阿迪拉 Ruben Ardila
作者: 转载 / 5860次阅读 时间: 2011年3月11日
标签: 阿迪拉 沃尔登第三 行为分析 行为矫正
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·阿迪拉 [Ruben Ardila 1942],哥伦比亚心理学家。出生于哥伦比亚。心理学空间hOhZN0r\

J6^*C8T6G0他 1964 年在国立哥伦比亚大学获得心理学学士学位,1970 年在内布拉斯加大学获得实验心理学哲学博士学位。之后,他成为国立哥伦比亚大学心理学系第一任主任、圣马斯大学心理学研究生课程导师。心理学空间!w;g8x tt |fD
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他还曾作为一名访问教授,在波多黎各、阿根廷、德国、美国和其他一些国家工作过。他的工作使拉丁美州心理学声誉鹊起。阿迪拉曾任哥伦比亚心理学联合会主席,北美、南美和中美州国家间心理学会主席,并在 1975 年创立的拉丁美州行为分析和矫正协会上当选为理事长。
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bT_H;K|@0阿迪拉引进了行为的实验分析,并使之用于本国和其他一些拉丁美州国家。在研究早期学习和早期经验方面,他探讨了某些发展参数,解释动物和儿童在其婴幼期的心理变化。他关于儿童教养模式的研究表明,文化和社会因素影响着心理发展。心理学空间.`w] B$Es3G pp
阿迪拉的著作较多,最初用西班牙文出版,其中有些著作已被译成其他语言。心理学空间mVC\4k u9R

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*A HB&_C8F;iU0Rubén Ardila Ph.D.心理学空间*v7Q7}%bZ*pE"Q
Psychologist of the National University of Colombia.心理学空间P|!w Hk\ _)A
Ph. D. in experimental psychology from the Univesity of Nebraska - Lincoln (USA).心理学空间S#U#`u K BX
His main academic and research activities have been developed at the National University of Colombia, at the University of the Andes and at the Saint Thomas University. He has also been a visiting professor in several countries: Germany, USA, Spain, Puerto Rico and Argentina.
F8Fu@dS,\0His main fields of work and research are experimental psychology, biopsychology, experimental analysis of behavior, and social issues. He has carried out research in fields such as: the influence of early experiences on animal behavior, the evolution of behavior, patterns of child rearing, the psychological impact of the nuclear war threat, the effects of unemployement, reinforcement schedules, etc. His latest published research work concerns the social perception of science and the psychology of scientists; the name of the book is Science and the Scientists: A Psychological Perspective.
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Y}h?1uP0Rubén Ardila proposed an integrating paradigm for psychology which he named, Experimental synthesis of behavior. His aim is to find a unifying paradigm for psychology, beyond schools and psychological systems. It is not an "eclectic" proposal, but a paradigm derived from the experimental analysis of behavior (hence it's name). Said unifying paradigm has had great influence in psychology at the international level. There are several groups in different countries around the world which study and investigate the paradigm of the experimental synthesis of behavior.
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In 1969, being a graduate student in experimental psychology in the United States, Ardila founded the Latin American Journal of Psychology (RLP) with the aim of having a forum in Spanish for the publication of scientific work of the highest quality. Since its beginning, the RLP was well received by the academic community, it was indexed and nowdays it is included in the main data banks of psychology and behavioral sciences at worldwide levels (for example Social Science Citation Index, PSICODOC, etc.).
3Y^o5rqW ~0In 1982 Ardila wanted to start a series of specialized journals on different areas: clinical psychology, social, experimental, industrial/organizational, etc. The first issue of the journal Advances in Latin American Clinical Psychology (APCL) appeared in the year of 1982.
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u?{~od0The Foundation of Advancement of Psychology finances scientific research in basic psychology, with animals and human participants. It organizes symposia, congresses and other events related to psychology focusing on the research approach. Germán Gutiérrez, Julio Eduardo Cruz, Elisa Dulcey, Stefano Vinaccia and other prominent psychologists are also part of the foundation.
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Ardila has worked in professional organizations since 1970, as President of the Colombian Federation of Psychology (1970-1974), of the Interamerican Society of Psychology (1974-1976), of the Colombian Society of Psychology (1979-1984, 2000-2002) and the Latin American Association for the Analysis and Modification of Behavior (ALAMOC) (1975-1977). Rubén Ardila founded ALAMOC in 1975, and the Colombian Society of Psychology in 1979, and was the first president of said professional associations.
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His first psychology book was published in México in 1970: Psychology of Learning. Twenty-five editions of this book were published, and it helped to introduce research on experimental analysis of behavior in Colombia and other countries (Spain, Argentina, Peru). This book had great influence on the development of psychological research in Spanish-speaking countries. Many psychologists in Latin America and Spain consider it as the book that offered them a scientific alternative at their University training.
Other books published by Ardila are:
Experimental Psychology: A Laboratory Manual (1971).心理学空间$U%`p/{ w)y/m_)w
Contemporary Psychology: An International Panorama (1972).
5x3b.YWl}0Physiological Psychology (1973).
#`0xa({7_7V|A0The Experimental Analysis of Behavior, the Latin American Contribution (1974).心理学空间 lR MR h(o!P`
Psychological Investigations (1977).
&P1iKb[$j(X0The Profession of Psychologist (1978).心理学空间:hqhS.I;j$_)e
The Origins of Human Behavior (1979).
fmY V_m/phKGy:Dc0Walden Three (1979).心理学空间\ gFp]'x O,x.G
Psychology in Latin America: Past, Present and Future (1986).
V }`H j\9X5{ I0Psychology of the Colombian People (1986).心理学空间ch[P!u [4v/e%C
Philosophy of Psychology (with Mario Bunge, 1987).
7Vdxw'B jk0The Experimental Synthesis of Behavior (1993).
^v4Bb(nKe0Psychology in Colombia, Social and Historical Context (1993).
S&d@ R5^;Gcw N0Handbook for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (1998).
5n,\~YZ|,k_4Y^0Psychology of the Future (2002).心理学空间di#DW SyJ(\

h2y|jy+e8Ul6u0Twenty-nine books in total, several of them translated into other languages. And 250 scientific papers. The topic of the books are experimental psychology, behavior analysis, professional issues, social problems, conceptual problems, history of psychology, psychology in Colombia and Latin América, international psychology and others.
U ?[3] v?5_(W p0At a personal level, Ardila has a son, David Rubén, who received his Ph.D. in Physics (2002) at the University of California in Berkeley. David is married to Deborah Howell and they have a son, Alejandro Rubén.
Rubén Ardila has also been a restless traveler since his adolescence. As a member of the Executive Committee of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) he has had the opportunity to travel in the five continents. Every trip has always been preceeded by months of study on the history and culture of the place he is going to visit.
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)~K$j$~@M)rc8e0Ardila has written scientific books, articles in technical journals, articles in newspapers and a couple of novels. His most popular has been Walden Three, which has been translated into English, German and Portuguese. His interests are history, traveling, literature, good conversation with his friends of all nations, and obviously, psychology.
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In 2003 Ardila received the degree of "Doctor honoris causa", granted by the University Ricardo Palma (Peru).
Km-j8oL7yxR \0In 2003 some of Ardila's international colleagues contributed to a Festschrift edited by Luis Flórez-Alarcón. The reference is:心理学空间2[wn3R5hJMQ3Q3x
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Flórez-Alarcón, L. (Ed.). (2003). The legacy of Rubén Ardila. Psychology: from biology to culture. Bogotá: National University of Colombia.
3a+r8G6c0xENrQ(C Y0Ruben Ardila was granted the National Science Award- Life and Work, for the year 2004. This is the main Award granted in Colombia to a scientist for a lifetime devoted to science.
3Be~a;v ?,A:`c s0In 2007 Ardila received the APA Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology.心理学空间g}.D-T4_0IA

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