Symbol formation 象征形成
作者: mints 编译 / 3600次阅读 时间: 2022年6月15日
标签: 象征 象征方程 象征形成
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Symbol formation象征形成心理学空间-|*`.E$L-zpi$|L


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The term ‘symbol formation’ is used in psychoanalysis to denote a mode of indirect or figurative representation of a significant idea, conflict or wish.心理学空间*\6hf:\0m,izqMW



The ability to move on from relating concretely to archaic objects to relating symbolically to substitute objects (symbols) is both a developmental achievement and a move made because of the anxieties involved in relating to primal objects. 

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Klein extended the ideas of both Freud and Jones on symbols, showing in particular the symbolic significance of play and how sublimation depends on the capacity to symbolise. 心理学空间5J%wj0Z!Q!\?

4`'Zudc D X ?1O(`0克莱因扩展了弗洛伊德和琼斯关于象征的思想,特别展示了游戏的象征意义,以及升华如何依赖于象征的能力。

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[o!Y+HEb0Segal further developed Klein’s theory of symbols, distinguishing between the symbol proper formed in the depressive position and a more primitive version, the symbolic equation, belonging to paranoid-schizoid functioning. In the symbolic equation, the symbol is equated with the thing symbolised.


西格尔进一步发展了克莱因的象征理论,区分了抑郁状态下形成的符号和更原始的象征方程的版本,象征方程属于偏执-分裂的功能。在象征方程式中,象征等同于被象征的事物。心理学空间 ~+]3I!IN K:z

P^)i3S:h8qN~ sS0Reproduced from The New Dictionary of Kleinian Thought by Bott Spillius, E., Milton, J., Garvey, P., Couve, C. and Steiner, D. (Routledge, 2011)心理学空间Gj4O| y

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x,m m*\*p)d?#dT0f0Reading list: Symbol formation


Key papers by Freud and Klein

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For full references for Melanie Klein’s works see Melanie Klein’s publications.心理学空间8?%B5o9_#G8@9Es


1895 Freud, S. and Breuer, J. Studies in Hysteria. Translated from the German and edited by J. Strachey and A. Strachey. New York: Basic Books (1957). Symptom formation through symbolisation.心理学空间:I(QIt]Ru] R+@

L1nY+v;wcP5hr01900 Freud, S. The Interpretation of Dreams. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Vol. 4. Hogarth Press (1953). The importance of symbolism in dreams.


1923a Klein, M. ‘The role of the school in the libidinal development of the child’. Learning is inhibited when words and numbers are imbued with frightening, concrete symbolic significance.

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1923b Klein, M. ‘Early analysis’. Contrary to Jones, Klein concludes that symbolism is the foundation of all sublimation.1929a Klein, M. ‘Personification in the play of children’. Symbolisation in play.心理学空间;P b? A I

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1929b Klein, M. ‘Infantile anxiety-situations in a work of art and in the creative impulse’. Symbolisation in play.心理学空间r[Cs @+I


1930 Klein, M. The importance of symbol formation in the development of the ego’. Klein’s definitive statement on symbol formation.心理学空间+GD u!?'[o

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Key papers by Segal

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6t~)a1\e kX01952 Segal, H. ‘A psychoanalytic approach to aesthetics’, International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 33: 196-207; republished in M. Klein, P. Heimann and R. Money-Kyrle (eds.) New Directions in Psychoanalysis. Tavistock (1955); and in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson (1981). The link between the aesthetics and the depressive position.心理学空间8_i p~(_

-o'M`6S3rR A;H01957 Segal, H. ‘Notes on symbol formation’, International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 38: 391-397; republished in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson (1981) and in E. Spillius (ed.) Melanie Klein Today, Vol. 1. Routledge (1988). Landmark paper on symbolisation.


1974 Segal, H. ‘Delusion and artistic creativity’, International Review of Psychoanalysis. 1: 135-141; republished in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson (1981) and in E. Spillius (ed.) Melanie Klein Today, Vol. 2. Routledge (1988). Golding’s novel The Spire is used to explore some aspects of creativity.

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j\Y9S,xc*ICy01979 Segal, H. Postscript to ‘Notes on symbol formation’. The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson. Segal refines her 1957 symbol theory in terms of Bion’s container and contained.心理学空间#QwiZnS

P G yF@-~+|0Further exploration

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Tl-^ H;w!fTz0Bion, W. (1962a) ‘A theory of thinking’. International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 43: 306-310.


U2z!o'z*o j&j D0Bion, W. (1962b) Learning from Experience. London: Heinemann.

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Britton, R. (1998) ‘Daydream, phantasy and fiction’, in Belief and Imagination. London: Routledge, pp. 109-119.心理学空间:ClZq0h+Q5X

Tdv3Gmt0Freud, S. (1895) ‘Project for a scientific psychology’. S. E. 1. London: Hogarth Press, pp. 283-397.

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Freud, S. (1916) ‘Introductory lectures on psychoanalysis’. S. E. 15. London: Hogarth Press, p. 153.

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9yM qi${S dS2C D7f0Jones, E. (1916) ‘The theory of symbolism’. British Journal of Psychology. 9: 181-229.心理学空间~A)LT z)Kn&?L

;S*c(T#G:P`C0Jones, E. (1948) ‘The theory of symbolism’, in Papers on Psychoanalysis. London: Maresfield Reprints, pp. 87-144.


"aO cm'p0Rickman, J. (1940) ‘On the nature of ugliness and the creative process’. International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 21: 294-313.

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Sharpe, E. (1930) ‘Certain aspects of sublimation and delusion’. International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 11: 12-23.心理学空间's }L1Ch!C

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Sharpe, E. (1935) ‘Similar and divergent unconscious determinants underlying the sublimations of pure art and pure science’. International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 16: 186-202. 心理学空间G"bR%j9VkS/\x

TAG: 象征 象征方程 象征形成
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