Language, Logic, and Concepts
作者: Karen Wynn / 6672次阅读 时间: 2012年3月15日
来源: MIT Press (MA) 标签: Logic wynn Wynn
Language, Logic, and Concepts 作 者:Karen Wynn
出 版:MIT Press (MA)
书 号:9780262100786
原 价:¥941.90元
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网This wide-ranging collection of essays is inspired by the memory of the cognitive psychologist John Macnamara, whose influential contributions to language and concept acquisition have provided the basis for numerous research programs. The areas covered by the essays include the foundations of language and thought, cognitive and linguistic development, and mathematical approaches to cognition.心理学空间o&y)t*d] k0Gt

Language, Logic, and Concepts 语言逻辑与概念

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Karen Wynn (编者) 心理学空间,FA3PFHR

+p'y;^8Z"~'T0出版社: MIT Press (MA)心理学空间1^:^ ZjUwWG

2A+t#i+m/d)KdP0丛书名: Bradford Books (Paperback)

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-v)W;ca9D*S Qkv0平装: 498页


正文语种: 英语

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5{ w dq_JT0ISBN: 0262100789 9780262100786心理学空间ls){5Ky$O\%rK

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TAG: Logic wynn Wynn
«加减法实验(karen wynn,1992) Karen Wynn 卡伦·温
《Karen Wynn 卡伦·温》