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赫伯特·罗森费尔德(Herbert Rosenfeld)在近40年前去世,现在已经不算是当代人了。然而,有许多人受到了他的教导,他们至今仍在实践精神分析,并影响着当代精神分析世界。他安静的存在仍然存在。心理学空间5Tt2U_zLmY'm-}

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1910年,他出生在纽伦堡,这是第一次国际精神分析学家会议的一年,他们确实在纽伦堡会面。因此,他是第二代(甚至可能是第三代)精神分析学家。他有一个姐姐和两个妹妹,他的父亲拥有一家重要的农业企业,种植啤酒花。心理学空间0J i7I7d#vbB

F-z&vBh p$Q p}0他没有进入家族企业,而是在1934年取得了医学资格。1936年,他来到英国,因为作为一名犹太人,他被禁止在德国行医。他在格拉斯哥的医学院重新取得了资格。然而,作为一名移民,他再次无法执业,因此他开始在塔维斯托克诊所接受心理治疗师培训,并于1940年获得资格,随后在牛津沃内福德医院和伦敦莫兹利医院工作了一段时间。作为一名来自德国的难民,他甚至没有被要求服兵役,甚至是一名医生。在那段时间里,他开始与梅兰妮·克莱因进行分析,并于1945年获得伦敦精神分析研究所精神分析师资格。心理学空间Izn`%I!U"a&@2o.l

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D&q)G7PY:W V;{;O0尽管罗森费尔德的父母跟随他来到了英国,但他的三个姐姐却分散在世界各地。1941年,他与另一位在英国的德国难民洛蒂(Lottie)结婚,他们育有三个孩子,现在有很多孙子孙女。罗森费尔德似乎是一个顾家的人,尽管他也非常专注于自己的分析工作,他在伦敦圣约翰伍德家中的私人咨询室里工作。这个神秘的工作似乎让他的孩子们着迷(Angela Rosenfeld,2016)。他的朋友圈似乎主要来自精神分析世界。

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'F F$Kl.g$xxW,JaZ0他是一个安静而严肃的人,带着温柔的微笑,从他的写作中可以明显地看出,他对他人的经历表现出了开放的敏感性。正是后者,他敏感于他人的极端经历,使他成为一位令人敬畏的精神分析大师。他的温和似乎表现在他是最早的犹太精神分析学家之一,我相信,从20世纪70年代开始,他就准备为德国的精神分析学家提供监督。

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Publications of Herbert Rosenfeld


zb!dF4Fk"i!t01 Rosenfeld, H. (1947) Analysis of a schizophrenic state with depersonalization. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 28: 130–139. Reprinted 1965 in Psychotic States: 3–27. London: Hogarth Press.

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ID/{E4h4yCj'h02 Rosenfeld, H. (1949) Remarks on the relation of male homosexuality to paranoia, paranoid anxiety and narcissism. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 30: 36–47. Reprinted 1965 in Psychotic States: 34–51. London: Hogarth Press.心理学空间GwnW8zW K

8uZ ]xG cC0e-\"d_03 Rosenfeld, H. (1950) Note on the psychopathology of confusional states in chronic schizophrenias. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 31: 132–137. Reprinted 1965 in Psychotic States: 52–62. London: Hogarth Press.心理学空间D5C5z6f@bRqF:J


4 Rosenfeld, H. (1952a) Notes on the psycho-analysis of the superego confict of an acute schizophrenic patient. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 33: 111–131. Reprinted (1955) in M. Klein, P. Heimann and R. Money-Kyrle (eds.) New Directions in Psychoanalysis: 180–219. And reprinted (1965) in Psychotic States: 111–131. London: Hogarth Press.

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&FL6KEA(O+M?.ss05 Rosenfeld, H. (1952b) Transference phenomena and transference analysis in an acute catatonic schizophrenic patient. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 33: 457–464. Reprinted (1965) in Psychotic States: 104–117. London: Hogarth Press.心理学空间1Hk5e@1_8l)~O

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6 Rosenfeld, H. (1954) Considerations regarding the psychoanalytic approach to acute and chronic schizophrenia. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 35: 135–140. Reprinted (1965) in Psychotic States: 117–127. London: Hogarth Press.

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7 Rosenfeld, H. (1958a) Discussion on ego distortion. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 39: 274–275. Publications of Herbert Rosenfeld 139心理学空间sv2G zh8O lWEk [

:EVK:{A6}1g08 Rosenfeld, H. (1958b) Some observations on the psychopathology of hypochondriacal states. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 39: 121–124.

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9 Rosenfeld, H. (1958c) Contribution to the discussion on variations in classical technique. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 39: 238–239.心理学空间_Fb s:T}$iD;p"_


10 Rosenfeld, H. (1959a) An investigation into the psycho-analytic theory of depression. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 40: 105–129.心理学空间|K3z;NoB$q$l+a9yq T F

e0tO:`Mv011 Rosenfeld, H. (1959b) Envy and gratitude: A study of unconscious forces: By Melanie Klein. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 40: 64–66.心理学空间(V]wlj0Dy+M*T

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12 Rosenfeld, H. (1960) On drug addiction. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 41: 467–475. Reprinted (1965) in Psychotic States: 128–143. London: Hogarth Press.

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13 Rosenfeld, H. (1962a) The superego and the ego-ideal. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 43: 258–263.

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#y1kM8W~9rop014 Rosenfeld, H. (1962b) Review of Psychotherapy of the Psychoses. Edited by Arthur Burton. New York: Basic Books, 1961. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 43: 184–188.心理学空间0V:W"`5J@O^!A

M2U^3_$NJ[n015 Rosenfeld, H. (1964a) The psychopathology of hypochondriasis. Reprinted (1965) in Psychotic States: 180–199. London: Hogarth Press.

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aFeJ4U016 Rosenfeld, H. (1964b) On the psychopathology of narcissism: A clinical approach. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 45: 332–337. Reprinted (1965) in Psychotic States: 169–179. London: Hogarth Press.


y&B Ie-HI017 Rosenfeld, H. (1969) On the treatment of psychotic states by psychoanalysis: An historical approach. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 50: 615–631.

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18 Rosenfeld, H. (1971a) A clinical approach to the psychoanalytic theory of the life and death instincts: An investigation into the aggressive aspects of narcissism. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 52: 169–178.

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19 Rosenfeld, H. (1971b) Contribution to the psychopathology of psychotic patients: The importance of projective identifcation in the ego structure and object relations of the psychotic patient. In Bott Spillius, E. (1988) Melanie Klein Today: 1. Mainly Theory: 117–137. London: Routledge. Previously published (1971) in Doucet, P. and Laurin, C. (eds.) Problems of Psychosis: International Colloquium Series, 1969. Amsterdam: Excerpt Medica.

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$Z6D^R7p6d3Re/}w020 Rosenfeld, H. (1972) A critical appreciation of James Strachey’s paper on the nature of the therapeutic action of psychoanalysis. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 5: 455–461.心理学空间-r.Z2D^P+X"S,l9q

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21 Rosenfeld, H. (1973) Negative therapeutic reaction. In Giovachini,心理学空间 xrG"xz L+@8[;OG

eX!kWK&[uR9[8``0P. (ed.) Tactics and Techniques in Psychoanalytic Therapy, Vol II: 217–228. New York: Jason Aronson.

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M5?M5}`L.T$M~A022 Rosenfeld, H. (1974) A discussion of the paper by Ralph R. Green-son on ‘Transference: Freud or Klein’. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 55: 49–51.心理学空间W;L*pW] ~mL-NF

8A Gxp.B8p023 Rosenfeld, H. (1978a) Some therapeutic factors in psychoanalysis. International Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 7: 152–164.

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Cut)J}0g1t024 Rosenfeld, H. (1978b) Notes on the psychopathology and psychoanalytic treatment of some borderline patients. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 59: 215–221.

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25 Rosenfeld, H. (1979) Diffculties in the psychoanalytic treatment of borderline patients. In Le Boit, J. and Capponi, A. (eds.) Advances in the Psychotherapy of the Borderline Patient: 187–206. New York: Jason Aronson.

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26 Rosenfeld, H. (1981) On the psychopathology and treatment of psychotic patients (Historical and comparative refections). In Grotstein, J. S. (ed.) Do I Dare Disturb the Universe?: 167–180. Beverley Hills: Caesura Press.心理学空间he.c'U;ro.D

C;^]8z qA&D'd027 Rosenfeld, H. (1983) Primitive object relations and mechanisms. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 64: 261–267.心理学空间A+rL8A8y!E"D y+C7K


28 Rosenfeld, H. (1987) Impasse and Interpretation: Therapeutic and Anti-Therapeutic Factors in the Psychoanalytic Treatment of Psychotic, Borderline, and Neurotic Patients. London: Routledge.


29 Rosenfeld, H. (1988) On masochism: A theoretical and clinical approach. In Click, R. A. and Meyers, D. I. (eds.) Masochism: Current Psychoanalytic Perspectives: 151–174. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press.


-Iy TPN-?1~030 Rosenfeld, H. (2001) Herbert Rosenfeld at Work: The Italian Seminars (edited by F. de Masi). 心理学空间#oa'Z0f8}&R/r)d

«Rosenfeld(1964) 自恋心理病理学的临床研究 赫伯特·罗森费尔德 Herbert Rosenfeld
《赫伯特·罗森费尔德 Herbert Rosenfeld》