作者: 冯晓杭 张向葵 / 19547次阅读 时间: 2019年11月11日
来源: 心理科学进展 2007,15(6):878~884

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5b7\dq e'p+p.Cv&o~6`0Self-Conscious Emotions: Advanced Emotions of Human 心理学空间 e$P}5S1g

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Feng Xiaohang,  Zhang Xiangkui心理学空间p|4Cax)D(su


( Department of Psychology, Northeast Normal University,The Center of Children’s Development Research, Changchun 130024, China ) 心理学空间c7}b0Wc1?1P0b

{/} f'Ggn]K%z{0Abstract: Self-conscious emotions (SCE) are based on self-evaluation of individual, and are produced by self-reflection. There are some relationships and differences between SCE and basic emotions. Self-awareness, self-representation and self-evaluation are the most important elements for the production of SCE. The main functions of SCE are to adjust the self-regulation of the individual’s behavior, serve interpersonal communication and reciprocity, and serve the need of intra-psychics. SCE are formed and developed following the development of cognition. SCE are also influenced by culture. The main methods of SCE include self-report scales, coding of nonverbal behavior skills, verbal reports and behavioral measures, and measures on nerve imaging. The universality and particularity of SCE need to be validated through cross-culture study

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3rT&M*G0cUhU0Key words: self-conscious emotions, basic emotions, child development. 心理学空间n%psF/qW;u1DW

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