作者: 周华 / 57060次阅读 时间: 2009年8月21日

-Hx aL7sF0 参考文献



1. Pr-psychoanalytic Publications and Unpublished, Volume I (1886-1899) of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Translated from the German under the General Editorship of James Strachey, in Collaboration with Anna Freud, Assisted by Alix Strachey and Tyson ,Published by the Hogarth Press limited, London, 1966.心理学空间Y E7k:v-CS W"a}6S

2. Studies on Hysteria, Volume II (1893-1895) of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud,   Translated from the German under the General Editorship of James Strachey, in Collaboration with Anna Freud, Assisted by Alix Strachey and Tyson ,Published by the Hogarth Press limited, London,1955.心理学空间 ^w7QD dr`'G

3. Early Psycho-analytic Publications, Volume III(1893-1889) of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Translated from the German under the General Editorship of James Strachey, in Collaboration with Anna Freud, Assisted by Alix Strachey and Tyson ,Published by the Hogarth Press limited, London,1962心理学空间;M2D#J[:G"}

4. The Interpretation of Dream(I), Volume IV (1900) of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud,       Translated from the German under the General Editorship of James Strachey, in Collaboration with Anna Freud, Assisted by Alix Strachey and Tyson ,Published by the Hogarth Press limited, London,1953


5. The Interpretation of Dream(II), Volume V(1900-1901) of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Translated from the German under the General Editorship of James Strachey, in Collaboration with Anna Freud, Assisted by Alix Strachey and Tyson ,Published by the Hogarth Press limited, London,1953心理学空间;{)E0bfkqi

6. The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, Volume VI(1900-1901) of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Translated from the German under the General Editorship of James Strachey, in Collaboration with Anna Freud, Assisted by Alix Strachey and Tyson ,Published by the Hogarth Press limited, London,1960

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7. A Case of Hysteria , Three Essays on Sexuality and on Other Works Volume VII (1901-1905) of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Translated from the German under the General Editorship of James Strachey, in Collaboration with Anna Freud, Assisted by Alix Strachey and Tyson ,Published by the Hogarth Press limited, London,1953

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8. Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious Volume VIII(1905) of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Translated from the German under the General Editorship of James Strachey, in Collaboration with Anna Freud, Assisted by Alix Strachey and Tyson ,Published by the Hogarth Press limited, London,1960心理学空间,^JdFVM,m-}

9. An Infantile Neurosis and Other Works, Volume XII (1917-1919) of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Translated from the German under the General Editorship of James Strachey, in Collaboration with Anna Freud, Assisted by Alix Strachey and Tyson ,Published by the Hogarth Press limited,London,1955心理学空间b1Iy}Oh*d

10. Totem and Taboo and Other Works, Volume XIII (1913-1914) of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Translated from the German under the General Editorship of James Strachey, in Collaboration with Anna Freud, Assisted by Alix Strachey and Tyson ,Published by the Hogarth Press limited,London,1953心理学空间9k1c D/m2]7Z,fH&O

11. On the History of the Psycho-analytic Movement, Papers on Meta-psychology and Other Works, Volume XIV (1914-1916) of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud,    Translated from the German under the General Editorship of James Strachey, in Collaboration with Anna Freud, Assisted by Alix Strachey and Tyson, Published by the Hogarth Press limited, London, 1957心理学空间7{MlL0re&a&G s/f/IZ%W

12. The Cases of “Little Hans” and the “Rat Man” ,Volume X (1909) of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Translated from the German under the General Editorship of James Strachey, in Collaboration with Anna Freud, Assisted by Alix Strachey and Tyson, Published by the Hogarth Press limited, London, 1955心理学空间u"L)dv1J?\

13. Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis, Leonardo and Other Works, Volume XI (1910)of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Translated from the German under the General Editorship of James Strachey, in Collaboration with Anna Freud, Assisted by Alix Strachey and Tyson, Published by the Hogarth Press limited, London, 1957心理学空间 g0J-NW;B,Qx;g

14. Beyond the Pleasure Principle , Group Psychology and Other Works, Volume XIII (1920-1922)of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Translated from the German under the General Editorship of James Strachey, in Collaboration with Anna Freud, Assisted by Alix Strachey and Tyson, Published by the Hogarth Press limited, London, 1955

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15. The Ego and Id and Other works, Volume XIX ((1923-1925)of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Translated from the German under the General Editorship of James Strachey, in Collaboration with Anna Freud, Assisted by Alix Strachey and Tyson, Published by the Hogarth Press limited, London, 1961.心理学空间2J8_,hS\k

16. Abstracts of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Edited by Carrie Lee Rothgeb, Chisf Technical Information Section National Clearinghouse for Mental Health Informtion,New York,1962心理学空间p8oV,NeW:MY

17. The Language of Psycho-analysis, by Jean Laplanche and J.-B.Pontalis,Translated by Donald Nicholson-Smith , with an Introduction by Daniel Lagsche,W.W.Norton and Company , Inc.New York,1973.


18. Melanie Klein,M.(1945), The Oedipus Complex in the Light of Early Anxieties .Int.J.Psycho-Anal., 26:11-33心理学空间#}nD[%V E;J Y

19. The Writings of Melanie Klein Volume IV, Narrative of A Child Analyiss, The Conduct of Psycho-Analysis of Children as seen in the Treatment of a Ten-year-old boy by Melanie Klein With a Foreword by Elliott Jaques, Published by the Free Press,New York,1984

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20. Melanie Klein:her world and her work by Phyllis Grosskurth, Published in the United States by Alfred A .Knopf , Inc, New York.1986.

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21. Feminine Sexuality ,Jacques Lacan ,Edited by Julite Mitchell and Jacqueline Rose, Translated by Jacqueline  Rose,First Published 1982 by MACMILLAN PRESS LTD ,Houndmills,Basingstcke,Hampshire RG212XS and London.


22. The Seminar of Jacques Lacan,BookII, The Ego in Freud’s Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis 1954-1955,Edited by Jacques-Alain Miller,  Translated by Sylvana Tomaselli with Notes by John Forrester, Published by Cambridge University Press 1988 


23. 梅兰妮克莱因选集(The Selected Melanie Klein) 卢志彬翻译 蔡荣裕审稿,引自www.socialwork.com.hk/psychtheory 心理学空间p1PD![eUOR.M

24.《列维斯特劳斯—结构》,卞崇道主编,渡边公三著,周维宏等译,河北教育出版社,石家庄,2002,第一版心理学空间hT P I+LB~+[



27.《拉康》,(英)Darian Leader and Judy Groves著,张君厚译,外语教学与研究出版社,北京,2000

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28.《从结构到解构》, []弗朗索瓦.多斯著,季广茂译, 中央编译出版社心理学空间JXrk p


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《精神分析引论》,(奥)弗洛伊德著,高觉敷译,商务印书馆,北京,1984心理学空间+T$aU4K-s,R:Ia P


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8.《结构主义与解构主义文论思想比较研究》,曹山柯  发布时间:2004-12-21转引自文化研究网(http://www.culstudies.com/


9.《从结构主义到后结构主义》,尚杰  发布时间:2004-12-21,转引自文化研究网(http://www.culstudies.com/心理学空间e[S,Z'I

10.《雅各布森对结构主义文论的两个贡献》,陈本益  发布时间:2004-12-21转引自文化研究网(http://www.culstudies.com/心理学空间'ef:w4Q.kz7m![K


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14.《存在哲学》,让·华尔著,翁绍军译,甘阳主编,生活·读书·新知三联书店出版,北京,1987心理学空间8J$V){[ yr'F,@;b




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23.《第三思潮——马斯洛心理学》,(美)罗洛·梅著,冯川译,陈维正校,国际文化出版社,1987心理学空间z-f B6y1e X/x E^u8]





