作者: jimaceverett / 7349次阅读 时间: 2018年7月07日
来源: jimaceverett.com 标签: 功利主义

RgtWM+f'y]T;Cj0Oxford Utilitarianism Scale牛津功利主义量表
+w0p M!r$L9fX012th January 2018 By jimaceverett

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The scale is drawn from the paper:

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Kahane, G**., Everett, J.A.C.**, Earp, B.D., Caviola, L., Faber, N.S., Crockett, M.J., & Savulescu, J. (In Press). Beyond Sacrificial Harm: A two-dimensional model of utilitarian psychology. Psychological Review.


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1.“If the only way to save another person's life during an emergency is to sacrifice one's own leg, then one is morally required to make this sacrifice.”


/CH6x'x_ f01、“如果在紧急情况下挽救他人生命的唯一方法是牺牲自己的腿,那么在道德上就需要做出这样的牺牲。”

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]d.\,n[*D!u o02.“It is morally right to harm an innocent person if harming them is a necessary means to helping several other innocent people.”心理学空间t o[0~} J4w v

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n$~"AdSs1l`6A03.“From a moral point of view, we should feel obliged to give one of our kidneys to a person with kidney failure since we don’t need two kidneys to survive, but really only one to be healthy.”

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s6wur$M04.“If the only way to ensure the overall well-being and happiness of the people is through the use of political oppression for a short, limited period, then political oppression should be used.”心理学空间 E/pnpm#\A8S

R%bEcFcI wQtT,m04、“如果要确保人民的福祉和幸福,唯一的办法就是在短时间内使用政治压迫,那么就应该使用政治压迫。”

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5.“From a moral perspective, people should care about the well-being of all human beings on the planet equally; they should not favor the well-being of people who are especially close to them either physically or emotionally.”心理学空间R&z&h.{mZ4UY




6.“It is permissible to torture an innocent person if this would be necessary to provide information to prevent a bomb going off that would kill hundreds of people.”心理学空间'C W5^F.T%h/O)L

&@5Xx;o:m h\K06、“如果有必要提供信息以防止炸弹爆炸会造成数百人死亡,那么就可以对无辜者施以酷刑。”心理学空间y+`y'` UR

pd7V7T?Oa9_07.“It is just as wrong to fail to help someone as it is to actively harm them yourself.”

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,f |:Ii0oE08.“Sometimes it is morally necessary for innocent people to die as collateral damage—if more people are saved overall.”心理学空间 mg+L4v)_7`"j,g Q


8、.“有时候,无辜的人在灾难中的附带死亡在道德上是必要的——如果有更多的人得到整体拯救的话 。”

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9.“It is morally wrong to keep money that one doesn’t really need if one can donate it to causes that provide effective help to those who will benefit a great deal.”

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9、“如果一个人留着自己真的不需要的钱,而不捐给那些因此受益匪浅的人,为他们提供有效的帮助,这是不道德的。”心理学空间9] r:n1c`_Z_;Gl




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在这个道德观上,没有人比其他任何人更重要:我们自己的利益和需要,以及我们的家人和朋友的利益和需要,永远比任何其他人的利益和需要都重要,不管我们离我们多么遥远。根据功利主义,唯一重要的是我们的行为如何影响世界上的幸福。如果违反规则或原则,会带来更好的结果,这在道义上总是正确的。心理学空间4l k }`&hz2d

B:O1n-[h)F~4Z5SO0你在量表上得分越高,你自己的观点越接近古典功利主义所说的。如果你熟悉伦理理论,我们可以说,如果你是一个不合格的行为功利主义,那么你应该在量表上得分非常高。如果你更像是一个功利主义者,或者是一个结果论者,其价值论不仅仅包括福利,那么你就没有多少功利性了——但仍然很高。远离量表的顶端,一个人对道德的偏爱程度越高,他们接受的道义上的约束越多(越强),你应该得到的分数越低。如果你被W. D. Ross多元主义的道义论所吸引,你的等级就低了。如果你持有一个绝对有限的康德理论,它对后果产生有限的影响,或者是一个高度传统的道德观,那么你应该把它放在最底层。心理学空间7{:Y4j-A6m`X.E

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According to classical utilitarianism, we should always act in the way that would maximize aggregate well-being. This means that the only thing that determines whether an act is morally right is whether, out of the available options, it is the act that would lead to the most happiness and the least suffering in the world, taking into account the welfare of all sentient beings, whether human or animal. An act that doesn’t maximize welfare in this way is morally wrong. On this moral view, no one counts for more than anyone else: our own interests and needs, and the interests and needs of our family and friends, never count for more than the interests and needs of any other person, however distant from us. According to utilitarianism, the only thing that matters is how our actions affect the amount of happiness in the world. It is always morally right to break a rule or principle if doing so would lead to the better outcome. The higher you score on the scale, the closer your own views fit with what classical utilitarianism says. If you are familiar with ethical theories, we could say that if you are an unqualified act utilitarian then you should score very highly this scale. If you are more of a rule utilitarian or a consequentialist whose axiology includes more than welfare then you are somewhat less utilitarian – but still high. Moving further away from the top end of the scale, the more a person thinks of morality in partial terms, and the more (and the stronger the) deontological constraints they accept, the lower scores you should have. If you are attracted to W. D. Ross’s pluralist deontological theory you would rank low on this scale. If you hold an absolutist Kantian theory which gives limited weight to consequences, or a highly traditional moral view, then you should rank at the very bottom of the scale.心理学空间YO9a4W#p

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The philosophical core of utilitarianism lies in the impartial maximization of the greater good – what we call impartial beneficence. The higher you score on this dimension, the more likely you are to think that to adopt a thoroughly impartial moral standpoint is to treat the well-being of every individual as equally important. If we fully accept the positive, impartially beneficent, dimension of utilitarianism we should give no priority to one’s own good, nor to that of one’s family, friends, compatriots, or even fellow humans over nonhuman animals. Impartial beneficence normally implies highly demanding forms of self-sacrifice—whether by becoming vegetarian or vegan, giving much of one’s money to effective charities aiming to relieve suffering in distant countries, or perhaps even donating one’s own kidney. Indeed, utilitarianism instructs moral agents to sacrifice their own well-being even if there is only a tiny increment in the well-being of others over what they themselves have lost. Of course, however, how much one approximates this impartial ideal is a matter of degree— even avowed utilitarians admit that they fail to realize it without qualification. 

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功利主义虽然需要一种完全公正的道德观(“公正的仁慈”),但它是不够的。人们可以采取这样的观点,但仍然认为,最大限度地实现每个人的幸福目标必须遵循各种道德规则,限制我们从某些方式伤害无辜的人、说谎、违背诺言等。换言之,即使一个人赞同这个公正的道德目标,也可能认为我们被禁止采取某些手段来实现它。古典功利主义的消极成分是否认有这样的限制。当然,我们应该经常说实话,信守诺言,拒绝伤害无辜的人——但是只有当(因为)这些行为才可能导致一个更好的公正结果。当他们妨碍实现这样的结果时,这种熟悉的道德规则可以而且应该被打破。你在功利主义的“消极”维度上得分越高——“工具性伤害”——你越有可能认为当我们需要达到更好的结果时,我们应该愿意造成伤害甚至杀害他人。在经典思想实验中,有人把一个无辜的人从人行道上推下,以拯救更多的生命。但在更现实的例子中也可以看到,例如当有人认为,如果需要减少重大恐怖袭击的风险,酷刑在道德上是可以接受的。心理学空间^8c |0M0H9qK

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Although a thoroughly impartial moral outlook (“impartial beneficence”) is necessary for utilitarianism, it is not sufficient. One can adopt such an outlook while still holding that the goal of maximizing everyone’s well-being must only be pursued in line with various moral rules constraining us from certain ways of harming innocent people, lying, breaking promises, and the like. In other words, even if one endorses this impartial moral goal, one may still think that we are forbidden from taking certain means to achieve it. The negative component of classical utilitarianism is the denial that there are any such constraints. We should of course still usually tell the truth, keep our promises, and refuse to harm innocent people— but only when (and because) these acts are likely to lead to a better impartial outcome. When they get in the way of achieving such an outcome, such familiar moral rules can and should be broken. The higher you score on this ‘negative’ dimension of utilitarianism – “instrumental harm” – the more likely you are to think that we should be willing to cause harm and even kill others when this is needed to achieve a better outcome overall. Such a willingness can be seen when—as in the classic thought experiment—someone pushes an innocent person off a footbridge to save a greater number of lives. But it can also be seen in more realistic examples, such as when someone holds that torture is morally acceptable if needed to reduce the risk of a major terrorist attack.心理学空间k\^3B^0W{*xo_

`6C;lI(mT(i @!F#Q0http://www.jimaceverett.com/test/oxford-utilitarianism-scale/

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