社交性性取向量表The revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (SOI-R)
作者: Penke / 12090次阅读 时间: 2014年1月04日
来源: larspenke.eu 标签: 性取向 SOIR

q)qc5^pY}N,m0The revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (SOI-R)心理学空间 ] Mw3?:Z Js;L
社交性性取向量表心理学空间_ R6v g9j"N
Please respond honestly to the following questions:心理学空间o3H-`5r3}No&N
}i#M,yq\+t8o0心理学空间 cOJB+m?)Y
1. With how many different partners have you had sex within the past 12 months?
F;Q%t*\1l0I0过去一年与多少人发生过性关系心理学空间so\P3_ E.l,t

$b.Wz(Si.`00 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10-19 20 or more
2. With how many different partners have you had sexual intercourse on one and only one occasion?心理学空间-l3rp-URQ

p/p)T[$H|$s$`00 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10-19 20 or more心理学空间W)ebec2Oy#Wn9W{
心理学空间RoTI O PU*r
3. With how many different partners have you had sexual intercourse without having an interest in a long-term committed relationship with this person?心理学空间!]&Sd2bI
和你有过一次并且仅有一次性关系的人有多少心理学空间 I-B.MXS"C X[3N

O$_Pw@s1Lx#U00 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10-19 20 or more
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4. Sex without love is OK.
j"K,g)t:S{ Y0隔多久幻想与现在伴侣以外的人发生性关系
Gmo|*T%Pbh0心理学空间] BD v6w*?
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9心理学空间'Gb'k~F3M"p
Strongly disagree         Strongly agree心理学空间7HwLE0i9O#u
心理学空间*] nn ~kH!w2Tb
5. I can imagine myself being comfortable and enjoying "casual" sex with different partners.心理学空间/bU {!Mr#gBy$B
怎么看待没有爱情的性行为心理学空间YX P["uv
心理学空间 ]&vSg ys4D&K
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9心理学空间-@0Mg%}"JR
Strongly disagree         Strongly agree心理学空间;vJ/[+]3`l2M*^ygi

I|*Z F x%m6b~06. I do not want to have sex with a person until I am sure that we will have a long-term, serious relationship.
H2w,I2LY m`0我能享受一夜情并且不感到后悔
'BOi*n,Z%y#A01  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9心理学空间r7M'xe+n6M` P(M
Strongly disagree         Strongly agree心理学空间'ay#gd%\+G6s/p
心理学空间 X7v+X fF8s H
7. How often do you have fantasies about having sex with someone you are not in a committed romantic relationship with?心理学空间!aN GYh_]2x(Q u*E
我只能在感情和心理上与他/她建立亲密关系后,才能接受并享受与他/她之间的性行为心理学空间g+blv)t{(CC g2p'[6p

o:k7Qs!M-G+nDd}4{01   经常      never心理学空间e9J/u6V%b;R!Q
2   很少      very seldom心理学空间m }D"}{R}F
3   一两个月一次  about once every two or three months
["Q9hz0wF04   一个月一次   about once a month
Dy2U!j8K'\-[m05   两周一次    about once every two weeks心理学空间 lQ AHk g(E%h
6   一周一次    about once a week心理学空间idX^I5i
7   一周几次    several times per week心理学空间'{gwp0JA
8   几乎每天    nearly every day心理学空间#P&^&lSC;?k*m6|
9   一天至少一次  at least once a day心理学空间&kp K!eg/L^^

{|8yn _)CX:Y Q%K08. How often do you experience sexual arousal when you are in contact with someone you are not in a committed romantic relationship with?心理学空间@_#nAL I^n
p@9o#i]_0心理学空间7srL:oN fn
1   经常      never心理学空间 @ t/sA'F kG%D
2   很少      very seldom
$NTj+R,k-kZ$^?03   一两个月一次  about once every two or three months
@yn$x@_@04   一个月一次   about once a month心理学空间"__:AZ+QSK"QQ
5   两周一次    about once every two weeks心理学空间| pi@Mw5K*L UO&e
6   一周一次    about once a week心理学空间|+@w*u?*G
7   一周几次    several times per week心理学空间)`/l{V c.` ]*LE
8   几乎每天    nearly every day
-R|5P'RL*G4r09   一天至少一次  at least once a day
J C%HS x VzhJ0心理学空间#]RdIEQ?
9. In everyday life, how often do you have spontaneous fantasies about having sex with someone you have just met?心理学空间*Fjb I7@ k9PcR

o6ohT%ZeT01   经常      never心理学空间4g0q:d8~ I;r
2   很少      very seldom
$j(@k#h4Mf"_)~ I c03   一两个月一次  about once every two or three months心理学空间:E!u _;u:v
4   一个月一次   about once a month心理学空间'wZW(z?(F!UkJ*|
5   两周一次    about once every two weeks心理学空间 hICZ{,A A
6   一周一次    about once a week
"ce9S1}#_0ZH4ck~07   一周几次    several times per week
S*`zI#^Mq.X9v6i08   几乎每天    nearly every day
*K} v#h1y8O09   一天至少一次  at least once a day
1Qa.AzXj%u|0Items 1-3 should be coded as 0 = 1, 1 = 2, 2 = 3, 3 = 4, 4 = 5, 5-6 = 6, 7-9 = 7, 10-19 = 8, 20 or more = 9; they can then be aggregated (i.e., summed or averaged) to form the Behavior facet ( = .85). After reverse-coding item 6, items 4-6 can be aggregated to form the Attitude facet ( = .87). Aggregating items 7-9 results in the Desire facet ( = .86). Finally, all nine items can be aggregated to a total score of global sociosexual orientation ( = .83). When items 1-3 are presented with open response format instead of the rating scales, items 2, 4, and 7 of the original SOI can be added to the SOI-R to allow for calculating the SOI total score in addition to the SOI-R scores. In this case, the open responses should be recoded to the rating scale format (i.e., 0 = 1, 1 = 2, ..., 20 to max. = 9) before the SOI-R scores are determined.
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Alternatively, we also developed a version of the SOI-R with 5-point rating scales, which might be more appropriate for samples with less educated or less test-experienced subjects. In this version, the scale alternatives are “0”, “1”, “2-3”, “4-7”, and “8 or more” (coded as 1 to 5) for the Behavior items, 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) for the Attitude items, and “never”, “very seldom”, “about once a month”, “about once a week”, and “nearly every day” (coded as 1 to 5) for the Desire item. In a large, heterogeneous online sample (N = 8,549), the SOI-R with five response alternatives per item achieved good internal consistencies ( = .83, .81, .82, and .85 for the total score and the facets Behavior, Attitude, and Desire, respectively).心理学空间3q&J%p+MZ(}9P:O+i

`;h1K U?*}n0The SOI-R can be cited as:心理学空间 @ aYY8Dc4b
Penke, L., & Asendorpf, J. B. (2008). Beyond global sociosexual orientations: A more differentiated look at sociosexuality and its effects on courtship and romantic relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95, 1113-1135.
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For further information and feedback, please contact:心理学空间"D p:Q\0fxQ'tj
Lars Penke心理学空间/XSDp9w0J
University of Edinburgh
"iN3zB_3]1|A0Email: lars.penke@ed.ac.uk心理学空间 {_-QROf-Wq+a
Phone: +44-131-6508482
,Pp:M:r"|7t0www.larspenke.eu心理学空间 M:mv'[]c}*p
心理学空间k%SL*A|hP3h L

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