Susan Goldin-Meadow
作者: APS / 6640次阅读 时间: 2011年9月11日
标签: Meadow
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Susan Goldin-Meadow 心理学空间DK u,m Z'G

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University of Chicago

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APS Board Member

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 APS Fellow and Charter Member Susan Goldin-Meadow is pleased to begin her three-year stint as APS Board Member-at-Large. “APS does a great job,” said Goldin-Meadow. “I’m excited to be involved and am looking forward to doing what I can to help.” Goldin-Meadow’s research has focused on language learning and cognitive development, specifically on the use of gesture. She is currently the Beardsley Ruml Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago, where she has been a professor for over 30 years.


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`Tn,^H}*a(L0Goldin-Meadow investigates which aspects of language development are able to withstand wide variations in learning conditions; she has named these aspects the “resilient properties of language.” Goldin-Meadow has also studied the use of gesture in human language more generally, finding that the gestures we produce when we talk not only reflect our thoughts, but also play a role in changing those thoughts.


Goldin-Meadow hopes to build upon the APS message of united psychological science. “The worry I have about our field is that it is becoming compartmentalized,” she explained. “There is a place for psychological science as a unified field. It’s important to ask ourselves, ‘What brings us together and unifies our science?’” She believes the APS Annual Convention and APS journals allow psychologists to better understand each other and allow the public to better understand what psychology is. “They increase the salience and understanding of psychology in general,” she remarked. “The goal is to make sure they continue to do so.”

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The founding editor ofLanguage Learning and Development, Goldin-Meadow is an elected Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She is past President of the Cognitive Development Society and currently serves as President of the International Society for Gesture Studies.心理学空间#O"e|9r;{q6Sz

^ u8@`k jQxU0Her willingness to serve APS as a Board Member comes as no surprise, as she has repeatedly served her community and affiliations throughout her career. “I like to make my community as good as it can be,” she explained. During her time at the University of Chicago, Goldin-Meadow has served on numerous boards, as well as a recent three-year term on the Council of the University Senate. In 2004, she delivered the APS William James Distinguished Lecture at the Eastern Psychological Association’s annual meeting.

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