作者: 靳宇倡 / 22251次阅读 时间: 2014年1月16日
来源: 心理科学进展 2014, Vol. 22
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z)s4w"T@j%gg7P0(School of Teacher Education, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610066, China)


O b({$h1v/d~0Abstract: Post-traumatic Growth (PTG) means positive changes experienced as a result of the psychological struggle with highly challenging events or major life crises. This article summarized the relevant study about PTG and also discussed the factors enhancing the coping processes that were identified to be significantly associated with PTG, such as personality traits、social support、benefit finding and meaning making. In addition, we summarized those models of PTG proposed by psychologist in different perspectives. Some innovative strategies were put forward in order to improve PTG. At last, we proposed some suggestions to overcome the limitations in some variables. Future studies should emphasized on longitudinal research which has many assessment points and construct different PTG models fit to different groups of people. Key words: post-traumatic growth; theoretical model; positive coping process; benefit finding; meaning making


}za2m$PhuBn0收稿日期: 2013-05-09 心理学空间L2tYt } TH |

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* 国家社会科学基金项目 (12XSH019)和教育部人文社



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