Talk to Me: Filmmaker Charlie Kaufman
作者: John Beebe / 7908次阅读 时间: 2010年3月13日
来源: 标签: Beebe John

Fo+T'\J&d(x'e7_3c0Talk to Me: Filmmaker Charlie Kaufman心理学空间5I+F{hK\[&p
By WNYC Culture | Mon, Nov 16, 2009
c,J8Yen6r?"|4^0Last Saturday night’s entry in the Rubin Museum’s “Red Book Dialogues” series featured award-winning screenwriter, director and producer Charlie Kaufman (Being John Malkovich, Adaptation,Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless ) and San Francisco-based Jungian analyst John Beebe.心理学空间{-wfA%}
Listen to it here:
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The projected mandala featured a red, person-shaped figure, arched in pain or ecstasy, and surrounded by a sea of blue wavy figures. Kaufman devoted much of his commentary to the use of outlines in drawings and the myth of imposing borders on life in general. The “notion of being protected from the outside world,” Kaufman said, is “false and ego driven.” Further on in their talk, Kaufman and Beebe discussed Kaufman’s fear of the irrevocable, focusing on his persistent phobia of mistakenly running over a person while driving. “If I killed a bug, I could go on. If I [accidentally] killed a person, I don’t know how I could go on,” Kaufman said.
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Psychologist C.G. Jung (1875-1961) was one of the founding fathers of modern psychoanalysis, and in The Red Book, he developed his principal theories of archetypes, the collective unconscious and the process of individuation. Earlier this year, W.W. Norton released a facsimile edition of this never-before-published tome — The Red Book of C.G. Jung. The book is a hybrid of text and image, based on Jung’s obsessive exploration of his own interior life.
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In honor of the event, the Rubin Museum of Art opened an exhibition of the mandalas that form the graphic heart of the book, The Red Book of C.G. Jung: Creation of a New Cosmology, and is presenting a series of talks entitled “The Red Book Dialogues,” which will run into the New Year.心理学空间5[S!e ['a^(s6t`"T7|

eV'~M(NB/u'y5F0The “Dialogues” pair artists, writers and other guests from a variety of professional backgrounds with Jungian analysts to discuss the book and specific images within this “holy grail of the unconscious.” Each guest responds to an image, and each analyst offers an on-the-spot reaction to what that response says about the viewer. The “Dialogues” were conceived by Rubin Museum producer Tim McHenry, who calls them “part guided association, part theater, and part good old fashioned conversation.”心理学空间;`9i![&H9Ja+oDn
WNYC’s “Talk to Me” is featuring notable selected dialogues from the series.
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