过度敏感自恋量表(HSNS)The Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale
作者: mints 编译 / 8376次阅读 时间: 2020年7月12日
标签: 过敏性自恋 显性自恋 隐性自恋 自恋

%M'e.t6S9Pi-c.O M0Please answer the following questions by deciding to what extent each item is characteristic of your feelings and behavior. Fill in the blank next to each item by choosing a number from the scale printed below.心理学空间e;n9~&S l,[)[M
请回答以下问题,并决定每一项在多大程度上反映了你的感受和行为。通过从下面程度选择一个数字,填入每个项目旁边的空白处。心理学空间 UP1SK1Fg|'E


1 = very uncharacteristic or untrue, strongly disagree
B a0]5eWK/fJpC Y01=非常不典型或不真实,强烈反对

pV RN2jt4zb0心理学空间)nMg l.C3b]

2 = uncharacteristic心理学空间;[+VC"v L7O0rP
2=不典型心理学空间ia |3p)_*L1C@9J

0Ti-J$VT03 = neutral心理学空间 db},? L!RZ&Fz-| O


o'Ci6a(v04 = characteristic
iO/X*i ^nO;uB`04=典型心理学空间'B_`$_9h1JG

心理学空间NeM L$}k\7?

5 = very characteristic or true, strongly agree
n;f,o'@} P ~d]05=非常典型或真实,非常同意

zyF'L ju.\-~&V0

Z{3dQd{0 心理学空间2P+XMa#PP

  1. I can become entirely absorbed in thinking about my personal affairs, my health, my cares or my relations to others.心理学空间B3~Fq5h2b T g_
  2. My feelings are easily hurt by ridicule or by the slighting remarks of others.心理学空间A7J!iBAk
  3. When I enter a room I often become self conscious and feel that the eyes of others are upon me.心理学空间2^D&`f+v$w
  4. I dislike sharing the credit of an achievement with others.
    8UE~0Zj` x0我不喜欢和别人分享成就的功劳。
  5. I dislike being with a group unless I know that I am appreciated by at least one of those present.心理学空间JK\M |#u M
  6. I feel that I am temperamentally different from most people.
    mN2b I@N(r!J0我觉得我的性情与大多数人不同。
  7. I often interpret the remarks of others in a personal way.心理学空间6N3{ [;}1U1b m
  8. I easily become wrapped up in my own interests and forget the existence of others.心理学空间xX;]WcW{5m
  9. I feel that I have enough on my hands without worrying about other people’s troubles.心理学空间 CY p|]8VF"{X]!N
  10. I am secretely "put out" when other people come to me with their troubles, asking me for my time and sympathy.
    s E*AzJvO!kk]0当其他人带着他们的烦恼来找我,占用我的时间,寻求我的同情时,我会偷偷的“心烦”。
Hendin, H.M., & Cheek, J.M. (1997). Assessing Hypersensitive Narcissism: A Re-examination of Murray's Narcissism Scale. Journal of Research in Personality, 31, 588-599.


TAG: 过敏性自恋 显性自恋 隐性自恋 自恋
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