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, and Monkeyluv and Other Essays on Our Lives as Animals. His articles have appeared in publications such a Discover and The New Yorker. Dr. Sapolsky was awarded Rockefeller University’s Lewis Thomas Prize for Writing about Science for 2008. The New York Times called him “One of the finest natural history writers around.”
Martin Seligman, PhD
Fox Leadership Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania. His main mission has been the promotion of the field of Positive Psychology. Dr. Seligman is past president of the American Psychological Association, and has received the Association's Laurel Award and Lifetime Achievement Award. He has received numerous other awards from a large variety of organizations, both national and international. Author of 20 books and 200 articles, his books have been translated into twenty languages. Dr. Seligman's latest book isAuthentic Happiness.
Francine Shapiro, PhD
Dr. Francine Shapiro is a   Senior Research Fellow at the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto,   California, Director of the EMDR Institute, and founder of the EMDR Humanitarian   Assistance Programs (a nonprofit organization coordinating services worldwide).   She is a recipient of theInternational   Sigmund Freud Awardof the City of Vienna for distinguished contribution to   psychotherapy, theAmerican   Psychological Association Division 56Award for Outstanding Contributions to   Practice in Trauma Psychology, and theDistinguished Scientific Achievement   in Psychology Award,from the California Psychological   Association. She wrote the primary text on EMDR, entitledEye Movement Desensitization and   Reprocessing: Basic Principles and Procedures,and co-authored or edited three others:EMDR: The Breakthrough Therapy for   Overcoming Anxiety Stress and Trauma,EMDR as an Integrative Psychotherapy   Approach, and theHandbook of EMDR   and Family Therapy Processes.
Daniel Siegel, MD
Director of the Mindsight Institute and the author ofThe Developing Mind, Parenting From the Inside OutandThe Mindful Brain.His latest book isMindsight.He is the Founding Editor of the Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology, and at UCLA serves as the Co-Director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center, and Co-Investigator of the Center for Culture, Brain and Development. (MindsightInstitute.com; MARC.ucla.edu; CBD.ucla.edu)
Derald Wing Sue, PhD
Professor of Psychology and Education in the Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University. He has served as Presidents of the Asian American Psychological Association, Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues, and the Society of Counseling Psychology. Dr. Sue is a pioneer in the field of multicultural counseling and therapy, and the psychology of racism/antiracism. He is author of more than 100 publications, 13 books, and numerous media productions. Two of Dr. Sue’s books,Counseling and the Culturally Diverse: Theory and PracticeandOvercoming Our Racism: The Journey to Liberationhave become classics in the field.
Thomas Szasz, MD
Professor Psychiatry Emeritus at the Sate University of New York Upstste Medical University in Syracuse, New York. He is author of 36 books, among them the classicThe Myth of Mental Illnessand, most recently,Antipsychiatry: Quackery Squared.Widely recognized as the world’s foremost critic of psychiatric coercions and excuses, Dr. Szasz has received many awards for his defense of individual liberty and responsibility threatened by the Therapeutic State (the alliance of psychiatry and the state). His books have been translated into every major language. His website iswww.szasz.com.
Andrew Weil, MD
Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, where he also holds the Lovell-Jones Endowed Chair in Integrative Rheumatology and is Clinical Professor of medicine and Professor of Public Health. The Center is the leading effort in the world to develop a comprehensive curriculum in integrative medicine. Graduates serve as directors of integrative medicine programs around the United States, and through its Fellowship, the Center is now training doctors and nurse practitioners around the world. Dr. Weil is author of many scientific and popular articles, and of ten books. Oxford University Press is currently producing the Weil Integrative Medicine Library, a series of volumes for clinicians in various medical specialities. Dr. Weil writes a monthly newsletter,Dr. Andrew Weil’s Self Healingand maintains a website atwww.drweil.com. He lives near Tucson, Arizona.
Michele Weiner-Davis, MSW, LCSW
An internationally renowned relationship expert, best-selling author and psychotherapist specializing in a solution-oriented approach that helps people revitalize flat-lined marriages. Michele is Director of The Divorce Busting Center and Founder ofwww.divorcebusting.com.
Irvin Yalom, MD
Professor Emeritus of psychiatry at Stanford University. He also maintains a private practice in San Francisco and Palo Alto, California. Dr. Yalom is the author ofLove’s Executioner, The Theory and Practice of Group Therapy, Existential Psychotherapy, When Nietzsche Wept, The Schopenhauer Cure, Lying on the Couch, The Gift of Therapy, Momma and the Meaning of Life,and his latest,Staring at the Sun.
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Michael Yapko, PhD
Internationally recognized for his work in clinical hypnosis, brief psychotherapy, and the stratigic treatment of depression. He is the author of ten books, includingDepression is Contagious, Breaking the Patterns of Depression, Hand-Me-Down Blues,andTrancework.He is the recipient of Lifetime Achievement Awards form the International Society of Hypnosis and the Milton H. Erickson Foundation for his innovative心理学空间eOjn P8x
 contributions to the fields of hypnosis and brief therapy.
Philip Zimbardo, PhD
Internationally recognized scholar, educator, researcher and media personality, winning numerous awards and honors in each of these domains.  He has been a Stanford University professor since 1968, having taught previously at Yale, NYU and Columbia.  Zimbardo's career is noted for giving psychology away to the public through his popular PBS-TV series, Discovering Psychology, along with many text and trade books, among his 300 publications.  He was recently president of the American Psychological Association.
Jeffrey K. Zeig, PhD
Founder and Director of the Milton H. Erickson Foundation. He has edited, co-edited, authored or co-authored more than 20 books on psychotherapy that appear in twelve foreign languages. Dr. Zeig is the architect of The Evolution of Psychotherapy Conferences, considered the most important conferences in the history of psychotherapy. He organizes the Brief Therapy Conferences, the Couples Conferences and the International Congresses on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. A psychologist in private practice in Phoenix, Arizona, Dr. Zeig conducts workshops internationally (40 countries). He is president of Zeig, Tucker & Theisen, Inc., publishers in the behavioral sciences.
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