心理学书籍 » Foundations of Biopsychology, 2/E

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Foundations of Biopsychology, 2/E

Foundations of Biopsychology is an excellent introduction to a fascinating field of study. Up-to-date and comprehensive, this is an ideal companion for any biopsychology student and is particularly suitable for use on a semester-based course.
  Foundations of Biopsychology is a lively and engaging introduction to how the brain produces behaviour. The book does not assume any background knowledge in biology or psychology. Although academically rigorous, it adopts an accessible, modular format and is supported throughout by diagrams and images.

Product Details forFoundations of Biopsychology

List Price: $113.40

  • by Andrew Wickens
  • Paperback:504 pages
  • Publisher:Prentice Hall; 2 edition (December 13, 2005)
  • Language:English
  • ISBN-10:0131971387
  • ISBN-13:978-0131971387
  • Product Dimensions:10.3 x 7.6 x 1.1 inches
  • Shipping Weight:2.43 pounds

Book Info

This edition:
  • Places a strong emphasis on the historical development of the subject to help students gain a deeper understanding of the main themes in biopsychology.
  • References exciting and up-to-date research, emphasising how the discipline is moving forward.
  • Special interest boxes provide new insights into the brain in order to stimulate debate. These include discussions on how Einstein's brain was different; the effects of navigational experience on the shape of the brain; and how laughter affects the same areas of the brain as cocaine.

This book includes bibliographies to encourage further reading. It also features search terms to help students locate further information on the Internet.

A companion website is located atwww.pearsoned.co.uk/wickens. This provides additional support for students and includes:

·        Mind Maps to bring study of the brain to life.

·        Multiple choice questions to test progress.

·        An essay writing guide to assist with assignments.

·        Links to relevant websites for further research.

DrAndrew Wickenslectures at the University of Central Lancashire in biopsychology and neuroscience.

Front cover image:Coloured 3-dimensional MRI scan of the white matter pathways of the brain, side view.
Credit:Tom Barrick, Chris Clark, SGHMS/Science Photo Library

web source

About the Book
Contains information on what you will find on this website, along with specific details about the book and its author.

Student Resources
A multitude of helpful resources to further increase your knowledge.Each chaptercontains learning objectives and multiple choice questions with feedback to help test your understanding. There is also an essay writing guide with answers, Internet search guide, and Mind Maps with information on the various parts of the brain.

ForInstructor Resources, visit theInstructor Resource Centre.


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