作者: 张凯理 / 12093次阅读 时间: 2010年7月15日
标签: 镜像 隐喻
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+p9FG-pWK)n;S+Xg0ESTELLE: I feel so queer. Don't you ever get taken that way? When I can't see myself I begin to wonder if I really and truly exist. I pat myself just to make sure, but it doesn't help much.
INEZ: You're lucky. I'm always conscious of myself-- in my mind. Painfully conscious.心理学空间1ed X9dO$N"Po#N

\pz8i"S$y8m5OS+gv|7F0ESTELLE: Ah yes, in your mind. But everything that goes on in one's head is os vague, isn't it? It makes one want to sleep. I've six big mirrors in my bedroom. There they are. I can see them. But they don't see me. They're reflecting the carpet, the settee, the window-- but how empty it is, a glass in which I'm absent! When I talked to people I always made sure there was one near by in which I could see myself. Iwatched myself talking. And somehow it kept me alert, seeing myself as the others saw me...Oh dear! My lipstick! I'm sure I've put it on all crooked. No, I can't do wihtout a looking-glass for ever and ever. I simply can't.
W?t&oa:UjP0INEZ:Suppose I try to be your glass? Come and pay me a visit, dear. Here's a place for you on my sofa.心理学空间o3T3WT8aF

Y^s.L'ZF0ESTELLE: But we're going to --to hurt each other. You said it yourself.
KY6{GV%NY5A0INEZ: Do I look as if I wanted to hurt you?心理学空间4S)x9A8Q%~,[
ESTELLE: One never can tell.
.QYGRp%g0INEZ: Much more likely YOU'LL hurt ME. Still, what does it matter? If I've got to suffer, it may as well be at your hands, your pretty hands. Sit down. Come closer. Closer. Look into my eyes. What do you see?
9B#S \V-E+O0ESTELLE:Oh, I'm there! But so tiny I can't see myself properly.心理学空间#B|.l dh7K6jV
INEZ:But I can. Every inch of you. Now ask me questions. I'll be as candid as any looking-glass.
V-B:R%U5QwV4yQ0Posted by KL at October 30,2006 00:40

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