作者: K.R Eissler / 50907次阅读 时间: 2010年3月24日


Oedipus, the blind and banished King of Thebes, has come in his wanderings to Colonus, a deme of Athens, led by his daughter Antigone. He sits to rest on a rock just within a sacred grove of the Furies and is bidden depart by a passing native. But Oedipus, instructed by an oracle that he had reached his final resting-place, refuses to stir, and the stranger consents to go and consult the Elders of Colonus (the Chorus of the Play). Conducted to the spot they pity at first the blind beggar and his daughter, but on learning his name they are horror-striken and order him to quit the land. He appeals to the world-famed hospitality of Athens and hints at the blessings that his coming will confer on the State. They agree to await the decision of King Theseus. From Theseus Oedipus craves protection in life and burial in Attic soil; the benefits that will accrue shall be told later. Theseus departs having promised to aid and befriend him. No sooner has he gone than Creon enters with an armed guard who seize Antigone and carry her off (Ismene, the other sister, they have already captured) and he is about to lay hands on Oedipus, when Theseus, who has heard the tumult, hurries up and, upbraiding Creon for his lawless act, threatens to detain him till he has shown where the captives are and restored them. In the next scene Theseus returns bringing with him the rescued maidens. He informs Oedipus that a stranger who has taken sanctuary at the altar of Poseidon wishes to see him. It is Polyneices who has come to crave his father's forgiveness and blessing, knowing by an oracle that victory will fall to the side that Oedipus espouses. But Oedipus spurns the hypocrite, and invokes a dire curse on both his unnatural sons. A sudden clap of thunder is heard, and as peal follows peal, Oedipus is aware that his hour is come and bids Antigone summon Theseus. Self-guided he leads the way to the spot where death should overtake him, attended by Theseus and his daughters. Halfway he bids his daughters farewell, and what followed none but Theseus knew. He was not (so the Messenger reports) for the gods took him.


 心理学空间/QiN6I9} Mf



OEDIPUS, banished King of Thebes.心理学空间:rJAm5s;Q-f uVd8k
ANTIGONE, his daughter.
7^/o%MAK2n/e0 心理学空间:HNE&~Q.?
ISMENE, his daughter.心理学空间 l8D.W:?d
心理学空间f H+n6Kw[@y;b+f5}
THESEUS, King of Athens.
_$\B _ |0Sf*K0 CREON, brother of Jocasta, now reigning at Thebes.心理学空间1i0vZ:B Z@
POLYNEICES, elder son of Oedipus.心理学空间t0Is;k e

Z8O5} o.xcoR0 STRANGER, a native of Colonus.
G H#xB R0 MESSENGER, an attendant of Theseus.心理学空间4M"@o1YA}Ukx

^4g!HV7B8VIw \n!t0 CHORUS, citizens of Colonus.心理学空间 {,@9}8lZXW
心理学空间F Ov7\ z.v G x
Scene: In front of the grove of the Eumenides.

Ft2t yb9Up0



Enter the blind OEDIPUS led by his daughter, ANTIGONE.心理学空间 eiLD:\j3NEv

OEDIPUS心理学空间%u8SC8c z-I;Pd [
Child of an old blind sire, Antigone,
[%o_ILQ4~1a0 What region, say, whose city have we reached?心理学空间Q+h!Z8mS
Who will provide today with scanted dole心理学空间M"T4HZ0@
This wanderer? 'Tis little that he craves,心理学空间'P^e+ht
And less obtains--that less enough for me;心理学空间:I+n2IS2OG]O*m
For I am taught by suffering to endure,心理学空间*I8cRg}2g Yu
And the long years that have grown old with me,
&rCAV&M wK\ K0 And last not least, by true nobility.心理学空间_-Z2b0Jf'z_
My daughter, if thou seest a resting place
r/p g%Z ww'tZB1n0 On common ground or by some sacred grove,心理学空间kHN m7y.gL
Stay me and set me down. Let us discover心理学空间 W:ph$|,ER0o.XO
Where we have come, for strangers must inquire心理学空间 u+M }!`0uS i5s&d
Of denizens, and do as they are bid.心理学空间;]#f1V$X/S.mk G5zc:[

(N S_SeX!NF1{0 Long-suffering father, Oedipus, the towers心理学空间&SS`T9a
That fence the city still are faint and far;
3aZ2|@ {y X0 But where we stand is surely holy ground;心理学空间4\2}%K3}Lr q
A wilderness of laurel, olive, vine;心理学空间L0B h n9Z M`P^JV
Within a choir or songster nightingales心理学空间;R\ T&T;zpR/n2^
Are warbling. On this native seat of rock心理学空间 }Z3T{q8K+LW;U
Rest; for an old man thou hast traveled far.心理学空间1j/G W[ z6\a+ZI

Guide these dark steps and seat me there secure.


ANTIGONE心理学空间 Q2Hudgk r
If time can teach, I need not to be told.

F rZ x{ u a'ux0

Say, prithee, if thou knowest, where we are.心理学空间C@w0fI ?"J.}

ANTIGONE心理学空间2F#n6L@ |Fn
Athens I recognize, but not the spot.


F#]sAJZ v4L0 That much we heard from every wayfarer.心理学空间\zXx U9yd

ANTIGONE心理学空间!jc3x-f m5~
Shall I go on and ask about the place?


v2Kpt9X0 Yes, daughter, if it be inhabited.

I Cg-k.A8K}F2N0

ANTIGONE心理学空间5W/av Fs#L9v
Sure there are habitations; but no need
8}z2F2dS\0 To leave thee; yonder is a man hard by.

9Z o([ Ej+B0

v T j*~pPk+H0 What, moving hitherward and on his way?


ya];y ? `ePnH0 Say rather, here already. Ask him straight
I+zP$|0J\`f+o|0 The needful questions, for the man is here.
*wN%BV1Z Bm.a0  心理学空间%M^sp+a%U^)z&H5nn


/ox bn Q3h Tw0

O stranger, as I learn from her whose eyes
#nl]M HcG w0 Must serve both her and me, that thou art here心理学空间ea)lO u2O;nbw'h
Sent by some happy chance to serve our doubts--心理学空间.Z;h~jRi#Z)O


:C q1OP ^AmKi1I0 First quit that seat, then question me at large:
N7Q A'S~~ r\]r0 The spot thou treadest on is holy ground.


B+xiC#B'kx_0 What is the site, to what god dedicate?心理学空间%|KQ1p@6dpU4TP

.Qth&g"`.c0 Inviolable, untrod; goddesses,心理学空间q o$F&nG1q;WE9fHW
Dread brood of Earth and Darkness, here abide.

+I T7};d+\+t0

OEDIPUS心理学空间Y3l7^kZu8b _
Tell me the awful name I should invoke?

Xm&ku4R'E u0

STRANGER心理学空间1n/z R6L}R`
The Gracious Ones, All-seeing, so our folk心理学空间9U5?{v4p0{!E9_
Call them, but elsewhere other names are rife.心理学空间r/lwM4__%x j6p$j

`%pL A2y@d0 Then may they show their suppliant grace, for I心理学空间(V \o }Z$i3g
From this your sanctuary will ne'er depart.心理学空间m4I|&ZB([I

-\^\K5ik0 What word is this?

{ ?c+tq5Sx0

4?1Jf%DcaO0 The watchword of my fate.

'deD I@ V~/H0

Nay, 'tis not mine to bid thee hence without
o pl,B3D0 Due warrant and instruction from the State.

v-_S6t C P0

Now in God's name, O stranger, scorn me not心理学空间`J0{\"Q7R6`6K d4e
As a wayfarer; tell me what I crave.


STRANGER心理学空间 L] A2mA ]
Ask; your request shall not be scorned by me.心理学空间:@:s%iV4O8w

*j?QK3}Ye0 How call you then the place wherein we bide?心理学空间5TP"oY)|

&J0fUGJ hs0 Whate'er I know thou too shalt know; the place心理学空间*O*El1D|}
Is all to great Poseidon consecrate.
'tDT PY j0 Hard by, the Titan, he who bears the torch,心理学空间 o u Vzm%m}
Prometheus, has his worship; but the spot
MH5iI+c|G9{0 Thou treadest, the Brass-footed Threshold named,
Ub~3KPyY"N/~6J0 Is Athens' bastion, and the neighboring lands
\6g6\u mE0 Claim as their chief and patron yonder knight
*\0xovrfj7}/H)K1JG0 Colonus, and in common bear his name.心理学空间bUSGO/o2q
Such, stranger, is the spot, to fame unknown,心理学空间t1QU ]i!yA'Or
But dear to us its native worshipers.

h3k-e f%`"erP0

}U%] g&f]MI9TT0 Thou sayest there are dwellers in these parts?心理学空间F(tVi/Ih e:q+q

STRANGER心理学空间 kjt/k$v1w Vr7R
Surely; they bear the name of yonder god.心理学空间k o#@ F X

心理学空间Pq L v4};l"Vyu

Ruled by a king or by the general voice?


The lord of Athens is our over-lord.


OEDIPUS心理学空间.X'w^/K |;UFu9d;d7W
Who is this monarch, great in word and might?


Theseus, the son of Aegeus our late king.心理学空间;hO#k;vB"V5nT]

t.]3i'\*qGn?"KBe0 Might one be sent from you to summon him?


c"g\:Bm-I C m0 Wherefore? To tell him aught or urge his coming?


"JQ}1@O3V5N,X3c0 Say a slight service may avail him much.心理学空间XrJ.I5B?.riX

How can he profit from a sightless man?心理学空间3Y!_YS` _R

The blind man's words will be instinct with sight.

M+shF| T8y0

%f1@,W#_Q-lY"d0 Heed then; I fain would see thee out of harm;心理学空间$X"o3xB]5b yp5E
For by the looks, marred though they be by fate,
Y(Q8n/u+X2m Y,I0 I judge thee noble; tarry where thou art,心理学空间 ^A'V2V,p Yk
While I go seek the burghers--those at hand,
W,j"E'Z X-[*kTy)P0 Not in the city. They will soon decide心理学空间r3b7k;[pe
Whether thou art to rest or go thy way.

8y;f,t,Kx ZIwV&|0

[Exit STRANGER]心理学空间 BCE;`f/ZC

2|2E1z9Zm0 Tell me, my daughter, has the stranger gone?心理学空间}%h)p:P| v

4aT&Ru5S ~g\W,h0 Yes, he has gone; now we are all alone,
.e&uK R0[(I9g0K4G!Z0 And thou may'st speak, dear father, without fear.

]V)Zb/W rx7q0

Stern-visaged queens, since coming to this land心理学空间pM Lxr+H[
First in your sanctuary I bent the knee,
"U+f1d/Ii@*\W|0 Frown not on me or Phoebus, who, when erst心理学空间qjCF2YI5x?H
He told me all my miseries to come,
2X4A?~$u[0 Spake of this respite after many years,心理学空间R7S ?JfV
Some haven in a far-off land, a rest
"C tutr5\0 Vouchsafed at last by dread divinities.
#QB ~P@q f0 "There," said he, "shalt thou round thy weary life,
z:DwoM4B0 A blessing to the land wherein thou dwell'st,
o%kHX[p2d'`+@0 But to the land that cast thee forth, a curse."心理学空间"]!j gW;C_
And of my weird he promised signs should come,心理学空间*hHn-F~K+N-\
Earthquake, or thunderclap, or lightning flash.心理学空间Y1vkc5w-e,T_
And now I recognize as yours the sign心理学空间3M ~P H9KP!]
That led my wanderings to this your grove;
:wb.P;Q1Gd0 Else had I never lighted on you first,
;y9D8B!U q(wa0 A wineless man on your seat of native rock.心理学空间)K-^*t2tQ+YW@
O goddesses, fulfill Apollo's word,
i9u#J K9p%K.tK0 Grant me some consummation of my life,
A iqcFVv3zna0 If haply I appear not all too vile,心理学空间QX^!}*V.i^(?;u
A thrall to sorrow worse than any slave.
(^T{Z"~.\;~H|0 Hear, gentle daughters of primeval Night,
"n'} c_0DoUg/`M0 Hear, namesake of great Pallas; Athens, first
$?A7^X4?Wb0 Of cities, pity this dishonored shade,
y x J7|#I(Hp-H0 The ghost of him who once was Oedipus.心理学空间QgU%V:G

/^5FN*RL!N)K0 Hush! for I see some grey-beards on their way,
N h9kP,f?i0 Their errand to spy out our resting-place.

:Baxq"^7a%Ejk u0

OEDIPUS心理学空间 D%C\Gn U;X0d7R
I will be mute, and thou shalt guide my steps心理学空间tq,p7sJs.a]
Into the covert from the public road,心理学空间+{ w.d_4u C
Till I have learned their drift. A prudent man
gy'l}0A6q0 Will ever shape his course by what he learns.
c z {){z6C0  


[Enter CHORUS]


_6SYFnE ^0  


(Str. 1)心理学空间[f2{)_&K!yG\
Ha! Where is he? Look around!
9HgDM;ZGa0 Every nook and corner scan!心理学空间%y,r`+e4_9{
He the all-presumptuous man,
"RgQ O'w[U0 Whither vanished? search the ground!
_#K G7@hN$` I"S0 A wayfarer, I ween,
OA:GZq9W LA0 A wayfarer, no countryman of ours,
3f'^ F|4{9q)mM0 That old man must have been;
%Y[ j`)tZ2`N&g0 Never had native dared to tempt the Powers,心理学空间v0e'H h X1e
Or enter their demesne,
A PewIP?#w,d0 The Maids in awe of whom each mortal cowers,心理学空间V5D?$D @cB:cE&b!R
Whose name no voice betrays nor cry,心理学空间[|R FnoE
And as we pass them with averted eye,心理学空间E,p1V0`-nIB&il
We move hushed lips in reverent piety.
.SB_EGhp0 But now some godless man,心理学空间;A*~9| i5g

'Tis rumored, here abides;
x u\]pw0 The precincts through I scan,心理学空间qL sw|$H0O*bR
Yet wot not where he hides,心理学空间 nv C0~4A%L C/~
The wretch profane!
/gQ^(a2cj0 I search and search in vain.心理学空间f*P!yz'F3b:]FY/s9g

)z @ I#p,Q5V9U0 I am that man; I know you near
z4ag t:I?0 Ears to the blind, they say, are eyes.

Bp.zrY*[X s:E1D0

^7D{O%^a ? ]+U0 O dread to see and dread to hear!


Au b,T!CsO\0 Oh sirs, I am no outlaw under ban.

9j*_se W2xt1~0

de ]0Hy v s;U2})u0 Who can he be--Zeus save us!--this old man?


OEDIPUS心理学空间*b ZA~ ^,dz` _
No favorite of fate,
bP|4D6Uu0tg0 That ye should envy his estate,心理学空间UF o#F,\(`W2bn
O, Sirs, would any happy mortal, say,
9lFs p-b0 Grope by the light of other eyes his way,
9pm t*~)zoZ)Z0 Or face the storm upon so frail a stay?心理学空间@Oml"rp K|a


??lI whJzp_6G p0

(Ant. 1)心理学空间4vl@Eb
Wast thou then sightless from thy birth?
+Kdv^ f0 Evil, methinks, and long
'FR4FWPW0 Thy pilgrimage on earth.
IL$i%o3R)HR})l0 Yet add not curse to curse and wrong to wrong.
|3~ W_*{C4tx4N:O0 I warn thee, trespass not心理学空间IS(gF7ib/R;O
Within this hallowed spot,心理学空间9?J Y s+w6i'm/P,\
Lest thou shouldst find the silent grassy glade心理学空间6`:by1^(G(|:u/a _
Where offerings are laid,心理学空间*cL0Fa3[#`;@ OOtA
Bowls of spring water mingled with sweet mead.
-z1F8F}$Q8Gr0 Thou must not stay,心理学空间,T'v l4iu\
Come, come away,
e7@Sm#u$GY0 Tired wanderer, dost thou heed?心理学空间/rIOg0m$q_U

(We are far off, but sure our voice can reach.)
#[4L P.XQWKb*z~0 If aught thou wouldst beseech,心理学空间 yQ:VD,y
Speak where 'tis right; till then refrain from speech.心理学空间h3r3zb v'Y5X;L4c

Daughter, what counsel should we now pursue?心理学空间_2o4E-e0k d

We must obey and do as here they do.

u| ^'o4v0

(N:nX6f0T_e2XdT)J/?z0 Thy hand then!心理学空间p"NMlH

q:~(nm2q ?0 Here, O father, is my hand,

@#?!fR?8T^-Z dg0

6K O _7_Mm)E3] l0 O Sirs, if I come forth at your command,
Jlvm-X k"}tJ0 Let me not suffer for my confidence.

*x7z ]1te0

A#F,g D%[@'Gj0  


(Str. 2)
hS8M F Zz0 Against thy will no man shall drive thee hence.

*` ?"kb w"^n0

Shall I go further?


CHORUS心理学空间V5j ^1_Ia zo.~

o Mo7z6qx Nb#N(s0 What further still?


Lead maiden, thou canst guide him where we will.


ANTIGONE [1]心理学空间0dt4R!A{S


 心理学空间n2a"kC;XD n*\h

心理学空间)_R Eit


;dH g/[3X2CGlOt/i Q0

ANTIGONE心理学空间-M ?&?!U'y g8Zv
Follow with blind steps, father, as I lead.

3TH'R-|,G2Uh p0

In a strange land strange thou art;
0E6tGv)i(yi0w QX0 To her will incline thy heart;
#WZ1y c D @$x"J0 Honor whatso'er the State
'S SP*P)Ot!~?/q0 Honors, all she frowns on hate.心理学空间qSRc3]l`UT

OEDIPUS心理学空间/yKV}] Ya
Guide me child, where we may range
1Q f0G&e J2| }0 Safe within the paths of right;心理学空间4j a[C9q UU)jy
Counsel freely may exchange心理学空间-v wGU1_(|DK
Nor with fate and fortune fight.




(Ant. 2)心理学空间_1dp g ?G*?1A
Halt! Go no further than that rocky floor.

sq)`l e,`:m {0

aM` HX[w~7]0 Stay where I now am?


m/wj z |.t-qI0 Yes, advance no more.

5aPGrZE t ]0

!s7~$IKT7]Fu S0 May I sit down?心理学空间6`1c0qs)q+?0z*M\

Move sideways towards the ledge,心理学空间'p.B c@8r:R\C
And sit thee crouching on the scarped edge.心理学空间6aA:o$B8Y Y9F

q^3?!p0S6D0 This is my office, father, O incline--心理学空间[;Ox7rx0EX*N

6Q|Vq'j0 Ah me! ah me!

[ R?|\y0

ANTIGONE心理学空间8l}W L;p0u?{6D X
Thy steps to my steps, lean thine aged frame on mine.

0H"sP&E#p bm0

5Y2o(G:`(i8[k0 Woe on my fate unblest!

z_5J4y0`(n7T U&G0

+I&o9{e+P;u4zid0 Wanderer, now thou art at rest,
|5S-qS4]A8{0 Tell me of thy birth and home,
2G+cwIV;eV SR9q0 From what far country art thou come,心理学空间#oa{x0q3t
Led on thy weary way, declare!心理学空间5A!W:K:X`#V

~9TdbQ|ZS;H&?0 Strangers, I have no country. O forbear--心理学空间9\+da^-Rk!}"M!mV

CHORUS心理学空间#T,L|\:V4r(u u)u
What is it, old man, that thou wouldst conceal?心理学空间"a U|5Rb[s!~

K_4?y,{-yV0 Forbear, nor urge me further to reveal--心理学空间H(R z NP9y R%Bnh

Why this reluctance?心理学空间'B$d }0_%d:`"L+F5Y

OEDIPUS心理学空间"z6S RE#bXia2~'m
Dread my lineage.

"i6U{S{@1\ S ^(b0

5cnK8B(h hT0 Say!


OEDIPUS心理学空间n r6VEb)S oW
What must I answer, child, ah welladay!

*Y HO}I'X0

0]&m(^ ?`ae H-X*[0 Say of what stock thou comest, what man's son--心理学空间3M fq9f6eIt

OEDIPUS心理学空间nnMt:B n:k
Ah me, my daughter, now we are undone!心理学空间nd$Ll @ZF l

Fm E*r @_-U%z0 Speak, for thou standest on the slippery verge.心理学空间saf,]/AM#x`"b n6U[G

Cw3q }l5r0 I will; no plea for silence can I urge.

F zV.a DHd!Y0

Will neither speak? Come, Sir, why dally thus!心理学空间ujot k'W(\

OEDIPUS心理学空间P1M K.O8~_*U2ct
Know'st one of Laius'--心理学空间6z*}-]8s&{Gf

CHORUS心理学空间{5h*W q ^A
Ha? Who!


#Ud5T3S,TS&OvJz0 Seed of Labdacus--

i{;eX,y IU0

Oh Zeus!心理学空间#~9Yf `#?0f@~

a+F-JIR.}(yYzG0W0 The hapless Oedipus.


7M8{-x\$Vh2b0 Art he?心理学空间 {?4pa yN7}

OEDIPUS心理学空间sj2Wj9HBo4?GC0q e
Whate'er I utter, have no fear of me.


CHORUS心理学空间]+B f \ ?1BE

6dIu#o4I~[0 O wretched me!心理学空间8C|9]"[qtp

7m,Z?)mD_0 Begone!


jsKz%c oHX0 O daughter, what will hap anon?心理学空间fEF v)?Rw2T&pRkt j

f*]$fq4[x&S0 Forth from our borders speed ye both!

,P5R!A s.V0

"^oHP|kE,t0 How keep you then your troth?心理学空间8OEY a!VG

e3d-GGhI:o2z;t0 Heaven's justice never smites心理学空间1F\`+~2zph z7m
Him who ill with ill requites.心理学空间-D8EU4Q3p%e-el
But if guile with guile contend,
Z"?Q-i*A8@0 Bane, not blessing, is the end.心理学空间-O~ {/m)uJ)C
Arise, begone and take thee hence straightway,心理学空间 g5f Z[;r;W Y({1\P
Lest on our land a heavier curse thou lay.心理学空间P y Zb$F$` F

ANTIGONE心理学空间(?4gg:uy&M`:O i0jW
O sirs! ye suffered not my father blind,心理学空间 Q SR A3L
Albeit gracious and to ruth inclined,
(l8l~8R6u0 Knowing the deeds he wrought, not innocent,心理学空间j%c%m5r Uj V6s`} d
But with no ill intent;心理学空间8n+op9l*F*?-]%l-h
Yet heed a maiden's moan心理学空间`m U.E4u Z!n-oU
Who pleads for him alone;
4VWb"J-{5Wwv0 My eyes, not reft of sight,
} ~$baQ(v:Oy z0 Plead with you as a daughter's might心理学空间BcwbD%x-E
You are our providence,
uQ6e6^/[8D.lO.U0 O make us not go hence!
)YjgJt?y0 O with a gracious nod
_&})F$fS0 Grant us the nigh despaired-of boon we crave?心理学空间*i oum O/Xg7L4K
Hear us, O hear,心理学空间5Yp4a;P$JoUg"m
But all that ye hold dear,心理学空间-GpJ/O e
Wife, children, homestead, hearth and God!
sjN.x#]TmwE C9T0 Where will you find one, search ye ne'er so well.
{._8m t^9S qo,z,n0 Who 'scapes perdition if a god impel!

h-~ VV/X2||['B0

CHORUS心理学空间 Kn U/k2G+R*w5L f
Surely we pity thee and him alike心理学空间,X*AHUh4p}GCO'_z
Daughter of Oedipus, for your distress;心理学空间FO9Y4jQJM
But as we reverence the decrees of Heaven
+]G nE.Vu6sK7do0 We cannot say aught other than we said.

;P.iD&Q5ch d-`$T!j$Mef3l0

z0kM y I(Sm)H,i0 O what avails renown or fair repute?
x^#V8s/O#[A0 Are they not vanity? For, look you, now心理学空间/A|"C4F,~
Athens is held of States the most devout,心理学空间Vzp*X|
Athens alone gives hospitality心理学空间/k LM!lBd2c6D
And shelters the vexed stranger, so men say.心理学空间0Dz.L'Y y8R6Zc
Have I found so? I whom ye dislodged心理学空间,|`*j*^D4tk)z`c|
First from my seat of rock and now would drive
E J+^*J s1^ t0 Forth from your land, dreading my name alone;
i [P,J+KR0 For me you surely dread not, nor my deeds,
A4} VFK2d0 Deeds of a man more sinned against than sinning,心理学空间 g&XB3wl
As I might well convince you, were it meet心理学空间+ISV-mYvI|L ?
To tell my mother's story and my sire's,
0?yAWg@ @1w0 The cause of this your fear. Yet am I then
]8a(r5KZ0 A villain born because in self-defense,心理学空间(m*_9a7k ME
Striken, I struck the striker back again?
a6m8u ~z0 E'en had I known, no villainy 'twould prove:心理学空间-l&]#M d*RK^/lX5y
But all unwitting whither I went, I went--心理学空间;}'b'iQ0u
To ruin; my destroyers knew it well,心理学空间5uj?-P@v Z
Wherefore, I pray you, sirs, in Heaven's name,
J{e1d@&[(b{3_0 Even as ye bade me quit my seat, defend me.心理学空间[/d'E-O1W W%v5[
O pay not a lip service to the gods心理学空间nP;_2v(X}#l%w {
And wrong them of their dues. Bethink ye well,心理学空间y%x@*?)~`+E?k V
The eye of Heaven beholds the just of men,心理学空间2q7@0igBd/u:k-g
And the unjust, nor ever in this world
eW8J6B2V/^0 Has one sole godless sinner found escape.
w:G(Lf_` V'z_-W \4P0 Stand then on Heaven's side and never blot
}R%h:ph`6@0s0 Athens' fair scutcheon by abetting wrong.心理学空间a;r c)ayD5R G
I came to you a suppliant, and you pledged
!S0A%KD4flc0 Your honor; O preserve me to the end,
I#N/bpp$i%c J0 O let not this marred visage do me wrong!
0f(IWop"up&Vd0 A holy and god-fearing man is here心理学空间]o2k6P(H0C!C1Msp
Whose coming purports comfort for your folk.心理学空间,I/n7QO/b{8ds~
And when your chief arrives, whoe'er he be,心理学空间xIRe \8qL4O W
Then shall ye have my story and know all.心理学空间e@6C)XD
Meanwhile I pray you do me no despite.

Z A __3Z2FnU!W6k0

The plea thou urgest, needs must give us pause,心理学空间 Qdg8WR8o?0e9K
Set forth in weighty argument, but we心理学空间oTH9v)s"ds%F!e/F
Must leave the issue with the ruling powers.心理学空间 d~6H&X"IU0Q ud

OEDIPUS心理学空间\-n ^i?+iu@_~K
Where is he, strangers, he who sways the realm?


CHORUS心理学空间1o'J wT;m%d4h
In his ancestral seat; a messenger,
eU%B l~TE0 The same who sent us here, is gone for him.

Lv ]#C4\`9r#_2}1k0

OEDIPUS心理学空间 I1v` l,\ W)z
And think you he will have such care or thought心理学空间$CLb |pL
For the blind stranger as to come himself?


CHORUS心理学空间 x(Q%qr |8zEO
Aye, that he will, when once he learns thy name.

g t l nh0

E7{,pZB'W3t3q0 But who will bear him word!

8qrw LR&c.@$h w tq?0

The way is long,心理学空间QEo+[1GF(Tnm
And many travelers pass to speed the news.心理学空间6t9sV$qc3I-K}
Be sure he'll hear and hasten, never fear;
M `1_Wx3I8zx0 So wide and far thy name is noised abroad,心理学空间0VR8mT+oCTK:JRz7c!N:H
That, were he ne'er so spent and loth to move,心理学空间hDX-fp qc
He would bestir him when he hears of thee.心理学空间W%j#{ p4` I

#jT ^+V:u0 Well, may he come with blessing to his State心理学空间@n$mP`9bt%H7|
And me! Who serves his neighbor serves himself. [2]


ANTIGONE心理学空间|L9xM2T ?
Zeus! What is this? What can I say or think?

\4j \*{%xi)I0

8m5Uu].O.e0 What now, Antigone?

J z{4y!?0

I see a woman
F'Bcy [0 Riding upon a colt of Aetna's breed;
4{3J-X6Dfv/UJ0 She wears for headgear a Thessalian hat
aQl~CK-W'oi O w/z/v0 To shade her from the sun. Who can it be?心理学空间NP'rw0Zb7f
She or a stranger? Do I wake or dream?心理学空间Y'D y Pgx"t.O:{2K

Dk-ajnK5u#o H0

'This she; 'tis not--I cannot tell, alack;
'KgR;a1Z;O0 It is no other! Now her bright'ning glance
;V+AGCnyxu0 Greets me with recognition, yes, 'tis she,
ma"@6_4zaq"{(Ha0 Herself, Ismene!心理学空间 p3YU,^!A [7Wx

OEDIPUS心理学空间h,t4V e3C.Ve&hFf?
Ha! what say ye, child?心理学空间5z:X6e;H9q v ~

;X YKr M.Jy0 That I behold thy daughter and my sister,心理学空间7gnz*\OI M o
And thou wilt know her straightway by her voice.
3\A-_A,s9i0  心理学空间 Jf2V%H k(b

[Enter ISMENE]


'_}qgrUoXE t0 Father and sister, names to me most sweet,心理学空间y@*KB#e#P(o(N&e
How hardly have I found you, hardly now
`*VZ9t%x]Rqk0 When found at last can see you through my tears!心理学空间ptN?+},Q3Dr

c j|-I?#yI9I"w0 Art come, my child?


3r+Q{"]&u0 O father, sad thy plight!心理学空间%?G+_On

Child, thou art here?心理学空间 h$ska7TU ^$j7O?w

J ^?._H(U0 Yes, 'twas a weary way.

+Z2w's?*C+_8} s%It0

OEDIPUS心理学空间 y d*_T-V
Touch me, my child.心理学空间2I |6Z@M6i%A2H8h0~

ISMENE心理学空间,q7X1b)m g8HB_
I give a hand to both.

p8} z$Lt6~0

!r,k |F(I5} f4S`QJj2J0 O children--sisters!心理学空间.o2U/l1i!u:O#L-IM

ISMENE心理学空间C$B;S |VU"Z V@-^Q
O disastrous plight!


%B O"U;e$N?0 Her plight and mine?


I f^6gN)c.k*g0 Aye, and my own no less.心理学空间/ad7b@zI

@ zK8B j @zw0 What brought thee, daughter?心理学空间x&X*[ NA xO0i{p3V

Father, care for thee.

,T7| |~(O8^8n7?0

h0b"rG9@+L1t fC0 A daughter's yearning?

R-I ~g})qaQ0Ui0

ISMENE心理学空间&D"Q:D o ^\C [
Yes, and I had news心理学空间$BX*SC0c
I would myself deliver, so I came
:y4aSSf#r0 With the one thrall who yet is true to me.

M2E5CfYI{0J cV0

OEDIPUS心理学空间;c\EAw;d!f-o ^9v
Thy valiant brothers, where are they at need?

CYP1e r K)C/L0

ISMENE心理学空间6Ot1O L}~M
They are--enough, 'tis now their darkest hour.心理学空间7bD7oU'Q!` lP7E

Out on the twain! The thoughts and actions all心理学空间#O|6F4sO
Are framed and modeled on Egyptian ways.心理学空间"[ `]7A%L
For there the men sit at the loom indoors
e#Lxb:Y,p:DH0 While the wives slave abroad for daily bread.心理学空间JG&Ak`$O9H&R
So you, my children--those whom I behooved
&m.x?o;i/c@E0 To bear the burden, stay at home like girls,
1J.pw.Iu l~?o@V0 While in their stead my daughters moil and drudge,
?/ZJ(JL3\$we(OQ0 Lightening their father's misery. The one
.S8w2J e$kM0 Since first she grew from girlish feebleness心理学空间Y0A[4P?3QO
To womanhood has been the old man's guide心理学空间l1i|$[ u
And shared my weary wandering, roaming oft心理学空间(hbhq!V2yd
Hungry and footsore through wild forest ways,心理学空间.}JK'j3_.e4J L
In drenching rains and under scorching suns,
|:}E]-i9i,Y"y#?0 Careless herself of home and ease, if so
l$d#e e7t:bgTqC0 Her sire might have her tender ministry.
sw&H4Co!@b0 And thou, my child, whilom thou wentest forth,
'rTe,i6{6M ~[ d(N0 Eluding the Cadmeians' vigilance,心理学空间8oA;b0A*Y
To bring thy father all the oracles心理学空间[aW0Xz;]vn
Concerning Oedipus, and didst make thyself心理学空间7|IrQn'l
My faithful lieger, when they banished me.
K~ Xc'\5h0 And now what mission summons thee from home,
:N1Ug8U:cMFn6Au0 What news, Ismene, hast thou for thy father?
A*jd9l3v(y} yw,j I.w0 This much I know, thou com'st not empty-handed,心理学空间5b#QiK)PYt+z
Without a warning of some new alarm.心理学空间 qo"}gv2w};M

The toil and trouble, father, that I bore心理学空间{%KlRA|,p
To find thy lodging-place and how thou faredst,
qF[,b{0 I spare thee; surely 'twere a double pain
~(x9?(f6g0 To suffer, first in act and then in telling;心理学空间U[VY+dK _.N

'Tis the misfortune of thine ill-starred sons
R)L p m0G{0 I come to tell thee. At the first they willed
#E7?,V2K!m]R0 To leave the throne to Creon, minded well心理学空间` j/\r&e1mh\@
Thus to remove the inveterate curse of old,心理学空间!R(Wbo X]&T K.F
A canker that infected all thy race.
;|)O3EpC%]B@E'q1e0 But now some god and an infatuate soul心理学空间pk]:H'rus)W&AE
Have stirred betwixt them a mad rivalry
J3i)B"G0N2O0 To grasp at sovereignty and kingly power.心理学空间yC'\M*jY n
Today the hot-branded youth, the younger born,心理学空间3K-oU Qp(}| c(q
Is keeping Polyneices from the throne,心理学空间 v [G&Z&K9zu
His elder, and has thrust him from the land.
%pAX3DZ3K0 The banished brother (so all Thebes reports)
E[i+c;kP7`0 Fled to the vale of Argos, and by help心理学空间[ }L,i[4W*K']R
Of new alliance there and friends in arms,
$S pz6JoN0 Swears he will stablish Argos straight as lord
i^.|y2u L-l{0 Of the Cadmeian land, or, if he fail,心理学空间7V.o]@ q$kR
Exalt the victor to the stars of heaven.心理学空间mC0W0c|HYx9f0h
This is no empty tale, but deadly truth,
1A-u"F]4z0 My father; and how long thy agony,
l3_V$m%YG+?o}8G0 Ere the gods pity thee, I cannot tell.

f)qC:mZx8y a0

2DY jl,vQ0 Hast thou indeed then entertained a hope心理学空间{^&F-O7sL"?SO(_
The gods at last will turn and rescue me?心理学空间 @V0]2lhv H"i

ISMENE心理学空间C}1Z|_oz0h1gh @
Yea, so I read these latest oracles.


OEDIPUS心理学空间|$a/B cL,U+bO8g.n4Q
What oracles? What hath been uttered, child?心理学空间!o E,PV3]

Thy country (so it runs) shall yearn in time
{.d wly$M0 To have thee for their weal alive or dead.


OEDIPUS心理学空间 [+d(s~9bh)l-X6d
And who could gain by such a one as I?

4KC&U` k9^;gd0

ISMENE心理学空间i g6e!t&x)z
On thee, 'tis said, their sovereignty depends.

!Fy7\5^2w SZ0

So, when I cease to be, my worth begins.心理学空间 m`{ JE

R H zJm*eg0 The gods, who once abased, uplift thee now.心理学空间,uJ6[q},x;v&M _

VZDY;bbv"H0 Poor help to raise an old man fallen in youth.

g @h{0[*MkH0

Howe'er that be, 'tis for this cause alone
"Q0Q+V_s`|_+Z0 That Creon comes to thee--and comes anon.心理学空间y5D"^:_$M ?/GD

OEDIPUS心理学空间'V j[1ln+xW X
With what intent, my daughter? Tell me plainly.心理学空间-VeJ V:`-wM@i A|

ISMENE心理学空间2i:s&C2Tl g:rB
To plant thee near the Theban land, and so心理学空间,omb iQR.d1^8{
Keep thee within their grasp, yet now allow
5f"Et w)iE'Ki-Z"w0 Thy foot to pass beyond their boundaries.心理学空间]/QrU+^

ml^Z??5VS0 What gain they, if I lay outside?


Thy tomb,
E i^3y;nqLx0 If disappointed, brings on them a curse.

_4d"{^1S6dGI _$Lp'a0

It needs no god to tell what's plain to sense.

#Y$R"[ U.o:w0

$AL5b5HqdQ0l%f?,s0 Therefore they fain would have thee close at hand,心理学空间b&z5B1d/V `kci
Not where thou wouldst be master of thyself.


J0uc0I,YT0 Mean they to shroud my bones in Theban dust?心理学空间`:NI7[ Qs

ISMENE心理学空间-CKo_7P {$I zj&|P3l
Nay, father, guilt of kinsman's blood forbids.心理学空间1z [Po-v2s

w%N!r}k4S0 Then never shall they be my masters, never!心理学空间v M"`o&W lCGB oc

Z b AG8\9^0l0 Thebes, thou shalt rue this bitterly some day!心理学空间*WCD.s1U-Y2trL;k

BK5US9O K/i(YD0 When what conjunction comes to pass, my child?心理学空间#I d i M Dx(i H

ISMENE心理学空间9Y!F*U)}5{0u M#uM!b6}1J
Thy angry wraith, when at thy tomb they stand. [3]心理学空间IBFUy4G/D#Z(x7?

.~ M+Nu0rz fL0 And who hath told thee what thou tell'st me, child?心理学空间W4rc@Hn

(aDNz;`i&F2W(d0 Envoys who visited the Delphic hearth.


Hath Phoebus spoken thus concerning me?心理学空间6dw+y/RVo5~ b

So say the envoys who returned to Thebes.心理学空间-ccMta

And can a son of mine have heard of this?心理学空间M/cSFo`

Yea, both alike, and know its import well.心理学空间 ])GXT`[#E3?%gA

OEDIPUS心理学空间!EU T \Y2FqL#f
They knew it, yet the ignoble greed of rule
#L{ p0e1F$Rc8LO0 Outweighed all longing for their sire's return.心理学空间)G^#D:W#X

u8mK,K{7NT0 Grievous thy words, yet I must own them true.心理学空间c5hcr!@;j#~0Fz RX

Then may the gods ne'er quench their fatal feud,心理学空间]!wz!][B;h
And mine be the arbitrament of the fight,心理学空间4sglLVx
For which they now are arming, spear to spear;
Ii2^SO+t(y0 That neither he who holds the scepter now心理学空间!K6q2CAfH k,m
May keep this throne, nor he who fled the realm
"i n2QNTG{JF0 Return again. They never raised a hand,心理学空间rgR Q7UR8F
When I their sire was thrust from hearth and home,
k%ADdt0 When I was banned and banished, what recked they?
W$C y(Z:F0 Say you 'twas done at my desire, a grace
T { ~3Ld P_4i1Bt l0 Which the state, yielding to my wish, allowed?心理学空间k3_&prE'| o
Not so; for, mark you, on that very day
^3O%J6B G7z6^'F{ u0 When in the tempest of my soul I craved心理学空间4eA+ApuQc
Death, even death by stoning, none appeared
}iV_)~w9oO0 To further that wild longing, but anon,
6h yR;I`/k L6_0 When time had numbed my anguish and I felt心理学空间y.kH _`5J2N
My wrath had all outrun those errors past,
TES ~VP0 Then, then it was the city went about
1TT#MBUV|0v#TZ(H0 By force to oust me, respited for years;心理学空间h5QJN#Q-c
And then my sons, who should as sons have helped,
tE/O^`2W(h Y0 Did nothing: and, one little word from them心理学空间4XhL@5J4z
Was all I needed, and they spoke no word,心理学空间V7S1} f*{!^D;U
But let me wander on for evermore,
q|I9U.N m9^8`{^0 A banished man, a beggar. These two maids
6rR'jeK*F0 Their sisters, girls, gave all their sex could give,心理学空间t;e#@"@ vO
Food and safe harborage and filial care;心理学空间.jP4IMp&e
While their two brethren sacrificed their sire心理学空间%Q"? J J/Oz [~
For lust of power and sceptred sovereignty.心理学空间A It?*JV
No! me they ne'er shall win for an ally,心理学空间i%N0y z;X gE1v o
Nor will this Theban kingship bring them gain;
[m+s-j M6v `0 That know I from this maiden's oracles,
K T0]_I H-b0 And those old prophecies concerning me,
4An5~fqn0 Which Phoebus now at length has brought to pass.
!K A }mCOF m9f%z0 Come Creon then, come all the mightiest心理学空间@4xwL%i'Cu.F
In Thebes to seek me; for if ye my friends,
Y$w:~*R!e+}8nA a,K0 Championed by those dread Powers indigenous,心理学空间 S` [3Gi3Jp9c
Espouse my cause; then for the State ye gain心理学空间n;WqKMB
A great deliverer, for my foemen bane.心理学空间Z\P)sC\C

CHORUS心理学空间n$~ x [ G
Our pity, Oedipus, thou needs must move,
q QE{le7gT p0 Thou and these maidens; and the stronger plea
&D~h'g#d+j T0 Thou urgest, as the savior of our land,心理学空间x#zq2b g-Bb
Disposes me to counsel for thy weal.


OEDIPUS心理学空间+h ?4B;f+v
Aid me, kind sirs; I will do all you bid.心理学空间^'S)C8aMk8h B${

xyPH'i0 First make atonement to the deities,心理学空间p6y1O:On!gflRp"E~
Whose grove by trespass thou didst first profane.心理学空间Hf l"Cg_0\lB,i2F

\e2a m yc.N$k0 After what manner, stranger? Teach me, pray.心理学空间D1Pa \ N@s

wx,fu-^Uw$T0 Make a libation first of water fetched
g$XT3m7Q3m0 With undefiled hands from living spring.心理学空间z^2yIn]y U

+}7PP8o?,t'?#lJ%b[(d0 And after I have gotten this pure draught?


%j`Y)F9^6l0 Bowls thou wilt find, the carver's handiwork;心理学空间XjE K k
Crown thou the rims and both the handles crown--

;eQ!~8n k6a2F3Hq [0

With olive shoots or blocks of wool, or how?心理学空间3@DVc4w Z.x

CHORUS心理学空间j^{ ^S
With wool from fleece of yearling freshly shorn.心理学空间!b8b&J0Qj#a

"p'^ g!dB\0 What next? how must I end the ritual?


Pour thy libation, turning to the dawn.心理学空间#aGzD3}2w d9f

t;K2n ki`+d{-Y0 Pouring it from the urns whereof ye spake?

9yTU y$n:o A0

kV,g;I ~T:E%I0 Yea, in three streams; and be the last bowl drained心理学空间kls8e:K
To the last drop.

3o$u A2N {|s0

!YJEM%R,H0 And wherewith shall I fill it,
%U&mby0P5H'Sn0 Ere in its place I set it? This too tell.


v zktOX0 With water and with honey; add no wine.

P l$f8o6M-x8J?3f#p j0

a MK-vI\e)Z,s0 And when the embowered earth hath drunk thereof?心理学空间yfX C5a Y

8q5s%^;u7_XG/k$@c0 Then lay upon it thrice nine olive sprays
c/Z.t)AT0 With both thy hands, and offer up this prayer.心理学空间cCj,ROUEz

I fain would hear it; that imports the most.心理学空间K2~gFx'~W4V

n Q,J k? n0 That, as we call them Gracious, they would deign
fvNPw bwt0 To grant the suppliant their saving grace.心理学空间y6nfc7\(V$i3G
So pray thyself or whoso pray for thee,
%L$L1c] Uo)~ Q0 In whispered accents, not with lifted voice;
Sod1O!iUdui0 Then go and look back. Do as I bid,
;Q ~Az,KPk4FV0 And I shall then be bold to stand thy friend;
y-qfaL,B-}0 Else, stranger, I should have my fears for thee.心理学空间dN1aIRWl6r:m5d

E3?4|}T-PP~0 Hear ye, my daughters, what these strangers say?

lb%e0S+A4\[ U5T0

'S*BtJm lA%_+Rs0 We listened, and attend thy bidding, father.心理学空间2z7Hbvq8qAb

w4^9{Q b0 I cannot go, disabled as I am心理学空间)Z"J9e%Q[5l5gr7?
Doubly, by lack of strength and lack of sight;心理学空间't+R4P2UJ;CzA!b},_
But one of you may do it in my stead;心理学空间O"Z~~[,[
For one, I trow, may pay the sacrifice心理学空间4MM ^$Yz,J0rg
Of thousands, if his heart be leal and true.心理学空间Y;f8?;FF5p;y
So to your work with speed, but leave me not
x? XO!rz0 Untended; for this frame is all too week心理学空间)ed;h,R\ t~ `
To move without the help of guiding hand.心理学空间i&R)KP1u2E~

R8Nby!Q u QH0 Then I will go perform these rites, but where
Gfm6|;Kec0 To find the spot, this have I yet to learn.


Beyond this grove; if thou hast need of aught,心理学空间&OL[1`$Y
The guardian of the close will lend his aid.


I go, and thou, Antigone, meanwhile心理学空间1?I\]+?txxu b
Must guard our father. In a parent's cause心理学空间T0] w#n,s ?A
Toil, if there be toil, is of no account.
V-[H HkV&gn)q q4Z0  

.Gvp,v|Ap J J0f0



CHORUS心理学空间FE!F8\QI5_+s|i-L7Uf e

(Str. 1)
,G)~M|0?eWwB0 Ill it is, stranger, to awake心理学空间;WES Z5qAf7^
Pain that long since has ceased to ache,心理学空间)c/Q^~\
And yet I fain would hear--心理学空间b,AW2@1VFjs._0v

6N7z/IY|TX"J0 What thing?


CHORUS心理学空间1k~Gg{8a(G E]
Thy tale of cruel suffering
Hv'AOS0 For which no cure was found,
.ULdk$f3^{0 The fate that held thee bound.


O bid me not (as guest I claim心理学空间(u[`ej#Z
This grace) expose my shame.

b3Hd;e gq @I0

The tale is bruited far and near,心理学空间9K3t`3V6{
And echoes still from ear to ear.心理学空间fS&[VP:?rf
The truth, I fain would hear.心理学空间DzOn!H+A

Ah me!

p"\2V)^ xL3m0

X'p b(`:l4TX?&_0 I prithee yield.

)T m`O8]dV-E@O,Sx0

Ah me!心理学空间sYPV^|

CHORUS心理学空间~q ] L(Q
Grant my request, I granted all to thee.心理学空间'`,u p\kCf

(|{0nk:p0  心理学空间$Dr wM-j

(Ant. 1)心理学空间`"`[,F,H)Mn g
Know then I suffered ills most vile, but none心理学空间:F3g \a)Q!{1u1N"Q

O7g` }R\ p `0

(So help me Heaven!) from acts in malice done.心理学空间SN mc$~-R,Qd

Say how.

2j a W(Wu8NB0

u)RR)^3bXl$O0 The State around
UWxzL0 An all unwitting bridegroom bound心理学空间/WD4b9i0O\7}}
An impious marriage chain;
dc B2b7}!h%h0 That was my bane.

RiG \%z"wz0

CHORUS心理学空间 g#? x#u7H&y`
Didst thou in sooth then share心理学空间$\3j:M3ux.P(V"KC;x u7B
A bed incestuous with her that bare--心理学空间z&Z` {&c7{,oB:w

It stabs me like a sword,心理学空间:I-o_H*PQb,BN:a
That two-edged word,心理学空间|C3r,~fG/R
O stranger, but these maids--my own--心理学空间6t yw2N5T

$bJ%@hC-BX'lU0 Say on.


%c{}'b(EW:u0 Two daughters, curses twain.心理学空间^ bN4e%tL"f Vr

Z:Uf8T1` p(Y2m"~CX0 Oh God!


Sprang from the wife and mother's travail-pain.心理学空间Z PPhS)j%i5u

U;p~^/gS'{#O_5@0  心理学空间_3Z1s$a1sR

(Str. 2)心理学空间 MR(qd]d
What, then thy offspring are at once--


OEDIPUS心理学空间O B.e8u$_ kI2[(ws(\
Too true.心理学空间)?O4?(WObLt;P
Their father's very sister's too.

O2y+[j W fW0

CHORUS心理学空间6V$O-lG+Nkh0h Kk
Oh horror!

mI E ~M M0

cc/c,V T2u0 Horrors from the boundless deep心理学空间K"@2N.M#ch
Back on my soul in refluent surges sweep.


?\5r%c h/p0 Thou hast endured--

o#B G0@B&e9v b0`o0

OEDIPUS心理学空间&b3a!b#]$@/@iO6v T
Intolerable woe.心理学空间xz:F_8Mcd

3q]Vu%X0 And sinned--


0oi J&p"X$d0 I sinned not.

;b-ATT} X0

CHORUS心理学空间hT I}d v v2L
How so?心理学空间G-WgW gG(?

OEDIPUS心理学空间\p*as J0No8AC"g
I served the State; would I had never won
*M6t,Y)A6u*Q0 That graceless grace by which I was undone.


CHORUS心理学空间 P'?6p qvOj5ID


(Ant. 2)心理学空间8PlM A L s/w&|$btM1[pU
And next, unhappy man, thou hast shed blood?

(W+{/e}rmwu$L k0

t!^| EN%T,D*Ewoj0 Must ye hear more?


A father's?心理学空间 |.~PT(s#{*c!g

OEDIPUS心理学空间4R Wo3j+J3XU8s
Flood on flood心理学空间.K^Jo]y
Whelms me; that word's a second mortal blow.心理学空间3l:^2E2x qZ a

x*A.tg"Uby0 Murderer!心理学空间8vp5|Eca+S6y*S!F

Yes, a murderer, but know--


What canst thou plead?心理学空间s4QI*_\ YH+b0M

2X"j"r%GH[O#g4s0 A plea of justice.

:}Y7RB k0

CHORUS心理学空间T*Z W6ruG e

XKjc!oV9[0P Zi0

OEDIPUS心理学空间,a2C%{7A9g8I V
I slew who else would me have slain;心理学空间tEN3W(X ps
I slew without intent,心理学空间!G`:X`^ @:o:g"NJ
A wretch, but innocent心理学空间 sV#f l*M$Z
In the law's eye, I stand, without a stain.心理学空间c7l-b;c$s4Y r4l@#z

Behold our sovereign, Theseus, Aegeus' son,
5s'zIEdBI0 Comes at thy summons to perform his part.心理学空间H4|}v(n3dt
 心理学空间*I~'gn#s9Y:D1Q A UM

[Enter THESEUS]心理学空间bnQ] Q"G7zgX&?|I

Oft had I heard of thee in times gone by--
&wR+T {,At A#A0 The bloody mutilation of thine eyes--心理学空间\| ?W'X C
And therefore know thee, son of Laius.心理学空间eus q2vYn c t
All that I lately gathered on the way心理学空间EC r(w$m/TA3w
Made my conjecture doubly sure; and now
M6r6Q~9?r D0 Thy garb and that marred visage prove to me心理学空间p+h`^O.NT_
That thou art he. So pitying thine estate,
s%?U5l(A0 Most ill-starred Oedipus, I fain would know
x&x&bcO D^/U0 What is the suit ye urge on me and Athens,
W;J yTod5h.R0 Thou and the helpless maiden at thy side.
3v4lTZ:j])s0 Declare it; dire indeed must be the tale心理学空间!H[kAYeNR G$L
Whereat I should recoil. I too was reared,
C3L k(P w [8O0 Like thee, in exile, and in foreign lands
}4\ Hs:tm0 Wrestled with many perils, no man more.
9xQ2f E:n4t aK^0 Wherefore no alien in adversity
6~{!DzxaxSZ0 Shall seek in vain my succor, nor shalt thou;
9C1L%w ~Q9S3Ec{8`0 I know myself a mortal, and my share心理学空间A6G5Z b&e,By
In what the morrow brings no more than thine.心理学空间.C9Hluh `6D+E

FOOTNOTES 心理学空间 d Yt7D+p

. The Greek text for the passages marked here and later in the text have been lost.心理学空间'i-jl;icj
2. To avoid the blessing, still a secret, he resorts to a commonplace; literally, "For what generous man is not (in befriending others) a friend to himself?"心理学空间.K T4g6W+jN

XS,F/@6s_:lT0 3. Creon desires to bury Oedipus on the confines of Thebes so as to avoid the pollution and yet offer due rites at his tomb. Ismene tells him of the latest oracle and interprets to him its purport, that some day the Theban invaders of Athens will be routed in a battle near the grave of Oedipus.心理学空间@G3A if.W!`
心理学空间0BI n9}fqM
4. The Thebans sprung from the Dragon's teeth sown by Cadmus.心理学空间]W f8w/P1O

     全文地址:      http://classics.mit.edu/Sophocles/colonus.pl.txt备份地址:http://vdisk.weibo.com/s/ud51Qbwfh7NZ  www.psychspace.com心理学空间网
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"I conclude that all is well," says Oedipus,