作者: 克莱因 / 3167次阅读 时间: 2022年6月16日
来源: 克莱因全集


(1922)青春期的抑制與困難心理学空间5uSYG3y IrAu




(1925)論抽搐的心理成因心理学空间 \+|D8M0x




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(1927)正常兒童的犯罪傾向心理学空间{} TElaa(W Y0L%w

(1928)伊底帕斯衝突的早期階段心理学空间K| [e;Ji
Early Stages of the Oedipus Conflict心理学空间iN;}`?'p6ND

(1929)兒童遊戲中的擬人化心理学空间a }"p^'H6N.O7]]
Personification in the Play of Children

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(1929)反映在藝術作品與創作衝動中的嬰儿期)心理学空间W hl_t
Infantile Anxiety-Situations Reflected in a Work of Art and in the Creative Impulse


(?Zf+U cM3a0The Importance of Symbol-Formation in the Development of the Ego心理学空间 A&_b N6P*S3X?)u



(1931)論智力抑制理論心理学空间:V8pQO o:D@
A Contribution to the Theory of Intellectual Inhibtion心理学空间 c:S)oN Xk4H(l+~

(1933)兒童良心的早期發展心理学空间m0[6Hs C~^QB


{'{ T4[[*U FdG0A Contribution to the Psychogenesis of Manic-Depressive States心理学空间5Te)VO;dc

(1936)斷奶心理学空间sB8O Y1bSd


(1940)哀悼及其與躁鬱狀態的關係心理学空间)R3sZ ~$v8R0D-E
Mourning and its Relation to Manic-Depressive States心理学空间#fJ^~Z M1L

D(t*U}+o*z0The Oedipus Complex in the Light of Early Anxieties心理学空间 fTeJTXdQ s0x

Notes on Some Schizoid Mechanisms心理学空间 hB(\0R$Ze

n!`Ro\NXb0w0A Contribution to the Theory of Anxiety and Guilt心理学空间YVQ"Z8S

O#[ |-G~J`,~0On the Criteria for the Termination of a Psycho-Analysis心理学空间.Bf `YnS$a"YvL

The Origins of Transference心理学空间,U0n!St;fY&B M9Q

(1952)自我與本我在發展上的相互關系心理学空间/qN'lx?%E q
The Mutual Influences in the Development of Ego and Id

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Some Theoretical Conclusions Regarding the Emotional Life of the Infant

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R:?#g7a\N0On Observing the Behaviour of Young Infants

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.@lU3qi\h3a+{0The Psycho-Analytic Play Technique: Its History and Significance 

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.U:KCc An6EPN+?0On Identification (1955)

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(1958)嫉羨與感恩心理学空间/|3mm'u X8h?lW
Envy and Gratitude心理学空间8m iV } PH

w:Pw,~a D*m!r[ }0On the Development of Mental Functioning心理学空间.r!yD:G?9B@

Our Adult World and its Roots in Infancy (1959)

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Ehe$f5OIk;j0Symposium on 'Depressive Illness'-V. a Note on Depression in the Schizophrenic心理学空间w5[m#jE1zv-B`q

(1963)論心智健康心理学空间 I~m&k:f P
On Mental Health (1960)心理学空间 J'b8Id#x

\O-\.i-yu ~j0  Some Reflections on "The Orsteia"  心理学空间4M y~E#JV2V

z i-a8GFJ0 On the Sense of Loneliness

«Symbol formation 象征形成 梅兰妮·克萊茵