Psychological Science:揭密蒙娜丽莎神秘的微笑
作者: 心理学 / 12123次阅读 时间: 2011年5月26日
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胡茨勒说,蒙娜丽莎的微笑若隐若现,缘于达芬奇运用了渲染层次的绘画技法,使色彩中的色阶有层次地调和,从而在阴影处呈现细微变化。心理学空间|M(h/q4l+`w r


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'L|n/];h"h0这项研究刊载于最新一期《心理学》Psychological Science杂志。(生物谷

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《蒙娜丽莎》中那微笑的女人究竟是谁?心理学空间8j3W w$ub IU



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Psychological Science doi: 10.1177/0956797610362192心理学空间$`{k-`j2z8p3qI

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Mona Lisa’s Smile—Perception or Deception?心理学空间&bK3t_vEd,G_h?:q

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Isabel Bohrn1,Claus-Christian Carbon2 and Florian Hutzler3心理学空间F G_p4Q


Florian Hutzler, Department of Psychology and Center for Neurocognitive Research, Paris-Lodron-Universit?t Salzburg, Hellbrunner Stra?e 34, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria

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What gives Mona Lisa’s smile such a mysterious quality? Livingstone (2000) has suggested that the portrait changes its expression depending on where on the portrait the observer looks. The mouth, which is the essential feature of Mona Lisa’s remarkable expression (Kontsevich & Tyler, 2004), appears to form an enigmatic smile. Due to sfumato technique (Gombrich, 2005), this impression of a smile is more prominent in the gradual luminance changes that observers perceive mainly in the periphery of their vision—that is, in low spatial-frequency ranges. It is less prominent in the fine details that observers perceive only at the center of their gaze, in high spatial-frequency ranges.1 Consequently, the subtle smile one perceives while looking at Mona Lisa’s eyes (when her mouth appears blurred) vanishes when one attempts to verify this impression by looking at the mouth with maximum visual acuity. Hence, the proposed basis for the elusive quality of Mona Lisa’s smile is that “you can’t catch her smile by looking at her mouth. She smiles until you look at her mouth” (Livingstone, 2000, p. 1299).心理学空间*c6S4E1n ?TUR _

.\uy$[.k2i0In this study, we simulated the phenomenon for the first time experimentally via a saccade-contingent display-change technique that allowed us to subliminally alter the expression of faces depending on the beholder’s gaze position.

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