作者: 网络转载 / 14105次阅读 时间: 2009年8月21日
标签: Narcissus 自恋

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The story of a young Greek boy who fell in love with his own reflection.心理学空间9j `oq+C
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Narcissus was a beautiful looking boy. He had long, flowing, blond hair, beautiful, bright, blue eyes and even, white teeth. Many young ladies fell in love with him including the nymph(山林水泽的仙女), Echo.
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Nymphs were lively spirits who lived near streams and lakes and protected trees in the forest. Echo had upset the Queen of the Gods, Hera. As a punishment Hera made Echo unable to speak except to repeat the last three words of the person she was talking to.心理学空间:O8ISg \D,d
Poor Echo fell in love with Narcissus but could never tell him how she felt. Narcissus teased her and she ran away with tears pouring down her face. Aphrodite(阿芙罗狄蒂), the goddess of love saw what happened and decided to punish Narcissus. As he came to a pool of water Narcissus saw his reflection and fell in love with the vision he saw...it was of course his own reflection.心理学空间!Xa%bfYZP

Poor Narcissus watched his own reflection, every time he tried to touch the face of the vision he loved it broke up on the shimmering surface of the water. Narcissus stopped eating, lost his beautiful looks and pined(消瘦) for his love. Eventually he faded away and died.
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^.a5u(F3`D'Q*T*G0Aphrodite took pity on him and made a flower grow in his place on the bank of the lake. Narcissus flowers can be found to this day growing wherever you can find water and trees.

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