The Three Christs of Ypsilanti 伊普希兰迪的三个耶稣
作者: 转载 / 11425次阅读 时间: 2010年2月10日
来源: 《变态心理学》 标签: Christs Rokeach RoKeach 精神分裂症 耶稣
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妄想妄想或者没有根据地坚定持有某种信念,可能会出现在大量不同的心理状态中,如:癫狂、抑郁、机体性综合征、用药过量,但是妄想在精神分裂症中是极其常见的(Maher, 2001)。它影响着四分之三或者更多的住院精神分裂症患者(Maher, 2001)。


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G RY*r.c/h0   即使他人指出精神分裂症患者所持的信念是无事实依据的,但大多数患者似乎也不会认识到(McGuire, Junginger, Adam et al., 2001)。即便面对和信念相矛盾的证据,患者也不会放弃他们的妄想。数年前,心理学家米尔顿·罗奇(Milton Rokeach)生动地论证了此点。1959年,有三个自称是耶稣的人成为了罗奇的患者,他们转入到密歇根的伊普希兰迪(Ypsilanti, Michigan)的一家医院的同一病房内。这三个“耶稣”同住,同睡,同吃,在医院的洗衣房内一起工作了两年。同时罗奇观察了他们两年。罗奇的目的是“如果他们三人面对不止一人声称是孕育人类的耶稣,不止一个人说自己是同一个人,这种完全矛盾的情境时,探索他们妄想的信念及其行为表现可能改变的过程”(Rokeach, 1964, p.3)。换言之,他们三人中是否会有人发现其实他们都不是耶稣。下面就是三人第一次碰面时对话的片段:
,Xwd5SJu G0    克雷德(Clyde)说:“我知道你的心理,知道你受的教育,知道你是在北部瑞德雷(North Bradley)的一个天主教堂里搞装潢的,我知道你的一切,确切地知道你会做什么。 我的信誉就是在天堂工作,这是我工作的方式。”
"w1CQ4F)Vf#l4~0   利昂(Leon)接着说:“在我被打断前,我要声明,早在时间存在之前,我是第一个拥有神化身躯的人。”心理学空间'Nn~\ E @HM
iBaU'vov0   约瑟夫(Joseph)插嘴说:“他只是一个人,仅此而已。我创造世界的同时创造了人——就是这样。”
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;[ t3GR*tz+J0   Rokeach问约瑟夫:“你也创造了克雷德吗?”
"Er2W/TRP[K0   约瑟夫:“嘿!我创造了他,还有大量别的东西。”
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X} xLp$k0   这时克雷德大笑。(Rokeach, 1964, pp.10—11)
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+G7VV(a1u}1S/W(Q0   这三人天天接触了两年之后,他们仍然坚信自己才是耶稣。心理学空间;v"n K(P(Z-T!y

The Three Christs of Ypsilanti
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FORMAT: Paperback
~%faH3?4jB0PUBLISHED: April 19, 2011
/F.E"\(`0PV&U0ISBN: 9781590173848心理学空间`.R/P,P5q.T H*TJ
SERIES: NYRB Classics 心理学空间 Ujs*q5P'N*_b)?K\^

;V2]#nEwTM3K0On July 1, 1959, at Ypsilanti State Hospital in Michigan, the social psychologist Milton Rokeach brought together three paranoid schizophrenics: Clyde Benson, an elderly farmer and alcoholic; Joseph Cassel, a failed writer who was institutionalized after increasingly violent behavior toward his family; and Leon Gabor, a college dropout and veteran of World WarII.
The men had one thing in common: each believed himself to be Jesus Christ. Their extraordinary meeting and the two years they spent living together serves as the basis for this poignant and often hilarious investigation into the nature of human identity, belief, and delusion. With novelistic momentum and insight, Rokeach takes us into the lives of these three incredible and, despite their common claim, altogether singular personalities who find themselves “confronted with the ultimate contradiction conceivable for human beings: more than one person claiming the same identity.”
r p;z-ks5yO7C0In scenes of remarkable power and vividness (“I’m telling you I’m God!” “You’re not!” “I’m God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost! I know what I am…”) we see the three Christs argue, proclaim, and soliloquize about the nature of their contentious divinity, and are given a window onto one of the most remarkable psychological case studies on record.

The Three Christs of Ypsilantiis more than the record of an experiment in the outermost reaches of social psychology. Among other things it represents, in an unpretentious but remarkably vivid way, what institutionalized madness is like.—Steven Marcus,The New York Review of Books
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TAG: Christs Rokeach RoKeach 精神分裂症 耶稣
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