作者: INGE BRETHERTON / 36274次阅读 时间: 2011年4月24日
来源: Developmental Psychology (1992), 28, 759-775.
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In 1948, 2 years before Ainsworth’s arrival, Bowlby had hired James Robertson to help him
;X;KX6cUH|Xj0observe hospitalized and institutionalized children who were separated from their parents. 心理学空间:H&n)tB0nR#lsKO
Robertson had had impeccable training in naturalistic observation, obtained as a conscientious
%R;d D/M$y C [FM o0objector during World War II, when he was employed as a boilerman in Anna Freud’s Hampstead
]lI%I!r*]0residential nursery for homeless children. Anna Freud required that all members of the staff, no
*B ]"H ?9z,N0matter what their training or background, write notes on cards about the children’s behavior 心理学空间,Z:rjox,M Y3W
(Senn, l977a), which were then used as a basis for weekly group discussions. The thorough 心理学空间2h({l^e6z0x j-F
training in child observation that Robertson thus obtained at the Hampstead residential nursery is
ODy;V"_bW5c$GP0Anna Freud’s lasting personal contribution to the development of attachment theory.
After 2 years of collecting data on hospitalized children for Bowlby’s research projects, 心理学空间 xQ4euRU

NS ~xm/U*P-{0
r\3~U*I S0w%c0Robertson protested that he could not continue as an uninvolved research worker, but felt compelled
V"M[9vE"W*xh:b9W0to do something for the children he had been observing. On a shoestring budget, with minimal 心理学空间(@2u x_%f7^&ccA
training, a hand-held cinecamera, and no artificial lighting, he made the deeply moving film,
3G9Z7E%Rg&^#_3y0A Two-Year-Old Goes to Hospital (Robertson, 1 953a, 1953b; Robertson & Bowlby, 1952).
J+@cnpe7FB0Foreseeing the potential impact of this film, Bowlby insisted that it be carefully planned to ensure 心理学空间%BhB\nl
that no one would later he able to accuse Robertson of biased recording. The target child was
+{W;V)q7R c{0randomly selected, and the hospital clock on the wall served as proof that time sampling took
UD?V2{UU0place at regular periods of the day. Together with Spitz’s (1947) film, Grief: A Peril in Infancy, 心理学空间"}k1m DWX V
Robertson’s first film helped improve the fate of hospitalized children all over the Western 心理学空间%a4b BT!fG*@)c
world, even though it was initially highly controversial among the medical establishment. 心理学空间A,HY-h Z}%b,_Oc

3[z@-yT(x8S0When Mary Ainsworth arrived at Bowlby’s research unit late in 1950, others working there 心理学空间8he#S6f8wNI\%l
(besides James Robertson) were Mary Boston and Dina Rosenbluth. Rudolph Schaffer, whose
5q!n"YUs0subsequent attachment research is well known (Schaffer & Emerson, 1964), joined the group
Q8i RhXQnN bq0somewhat later, as did Christoph Heinicke (1956; Heinicke & Westheimer, 1966), who undertook
*N!\*Do;B"C0additional separation and reunion studies, and Tony Ambrose (1961), who was interested in 心理学空间9[`2gk^
early social behavior. Mary Ainsworth, who was charged with analyzing James Robertson’s data, 心理学空间O.K&_yD b
was tremendously impressed with his records of children’s behavior and decided that she would
7V'}S7u0B7g#J0emulate his methods of naturalistic observation were she ever to undertake a study of her own 心理学空间^)T hR:G{[Lz
(Ainsworth, 1983).
bMW.`]+d K!o!v0At this time, Bowlby’s earlier writings about the familial experiences of affectionless
l6T4f Q7k[&Ki0children had led Ronald Hargreaves of the World Health Organization (WHO) to commission him 心理学空间3\(ZoVQ;n
to write a report on the mental health of homeless children in postwar Europe. Preparation of the
1VA{4BZ7O7n M7Z/a0WHO report gave Bowlby an opportunity to pick the brains of many practitioners and researchers 心理学空间t(y4e+z9Is$yO'P
across Europe and the United States who were concerned with the effects of maternal separation 心理学空间8d9o&kw6^/t
and deprivation on young children, including Spitz (1946) and Goldfarb (1943, 1945). The report 心理学空间n D"~:aTW4E&B t
was written in 6 months and translated into 14 languages, with sales of 400,000 copies in the
ILVkHP[r0English paperback edition; it was published in 1951 as Maternal Care and Mental Health by the
N2qYW@0WHO. A second edition, entitled Child Care and the Growth of Love, with review chapters by 心理学空间 \d1V dpie3x;y
Mary Ainsworth, was published by Penguin Books in 1965.
3E;z~%af+}_0It is interesting to examine the 1951 report from today’s perspective. At that time Bowlby
O2u5Bb'C-a?7Z6N0still used the terminology of traditional psychoanalysis (love object, libidinal ties, ego, and 心理学空间OgAu jq {
superego), hut his ideas were little short of heretical, Perhaps following Spitz, he used embryol心理学空间lR j*hj$kB
ogy as a metaphor to portray the maternal role in child development:
\!U0UY2ej!Y m-C6v0
&X'A3u{l4O~q7DZ0If growth is to proceed smoothly, the tissues must he exposed to the influence of the
8wj8MH/u%~h3J0appropriate organizer at certain critical periods. In the same way, ~f mental development is 心理学空间H.T3x0J"bs
to proceed smoothly, it would appear to he necessary for the undifferentiated psyche to be
0C^7C{A]7m0exposed during certain critical periods to the influence of the psychic organizer- the mother. 心理学空间F l4u4z}%N
(Bowlby, 1951, p. 53)
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Then, seemingly doing away with the idea that the superego has its origin in the resolution of the 心理学空间!Q|!a X.@ u Un*^
Oedipus complex, Bowlby claims that during the early years, while the child acquires the capacity 心理学空间~F(r^ WAi+p
for self-regulation, the mother is a child’s ego and superego: 心理学空间ze ~0I|+zJ5S

6?5w4A[h W4R^r0It is not surprising that during infancy and early childhood these functions are either not
K9j p7_4G:|O0operating at all or are doing so most imperfectly. During this phase of life, the child is 心理学空间 K3_'Z#lE-]7?
therefore dependent on his mother performing them for him. She orients him in space and 心理学空间}6S!ni1n{JS`
time, provides his environment, permits the satisfaction of some impulses, restricts others.
S3?,^ AN0She is his ego and his super-ego. Gradually he learns these arts himself, and as he does, the 心理学空间"a sSn mSeb#Ae
skilled parent transfers the roles to him. This is a slow, subtle and continuous process,
-g,`6]dlb$X0beginning when he first learns to walk and feed himself, and not ending completely until
}B~+U[9p0maturity is reached. . . . Ego and super-ego development are thus inextricably hound up with
,@mQ2]EeD k0the child’s primary human relationships. (Bowlby, 1951, p. 53) 心理学空间W s%s%_b? dP/{:t
This sounds more Vygotskian than Freudian. Moreover, despite his disagreements with Kleinian 心理学空间3nz,bzc8^#iG;K
therapy, I detect remnants of Kleinian ideas in Bowlby’s discussions of children’s violent fantasies
4@M+jIkPfE0on returning to parents after a prolonged separation and “the intense depression that humans 心理学空间_4\6I f9f,R5zo
experience as a result of hating the person they most dearly love and need” (Bowlby, 1951, p. 心理学空间)Vo'A {uLxj
57). 心理学空间Q^Y d+~
心理学空间&~ y7o8u eA\l d
Bowlby’s major conclusion, grounded in the available empirical evidence, was that to grow
)i3np'R o{%I0up mentally healthy, “the infant and young child should experience a warm, intimate, and 心理学空间 @Ns |gK:|*GQ
continuous relationship with his mother (or permanent mother substitute) in which both find 心理学空间b?R)nc(J:Zw
satisfaction and enjoyment” (Bowlby, 1951, p. 13). Later summaries often overlook the reference 心理学空间6bR#?,AC3N/_3jl2G
to the substitute mother and to the partners’ mutual enjoyment. They also neglect Bowlby’s
^b7f8N&K%bRS_0emphasis on the role of social networks and on economic as well as health factors in the
!nqwW&@V}f(Q+w0development of well-functioning mother-child relationships. His call to society to provide support
w+x#q Y6i$S0for parents is still not heeded today:
P!rJ%x2L` S0Just as children are absolutely dependent on their parents for sustenance, so in all hut the
'X)s/SS1w$L5P_#o0most primitive communities, are parents, especially their mothers, dependent on a greater 心理学空间&si.lU Yp'Q9eq
society for economic provision. If a community values its children it must cherish their
R[:}u1tqi0parents. (Bowlby, 1951, p. 84)
NC&l(^ z%C-d5n WD0
)J;H5Riw\0Bv9k0True to the era in which the WHO report was written, Bowlby emphasized the female parent. In
C-r#rT+R?0infancy, he comments, fathers have their uses, but normally play second fiddle to mother. Their
X+_y nM.y?c0prime role is to provide emotional support to their wives’ mothering. 心理学空间/pDag ~3O(i1ro
The proposition that, to thrive emotionally, children need a close and continuous caregiving relationship 心理学空间%j ^ P}:M
called for a theoretical explanation. Bowlby was not satisfied with the then current psychoanalytic
@:d:B V\Z B2noU+L0view that love of mother derives from sensuous oral gratification, nor did he agree 心理学空间4|%^p1x.vm? z-}j
with social learning theory’s claim that dependency is based on secondary reinforcement (a concept 心理学空间!j6p)vDw bz5M
that was itself derived from psychoanalytic ideas). Like Spitz (1946) and Erikson (1950),
aJp6Ta]%v Q0Bowlby had latched onto the concept of critical periods in embryological development and was 心理学空间 R/R)O s]rA0J
casting about for similar phenomena at the behavioral level when, through a friend, he happened
o-Q%gWu-^T h m0upon an English translation of Konrad Lorenz’s (1935) paper on imprinting. 心理学空间B%G3v {U&|p
心理学空间#@&stUT0S Q wV9h
From then on, Bowlby began to mine ethology for useful new concepts. Lorenz’s (1935)
6gi[tX"Sw#w9LF0account of imprinting in geese and other precocial birds especially intrigued him, because it 心理学空间!lZad6|7R
suggested that social bond formation need not be tied to feeding. In addition, he favored 心理学空间9~F5h'M#s+vA9{
ethological methods of observing animals in their natural environment, because this approach was 心理学空间gX{,OY~@
so compatible with the methods Robertson had already developed at the Tavistock research unit. 心理学空间1j+YR$in)u [@
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One notable talent that stood Bowlby in great stead throughout his professional life was his 心理学空间v u5|(p/d;tvm
ability to draw to himself outstanding individuals who were willing and able to help him acquire
3tk st%ITWk0expertise in new fields of inquiry that he needed to master in the service of theory building To
3}q8R}Ar_0learn more about ethology, Bowlby contacted Robert Hinde, under whose “generous and stern
^BA4r{ fT0guidance” (see Bowlby, 1980b, p. 650) he mastered ethological principles to help him find new
!P-opI t.Nl k-Y+K0ways of thinking about infant mother attachment. Conversely, Hinde’s fascinating studies of 心理学空间.U\;or"H
individual differences in separation and reunion behaviors of group-living rhesus mother infant 心理学空间b4x p+CX#V
dyads (Hinde & Spencer-Booth, 1967) were inspired by the contact with Bowlby and his 心理学空间P7X k,l:XyVa
co-workers (Hinde, 1991). 心理学空间)f"{w8c?:|&H3a

R$ji/U+e L:c0Bowlby’s first ethological paper appeared in 1953. Somewhat surprisingly, however, 心理学空间$L"X@ _;f(M)WkQ2I
various empirical papers on the effects of separation, published with his own research team during 心理学空间{rk$K"w@6]C
the very same period, show little trace of Bowlby’s new thinking, because his colleagues were 心理学空间NG$a%Dk Bl-U-J:u
unconvinced that ethology was relevant to the mother-child relationship (Bowlby, personal
2FE.?0V lp+Wx0communication, October 1986). Even Mary Ainsworth, though much enamored of ethology, was 心理学空间R)X:B@5E:o?lz)XT
somewhat wary of the direction Bowlby’s theorizing had begun to take. It was obvious to her, 心理学空间iCl!p5Ot$X6K
she said, that a baby loves his mother because she satisfies his needs (Ainsworth, personal
"K Wn { A+](VJH,pg0communication, January 1992), A collaborative paper dating from this period (Bowlby, 心理学空间baw6t)x)bvq
Ainsworth, Boston, & Rosenbluth, 1956) is nevertheless important, because it prefigures later 心理学空间o l3sm%x[T
work on patterns of attachment by Ainsworth. Her contribution to the paper was a system for 心理学空间Wm5e ^N/P2{"L$@3T,W
classifying three basic relationship patterns in school-age children who had been reunited with
|0dB([1]J4C0parents after prolonged sanatorium stays: those with strong positive feelings toward their 心理学空间1nF#N'P"N)y
mothers; those with markedly ambivalent relationships; and a third group with nonexpressive,
@ V'JS}q~{0indifferent, or hostile relationships with mother.


«玛丽·爱因斯沃斯的陌生情境测验 安思沃斯 Ainsworth
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