作者: 李孟潮 / 63358次阅读 时间: 2011年6月06日
标签: DBT 辩证行为疗法 辩证行为治疗 李孟潮
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网心理学空间p"hPt-SA f9c

10BPD的药物治疗、MBT及DBT的研究心理学空间^4tB:xKP-hU$| r
:S Hy#fl/V(o6ql0
Yf:q1y3V5w/J0Pharmacotherapy心理学空间0}-Mn8X_xD4H u8] L
Treatments for BPD: Paul Soloff, MD心理学空间w/@ i2Te
Soloff, P. H. (2000). Psychopharmacology of borderline personality disorder. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 23 (1), 169-92.心理学空间Z[;W'Y2vj!@
Medications Algorithm & Rules心理学空间n6Z(@8rTb,w
Target specific problem area心理学空间q/P{.q#R?
;{0yBn%j0a\0Affective心理学空间 H?+S a#OPTQ`#P
Impulsive dyscontrol
w*D,? Y5M A I3tY3s0心理学空间4r L r/Tt;M
Strong empirical support心理学空间f{YYi
Act rapidly
7tx B ?O,z0Soloff’s Medication Algorithm: Treating Cognitive/Perceptual Symptoms心理学空间%T1iA4[z
Soloff, P. H. (2000). Psychopharmacology of borderline personality disorder. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 23 (1), 169-92.
?we:`HX,b0START with low-dose typical neuroleptic心理学空间ZVskn,bz S'j
If poor/partial response, INCREASE dose.
+^jN mdWO1d0If response still poor, RECONSIDER DIAGNOSIS. If symptoms are mood congruent, treat for affective symptoms.心理学空间-K1`G#_'s} hx
If symptoms do NOT have a major mood component, SWITCH to clozapine or another atypical anti-psychotic.
H L b,gn)] l3nR3K{!z0Soloff’s Medication Algorithm: Treating Affective Symptoms心理学空间,Pi!S+z4P3@N
Soloff, P. H. (2000). Psychopharmacology of borderline personality disorder. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 23 (1), 169-92.心理学空间*H$G{"PP5G3H&E
START with SSRI or related and antidepressant.
+J IoBh$NA0If response inadequate, SWITCH to different SSRI or related antidepressant.
[9j#i&KD?i\0If response still poor, AUGMENT with a benzodiazepine or a low-dose neuroleptic.心理学空间_ fVZJ$|
If response remains inadequate, SWITCH to MAOI.心理学空间'eHIKe1I c
FINALLY, add/switch to lithium or a mood stabilizer.心理学空间c+Dr ?)Oh'F
Soloff’s Medication Algorithm: Treating Impulsive Symptoms心理学空间+d(W`a;DD @qh
Soloff, P. H. (2000). Psychopharmacology of borderline personality disorder. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 23 (1), 169-92.心理学空间if_A'X0j"Oj
START with SSRI (if rapid response is needed, a low-dose conventional neuroleptic).
u w.o oM4K(j0If response to SSRI monotherapy inadequate, ADD/SWITCH to low-dose neuroleptic.心理学空间#`R6N"S3n!U
If response remains poor, ADD/SWITCH to lithium or MAOI.心理学空间ar5hig@2c
SWITCH to carbamazepine or valproate, if no response.心理学空间 a;l&a \(k
If necessary, ADD atypical neuroleptic.
iN.Zk2X }:u0Consensus By Experts on Pharmacotherapy for BPD
q_9zv7z o"r.t0No “magic bullet” medication for BPD patients心理学空间5nUeD-qSQd
Soloff’s algorithm is method of choice where drugs target domain of dysfunction.心理学空间G)|u4G%a{7dXPFU
Pharmacotherapy alone is insufficient to treat BPD; must be combined with psychosocial treatment.
6F!N(_3`_U5d:_P8~[!E010.2MBT Vs. DBT
-[7FpHg3f!Y#M0Bateman & Fonagy’s 18-month心理学空间k.y4K T ?%h!\
Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)
lR XX9dXY0L0PHP Treatment:心理学空间F8] g#s M2F.yV8Ev%Q"H
3x/week group psychotherapy
-M"z;Q'ZU%B i8f\ k4M01x/week individual psychotherapy, expressive therapy, and community meeting心理学空间[1?p;sk Y i0~
1x/month meeting with psychiatrist and case administrator心理学空间m%u"Z&Vkm
Control: Standard Psychiatric Care心理学空间}B6i5{2c
2x/month meeting with psychiatrist and visiting psychiatric nurse心理学空间Xob |/? z
心理学空间9R.j/S]#]IQ k Z
Bateman & Fonagy’s 18-month
$P)U:P s1_\0Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)心理学空间5r9o fark
Frequency of suicide attempts and self-mutilation
K7_M+ei x0Number and duration of inpatient admissions心理学空间r$]R/_$T f
Use of psychotropic medications心理学空间(M0yi*_9Z%K4D
Self-report measures of depression, anxiety心理学空间9f$R^0Nr
Improvements on self-report measures of social and interpersonal functioning心理学空间$q*o"k?HD3y
Critique of Bateman & Fonagy’s PHP心理学空间9^ksJi?v5A&ra

f7_ `#Y(r2s kP01. Methodological Confounds
hm![E7W0PHP patients received considerably more treatment per week (6+ hours) compared to TAU (3 hours/month).
4wF7_7gL q02. No treatment manual currently exists心理学空间IM&How8J#b3@2ZJ}
limiting further investigation by others.
5}hzu4{6Z8vIJb J03. No studies have replicated original心理学空间 zS`#sY
@+Zf]IF8Wg(R04. PHP may be more expensive than DBT.心理学空间s roGQ_P
(18 months vs. 12 months; PHP vs. outpatient).
~a2r%f"HcDc e0DBT Randomized
{6H:ng7fZ0Controlled Trials
GkJ NS;D0Linehan, et. al. study of chronically suicidal patients with BPD (1991, 1992, 1993, 1994).
BA:kr\H K0l0Koons, Robins et al. study of BPD women in VA setting (2001).心理学空间V-\(eI)f2]{ _@%\Q
心理学空间K*e(v!k1G m
Linehan, et al. study of drug-dependent women with BPD (1999).心理学空间"mMg3U!P*O+i/w'[P[
Linehan, et al. study of heroin-addicted BPD women (2002).心理学空间'q.Qxv)u G^~&DW
Randomized Controlled Trial:
Tm wm/i%[[0DBT vs. Treatment-as-Usual
(Ju_f-a9O0With Chronically Suicidal
%p!ch@X,h3tV${ T&M?0BPD Women
JGl5M\6e6P0(University of Washington)
"M3v;~R)al&E/@ N0
0Q1^.Jx:x5vK0Linehan, et al., 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994心理学空间Y*Zy:dF
+?w1ba&PA)`\1~0% with parasuicide心理学空间R @9xBT,MGx
# parasuicides心理学空间&QFjl/`M
medical risk of parasuicide
/` J+_p[$St!@0treatment drop-outs心理学空间m#ccF^$O
psychiatric inpatient days
k@5^WE2gZN#eF0anger心理学空间8i5v0t} orR XG7^

Yn XhL r0DBT vs. TAU: ns
'm!Vx.oto2hiQ3~0Depression心理学空间-YR.^"T J0R$o
Suicide ideation
u gh&tX9~&z"f0Efficiency & Costs
@|B5m?+Z?DE p0Of DBT v. TAU
bJ m#q+X"{8w9]`N0Cost for DBT is about 50% of TAU心理学空间"a,i ~8j7J?

k p_;Y9v6^w0Significantly fewer inpatient days
:s})| Qw*S0Fewer and less severe parasuicidal behaviors心理学空间7JO jA+{5D@
Fewer emergency medical visits心理学空间8YO1tG R5Fx
Less therapy dropout
wz[uTC!I&V0DBT vs. Treatment-as-Usual
5P3R$BX$[p0for BPD心理学空间D8f"h:B4J8D5u#{D
(Durham VA Medical Center)心理学空间N?U9^ L&~k'b
心理学空间y8ho9^ bf Z7a
Koons, Robins, et al. , 2001
Design: RCT心理学空间7kcPaj
Women veterans, total N = 20
'w&b;x"_4i {0BPD on SCID-II
'~h}+}(H"ufOz0Mean Age = 35心理学空间 Fr\"M_7f_!] ^
Lifetime history of parasuicide = 75%
cLH_%E)uz/zr$v l0Parasuicide within 6 months = 40%心理学空间wN,P7A%I,B,O4}@
Overall, a less parasuicidal, less frequently hospitalized group than studied in Linehan’s (1991) study.心理学空间G,NWe D?$Fhc AZC
DBT < TAU at Post-Treatment
'oo Ns;A5@cbic0# parasuicides (<.10)心理学空间vJ_'\M"Y WB4VT"t
Suicide Ideation
}1?.P Y)fZs(@%`0Depression (BDI)
$G b!{M&O`D:]S V7^0Anger Out心理学空间T8zB9V2R)z\SZ

a&S Y7g+g0
K9oq$M+C3f^0Reduction in Mean Number of Parasuicide Acts Over Time for Each Condition Analyzed Separately心理学空间`5b/]m}0b
DBT vs. Treatment-as-Usual
%FCyYL4c0With BPD Substance Abusers心理学空间w9y\a+|{
(University of Washington)
/|#X1y(`y7@0心理学空间AXQu'_(h {&n
Linehan, Schmidt, Dimeff, Kanter, Craft,
m}+x#Yn `e0Comtois, McDavid, 1999
E~)EVH0Design: RCT
.OuSZ#}0Subjects: n=28心理学空间(f"F*P!R|(V

*YWN*x~0SUD for opiates, cocaine, amphetamines, sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics or Polysubstance Use Disorder
7m0B L"}`0BG0
2t'p1p4Z,bx%i[0yDV0Female心理学空间_ C"M@Qd7R

*hk J n A \/d3},j0Did not meet criteria for:
0s-IH _ y Y*D'MA0Schizophrenia or other Psychotic Disorder心理学空间{8gL;W5C.wY x
Bipolar Disorder心理学空间-b0dTS.Z7{
Mental Retardation心理学空间(O Z8K2\v/Wt
心理学空间B `&q8GUcL(m5]

4`%y3da.}$L0心理学空间A'w0HA @&P
Matching Variables
c1?]j1W#L0心理学空间 [1Shd/O$x O"^2B5vs
Severity of Highest Drug Dependence
sHs/oy0心理学空间+I9f A"L3r{
Readiness to Change
"\lWP;b @0心理学空间.mQSW#Q rmwa
Global Adjustment (Axis V, DSM-IV)心理学空间?iZ0M'lS#x
Proportion of Urinalyses DIRTY心理学空间#W'V"{| \z'_-c
by Condition心理学空间4q.k`2F7Gi
Interviewer-Assessed Proportion of DAYS
+nMAK(Q&?0USING Drugs and Alcohol by Condition心理学空间X7z6jP&ri [sl_
心理学空间3x Ov+kA vuDg
DBT < TAU心理学空间@tw}\3eHl!a
Drug use
.?c Vk-W+q:g0DBT > TAU心理学空间W/]7@@"\q
Global Adjustment (at 16-month)心理学空间`-|4{ E.t[N
Social Adjustment (at 16-month)心理学空间:D&\1w,_#o6\R
心理学空间,u/xqIH(MI P
DBT gains continued at follow-up
-L(Q6V)]p%Y P0DBT vs. TAU: ns
Ke M.I4j+k5tp/u0Parasuicide Episodes
F3^ gCb `^n*\JZy0DBT vs. Comprehensive Validation (1 Year)
9h]l6A hK6T-{\5Q0with BPD Heroin Addicts
l9Vl4P r&S6j0University of Washington
~e7Aa;zJ] gef0Linehan, Dimeff, Reynolds, Comtois,
QUIGq_1o0McDavid, & Kivlahan心理学空间0XNZ)O1l3Q,[
Subjects: n=23
7iV!tYm^\c0BPD on SCID II and PDE心理学空间*rz`x W V!n

$M(~r X S,zhd_0Met criteria for Heroin Dependence心理学空间C6]/~"pb
18-45 Years
/mFBqI`,I0心理学空间 t?*c#~Y"t%X1i;y S
v*mH.BO#D7kW,g8z0心理学空间w.L {] E)I
Did not meet criteria for:心理学空间3v K0e z!T V!]V4KI
Schizophrenia or other Psychotic Disorder心理学空间%K{sPBw%~6h
Bipolar Disorder
'c5ts L vQ \4KWj2i0Mental Retardation心理学空间 OJ| w"_2[)GG

3s} q h8K-_0Matching Variables
;[8lC O,G tR u)B)yJ0心理学空间-UX A:C {*rW
Cocaine Dependence心理学空间%k)v%az0lE+w

VE7mQY+_8j0Anti-Social Personality Disorder
_~ c["Y5i8m$|0
r"e0Rl&S0Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF)心理学空间3g bgT OKEbQ
心理学空间4v!z h e9D/s
Design: RCT心理学空间?;S,v-z:r}{cU
Treatment Conditions心理学空间%m4Sbw0Y_1@
Individual Therapy心理学空间Lh1Zn wP]
Group Skills Training心理学空间z;fy2x T"q1ug
Homework Review心理学空间%goLvtr!d
Phone Coaching心理学空间"@#gw!Y+c3F?3?kF
Therapist Consult Meeting
~B"r TUR ]!J?0Drug-Replacement
Iw%nF E]H0
*tFx_O0V0Individual Therapy心理学空间5uqH9v }3mC8{M*@
NA 12&12 Group心理学空间U7Y1U)i6RM~
NA 12&12 Sponsor心理学空间IP1z Rs ~`j3X
Crisis Intervention
c+Y9{a:Q|&QL+W.t a0Therapist Consult Meeting心理学空间,O7q&Y gq7{v:w
$nc1F2DYNS$l0Urinalysis (3 times weekly)
F/aFN#I0心理学空间?gE;r XLK
Substance Abuse History Interview (SAHI)心理学空间.^ h*M9x5?+F)Y8EB(eF

V{3Ka1k \0
T5} um_ dP$P0DBT vs. CVT+12S: ns心理学空间*oqX {6av@3b J
Drug Use, Self-Report
sC D%iW+Sj,~0Brief Symptom Inventory心理学空间"Fg9u1jN i
Global Adjustment心理学空间2x)hK@@R-f$`!L
Social Adjustment心理学空间&J0oq4Gk-y@X5n l

+K(T-LZ6kdR"yb0Integrating DBT into心理学空间@y;L8^,k KRm1v
Community Mental Health心理学空间a k5t/iA"l

*F$F7a e}Y'}W0h0The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester, New Hampshire心理学空间1H&N7P-hi(j8`

?`e6y}3l"V$i0Recipients of the 1998 Gold Award心理学空间pLI7Qv|9LB
American Psychiatric Association心理学空间 a$p.G!v"i
Psychiatric Services, 49, 1338-1340
sk?/[T-W0The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester, New Hampshire
E9_ tZ3G @0Provided comprehensive DBT in outpatient setting.
0e/JfpA3KM]%_0Pre-post data collected for first 14 patients receiving DBT.
s,vK3S.J7J0Team received intensive 10-day training in DBT over six month period of time.心理学空间*i0KFx.wCh4R$^W
Treatment Costs Cut by More than Half心理学空间Xl3Bh e DD Np
From $645,000 to $273,000心理学空间pKid5Q
77% decrease in hospital days, from 479 to 85 days.
&^u-[ }$QuS1@D076% decrease in partial hospital days, from 173 to 42 days.心理学空间"F(^xY/DU U PE/Y
56% decrease in crisis beds, from 170 to 73 beds.心理学空间#yxwXF@ U6oZ
80% decrease in face-to-face contact with emergency services, from 61 to 12 days.心理学空间O[8`9f1gy7?5y
Significant increase in outpatient services, from 438 days to 1,387 days.心理学空间(S%_`5b%v}
Non-Randomized Studies On DBT
aS u1m|q)ga#}\sOW1N0Stanley, Ivanoff et. al. Study of Suicidal, Self-Mutilators (1998).心理学空间Nk1x7v@[N/x
Miller & Rathus study of DBT for Suicidal Adoelscents (1996).心理学空间{&y0u$F3h}({
McCann & Ball study of DBT for Forensic Inpatients (1996).
'ViZs`[![l#A7C0Bohus et al. Study of DBT inpatient treatment (2001).心理学空间vh#ByLnQ&p[K
Trupin et al. Study of incarcerated youth (2002).
)} \\ vJ7O i7g'bT0
@_J"p6m}c0DBT vs. Treatment-as-Usual
?L%s"@ L%D ld S0for Suicidal and
#?0b+eZTyiCf0Self-Mutilating Behavior
e2F l7^f i} cK0(New York State Psychiatric Institute心理学空间E)By&K/]$bO
& Columbia University)心理学空间)D5u8P:|:Z5n.o'~

]$e*R.i#f}!yW0Stanley, B., Ivanoff, A., Brodsky, B., & Oppenheim, S. (1998)心理学空间Fw(fNP?3Lc

:E'vn Vv0N0Design: Matched Control
,Cz"\-rE8QX u.dO8{0Subjects: n = 30
Females心理学空间6R!u;` yo7B4N*` z
`/NZB x[ x0The baseline mean number of suicide attempts did not differ between DBT and TAU
0pMf v&{0心理学空间*Q7jBB"[

P:e~,k {EiFs^0DBT < TAU心理学空间2ax,A1Y:ho.a
心理学空间.U6`+rzK H
|$c*w!ARvy0Suicide ideation
"F6M2@V6S}a h1w!z0Suicidal urges心理学空间~abs'J
Urges to self-mutilate心理学空间 FL1]'[ij

qP(Vc/gJ \0
e/m+\/D k0DBT = TAU
\"c+X3g eY#m,?3g R0
.p_%G-a$sY,]CF n:Yl-m0Depression
/R1t0}^1q:vr0Global Adjustment
x lE {1K#f z/x0F0心理学空间/XT?z7Dv
DBT vs. Treatment-as-Usual心理学空间{3bJE r @
for Suicidal Adolescents
eS/UZk8E1h%LTN0The Albert Einstein College of Medicine/心理学空间Mk#K [-r%]
Montefiore Medical Center
S4HQ"e7g4L0Miller, A. L. & Rathus, J. H. (1996)心理学空间:?i c(o"ZlX
心理学空间c k+M.g@-K/B;M
Design: Parallel Control Group心理学空间 ^z7j.i0m6v
Subjects: n=111 (DBT=29, TAU=82)心理学空间c j!L!},\)EZ-m
Referrals to the Adolescent Depression and Suicide Program, 78% female and 22% male
4e1d/]_ t(U_0Age range 12-19 years
!P-[(r uTd2`*Ad0
6o4Duf|c4qE068% Hispanic, 17% African American, 8% Caucasian, 1% Asian, 6% other
rU[&_2J6T,k4V0Subjects: Assignment to Condition心理学空间|4KP;E`^T
Subjects were assigned to DBT if they met the following criteria:心理学空间x8kn5s?

$P(b eX:W.q4x%h0
R#J9rW:u8{1p$ww)r2q9p0心理学空间/?E(h C;X
DBT < TAU心理学空间%k1@ ~8knW U1zq |
Treatment drop-out心理学空间5\!A&{`6j@
Inpatient psychiatric days心理学空间{9W*AyMS$`.y M
心理学空间,Y@.iNbT p

$zGm(MZ8sZA0DBT=TAU: Suicide Attempts
k[8r K Xxm0DBT>TAU at pre-treatment:
.G4{dY'luo0Number of Axis I disorders
`7D5_RH O'S\X^J:S0Impulsivity心理学空间HGAI7aT
Number of prior hospitalizations
/mb r Y'FyEe]/r0
X Y \{8P9u4s$Y om0The fact that DBT subjects were not more suicidal during treatment than TAU is noteworthy.
:x-Fy? B;\0心理学空间rt2PvIz6W#^s2c
心理学空间!P"Co o$muhds W
DBT vs. Treatment-as-Usual
C]gK L,_5r0for Forensic Inpatients
n N0`gM^ v k9wce0
K4eACy*?]0Institute for Forensic Psychiatry心理学空间8o h+x;g&~1M%~]
Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo心理学空间\6k-_9Q6L,b!b
McCann & Ball, 1996心理学空间XEl#XPe*^
Design: Longitudinal
v kBo5q#W!LEf0Subjects: (35 male, 11 female)
@\[$G9?H(q*Vj/j)w0Patients on intermediate and medium security forensic wards
m ^.TDR!qD1Jeg,Q(G0
;W;T.hn"y%`6`0Age range 37.6 years心理学空间4N ovNLeqok:OM

:g3T3P?;]u(L;`1~,RP0BPD = 50%; ASPD= 33%; 45% either schizophrenic or bi-polar心理学空间"L1y7@4nG:z X+}S
心理学空间4~:z6{~ to)Z
心理学空间 U?-c0YXt/{+q j\4D!v
DBT: Pre < post
~]4v e&tq0Depressed and hostile mood心理学空间5de FT$S)bHz,r
9rt:t aXPX+RC? q4i0Psychotic behaviors,心理学空间F5F1E&@d |8h
Maladaptive interpersonal coping styles
&V\5XZ"t.t#Yup0Staff burn-out (trend)心理学空间}!p L,ho2T
心理学空间0A"c3m\ P
TAU: Pre = post心理学空间|!t ~*P$WN9X
Evaluation of DBT-Inpatient Treatment
t1uMs7L2k7v)N0?Xl2j0University of Freiburg, Germany
"vP U~ [k0
j:Q[~~U0Bohus, Haaf, Stiglmayr, Pohl, Bohme, & Linehan 2001心理学空间uW^+Su aV@4i

YbyzW0DBT vs. TAU-Waiting List
0U*Bg6xD5C@;S0i/e0a Controlled Study心理学空间^\)tn \#~!a
Inclusion: BPD: SCID II; DIB-R>7心理学空间9u-u%dW [
Exclusion: lifetime schizophrenia, bipolar I, current substance abuse心理学空间.IK1x,`x [(o
Measure points:心理学空间u8teZ#t+}
pre: admission post: 1 month after discharge心理学空间wg9h{^+M!h
DBT vs. TAU - Waiting List心理学空间G*Ah8OJ6wp+^c
*D(]'[sA[B Z0age=29.1心理学空间&F9u^ Bki6y
mean DSM-IV 6.81
kK xF}0t0Comorbidities:心理学空间QQe"RH{4e
Anxiety disorder 77%心理学空间+gd'~%Y_
Eating disorder 50%心理学空间w},Q?^bkQP
Disorder 80%
V.yp7p8kF6P.M8l0TAU - Waiting List心理学空间M2Bb3r?8Ao
mean DSM-IV 7.63
m.sE |[3VY0Anxiety disorder 76%
6u|3K/Vk)s-N.ny {0Eating disorder 41%心理学空间 P V$y wC
Depressive心理学空间o CWHq~
Disorder 82%
#{d#VMlOS9Z5W$C0Pre-post comparison and group vs. time differences: Depression
RQjczf0Pre-post comparison and group vs. time differences: Anxiety
h@/UlWQ0Pre-post comparison and group vs. time differences: SCL-90-R
},i'B7z)Z1k0Pre-post comparison and group vs. time differences: Dissociation心理学空间gX0h,As8E|5J j{
Pre-post comparison and group vs. time differences: Anger心理学空间}.?NQ.F#h
Pre-post comparison and group vs. time differences: Social Integration心理学空间L8prh Kh
Effect Sizes TAU-DBT心理学空间ALQ/u&B y
Responder criteria
+? y#XZUDKbj0Every patient who had values above the median in at least 5 of 9 pre-post-differences (dissociation, GAF, HAMA, STAI, BDI, HAMD, STAXI, SCL-GSI, SCL-Intensity) was allocated to the responder-group心理学空间3F*R%krSGb
Responder criteria心理学空间X^cKU
Discriminant Analysis: All of the 9 variables accounted significantly for the classification into responder- and non-responder-groups and are responsible for 71.8% of the variance between the groups (F8,20=6.35, p=.000***).
r"A+x8v-m T-O0Therapy Response: Effect sizes心理学空间:Ex f;n-O ],f'dd
Predictor Variables
1grq1P4_nE#T7a0(Discriminant Analysis)
]?ajF4e ^zC,x7CY0Clinical variables:心理学空间(bl7CC#kEH
Frequency of comorbid axis I disorders心理学空间g0g5z8Ode8i
Frequency and days of lifetime hospitalizations
6{w-{{,U![:s0Frequency of lifetime suicide attempts心理学空间$ddw:n5J1qIJk
Current or lifetime diagnosis of
3wP&?O/c0comorbid anxiety disorder心理学空间7[RZ0]|)?3z
eating disorder
Predictor Variables心理学空间+t#lvG,{ n,hv
(Discriminant Analysis)
T@ylC4s M0Diagnostic variables:
SY\:Q#z ~)b^0value of the DIB-R criterias
.khG1N|b0number of met DSM-IV criterias心理学空间&kY } U b7]
severity of pre-assessment symptoms
Predictor Variables
W W2]u X"V] {0(Discriminant Analysis)心理学空间)P p;y&^s!D
Social variables:
I"Vu?3I'd0employment心理学空间 TUT.{$e8jr
psychological or psychosocial stress at beginning of therapy
*w*bkOKjRz0quality of family relationships心理学空间"@j })es&FS%b
quality of leisure activities心理学空间y8v|v[Q;c
global contentment with social aspects of one’s life心理学空间0L2eA6i KN+y*?
DBT Skills Training vs. No Skills
r_$}g0k@R0One Year: Out-patient (Linehan et al.)心理学空间B8GV7m3A;c
DBT skills training + individual non-DBT psychotherapy (DBT Skills) vs.
8qYO:@x%Ut N|w5y0Individual non-DBT psychotherapy only (NO DBT Skills)心理学空间:gL'r3NP

)Qf;J:Ho\ T$H0DBT Skills = No DBT Skills: all measures
p)B`uH!w1M"c0DBT vs. Treatment-as-Usual心理学空间*kk"_d ?
for Incarcerated Juvenile Offenders心理学空间A1O X%{7l2Yl

sk#PK4L2b-g0Echo Glen Children’s Center心理学空间t{m-pz } `9O9Y[I!^
心理学空间-x K[{*eh'n
Trupin, Stewart, Boesky, McClung, Beach
'y?zR"e;A0Design: Parallel Control Group
Ibu(u AsGq1Ig.y9m"H0Subject Demographic Characteristics心理学空间l'LYUq![J'a,rw
心理学空间%J x:V1sStY.Q8~

i$b~.{|0\(P u M0
5@^"X*d`DA0Significant Changes心理学空间1NT(q5G$Y ph
DBT 80 hrs. training心理学空间"^C;m;g KY:S)Mm
Reduced severe behavior problems (parasuicide, aggression, class disruptions)
e R ~"E ^0Reduced staff use of punitive actions (compared to previous year)
mP\4x|)}"a},v$oX0DBT 16 hrs. training心理学空间YZ9~sWKD
No reduction in behavior problems心理学空间1vk$Q8e)` {I
Increased staff use of punitive actions
.HjR kgb#T$A0http://www.rayfile.com/zh-cn/files/4f958f54-fc9d-11dc-a15b-00142218fc6e/心理学空间z.OlT;p.Z

*ZH O0ksN,TD"E0谢谢心理学空间R1W~,g#wX%]l{#tH

TAG: DBT 辩证行为疗法 辩证行为治疗 李孟潮
«Marsha M. Linehan 馬莎‧林麗韓(林内翰) Marsha Linehan 馬莎‧林麗韓
《Marsha Linehan 馬莎‧林麗韓》
Marsha M. Linehan:Expert on Mental Illness Reveals Her Own Fight»
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