Good-Enough Mother
作者: Johns, Jennifer / 10642次阅读 时间: 2010年3月20日
来源: International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis 标签: Winnicott WINNICOTT winnicott 温尼科特 足够好的母亲
International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis | 2005 |Johns, Jennifer| GOOD-ENOUGH MOTHER

{ C%Eb?7VT0The "good-enough mother" is a mother whose conscious and unconscious physical and emotional attunement to her baby adapts to her baby appropriately at differing stages of infancy, thus allowing an optimal environment for the healthy establishment of a separate being, eventually capable of mature object-relations.心理学空间6N L6f-i2a8?

g$@3]|PkF'h9i0Evolving slowly, and underpinning Donald Winnicott's theory of early integration, personalization and object-relating, this concept includes the "ordinary devoted mother" (1949), and "the good-enough environment". It first appears clearly in Winnicott's "Mind and its Relation to the Psyche-Soma" (1949).心理学空间,J&w yv2ux3}

Lzbh1|*im9H#l_o0Winnicott's emphasis on the particular need for maternal sensitivity begins in his paper "The Observation of Infants in a Set Situation" (1941), and is referred to repeatedly in his work. His statement, "There is no such thing as a baby" implies that without a mother, an infant cannot exist. He describes "primary maternal preoccupation" (1956), the psychophysiological preparedness of a new mother for motherhood, as a special phase in which a mother is able to identify closely and intuitively with her infant, in order that she may supply first body-needs, later emotional needs, and allow the beginnings of integration and ego-development.

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IT;aiW2_4|0The good-enough mother is described as responding to the infant's gesture, allowing the infant the temporary illusion of omnipotence, the realization of hallucination, and protection from the "unthinkable anxiety" (primitive agonies) that threatens the immature ego in the stage of "absolute dependence." Failure in this stage may result, ultimately, in psychosis.心理学空间7J^T6^ D#c

xcg!|Pw0As the infant develops, the good-enough mother, unconsciously aware of her infant's increasing ego-integration and capacity to survive, will gradually fail to be so empathic. She will unconsciously "dose" her failures to those that can be tolerated, and the infant's developing ego is strengthened, the difference between "me" and "not-me" clarifies, omnipotence is relinquished, a sense of reality begins to emerge, mother can be increasingly seen as a separate person, and "the capacity for concern" can develop. Failure in this stage may result in the formation of a "false self."

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Winnicott describes how the capacity to be alone can develop out of the experience of the infant of being alone in the presence of another. Ego-immaturity is balanced by ego-support from mother, and this ego-support is in time internalized, so that aloneness is tolerable (1958).心理学空间:S8m'e/_ UrG


Many writers approach environmental failure (Fairbairn, Kohut, Balint, and others); however, few describe the optimal situation in health as described by Winnicott. Winnicott is accused of romanticism, idealism and optimism in his description of the mother whose adaptation is so exquisite, and of "blaming the mother" when things go wrong. It is important in reading his work to realize the lack of moralism he evinces. Winnicott certainly regrets the failure of those mothers who cannot reach the state of being "good-enough," but acknowledges that this state arises out of their own early relationships, and he emphasizes repeatedly the strength of innate maternal capacity.心理学空间.pt;o)g)AN[j3`


Jennifer Johns心理学空间 T"H f Sx `L3O)^%\a

2Sl)RR0OG0n7C0See also:False self;Handling;Holding;Maternal care;Object;Self (true/false)Transitional object,space;Winnicott, Donald W.

*LX%qf%[ p,GU!H0Bibliography

^!W ]I }"}9@G0Winnicott, Donald W. (1956). Primary maternal preoccupation. InCollected papers, through paediatrics to psychoanalysis(pp. 300-305). London: Tavistock Publications, 1958.

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8g4u1MU8L#dSD(G^K0. (1958). Mind and its relation to the psyche-soma. InCollected papers, through paediatrics to psychoanalysis(pp. 243-54). London: Tavistock Publications. (Reprinted fromBritish Journal of Medical Psychology,27, (1954), 201-209.)心理学空间8rbM%lG5c

4x%X"\ V1P7V;l V,F0. (1958) The observation of infants in a set situation. InCollected papers, through paediatrics to psychoanalysis(pp. 52-69). London: Tavistock Publications. (Reprinted fromInternational Journal of Psycho-Analysis,22(1941), 229-249.)心理学空间d9H"_J+d;b}1pZ

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(1965). The capacity to be alone. InThe maturational processes and the facilitating environment(pp. 29-36). London: Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis. (Reprinted fromInternational Journal of Psycho-Analysis,39(1958), 416-420.)

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