Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
作者: Sir Michael Rutter / 10114次阅读 时间: 2013年3月28日
来源: Wiley-Blackwell 标签: Michael Taylor 全世界
Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 作 者:Sir Michael Rutter
出 版:Wiley-Blackwell
书 号:9781405145930
原 价:¥955.00元
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 路特儿童青少年精神病
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作者:Sir Michael Rutter , Dorothy Bishop , Daniel Pine, Steven Scott, Jim S. Stevenson, Eric A. Taylor, Anita Thapar心理学空间M|/t g p/z7US
出版: Wiley-Blackwell; 5 (2010年10月26日)心理学空间_4uuc ^0o;|&P
平装: 1248页心理学空间B-K$Fb j7f
语种: 英语
?}6Ht Z6eS0ISBN: 9781405145930心理学空间? DTH-u-D
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.Lf Wm X)t0名人推荐
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“我们须感谢所有作者和编辑为我们提供了这样一本高水平的关于现代儿童精神病学的教科书。我强烈推荐这本书。每一位儿童精神病学家都在渴望一本可信赖的、最新的、广博的、信息丰富和实用性强的教科书。在我印象中这是迄今为止最好的一本书。”心理学空间O bJO(b
JoUrnal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry:“这本书中根本无法找到瑕疵。我很肯定这本书会成为每一位学习发展心理病理学和儿童青少年精神病学的学生的必备书籍。高度推荐这本书。”心理学空间i9]k!k vt
心理学空间2c5y"jm#N ^!U5tRJ
!a%z(P0?%_ f,?[9L u+U0心理学空间Ha5j2R:xS`R ]f"n
——李荔,主治医师(北京大学精神卫生研究所 ——摘自 中国医学科学院《国外医学新书评介2011年第1期
q~"B }xe7f4DUi0
Bf^ f L|)}0媒体推荐
"H9L5r2s`e,HVYS0"This leading textbook provides an accurate and comprehensive account of current knowledge, through the integration of empirical findings with clinical experience and practice, and is essential reading for professionals working in the field of child and adolescent mental health, and clinicians working in general practice and community pediatric settings." (, 2 November 2010)心理学空间g(v#c6n QvE~9B/k
Reviews of previous editions:
zs ]-L'C@r*?B @0心理学空间DrWH&s9u R*H(O
“the ultimate child and adolescent psychiatry textbook and a must have for any district hospital or postgraduate library”Archives of Disease in Childhood心理学空间T&pOAk
"...this superb book which will certainly be the standard reference for the speciality for years to come." British Journal of Psychiatry
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"The editors and the authors are to be congratulated for providing us with such a high standard for a textbook on modern child psychiatry. I strongly recommend this book to every child psychiatrist who wants a reliable, up-to-date, comprehensive, informative and very useful textbook. To my mind this is the best book of its kind available today." Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry心理学空间9A ^_2Z@6jL[@cg^9c:k
"It is impossible to find fault with it. I am certain that it will become a mandatory acquisition for any serious student of developmental psychopathology and child and adolescent psychiatry. I highly recommend this book..." JAMA心理学空间#DP6r7tf/_,i

w^r~Hq$_;QCsM0})X0"This book is undoubtedly the most authoritative textbook in the world on the subject.” Professor Stephen Scott, Institute of Psychiatry心理学空间4g*b twd-}8} gH
"This book is by far the best textbook of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry written to date." Dr Judith Rapoport, NIH心理学空间@nl/g%j+e6X4L7v'b
作者简介心理学空间1w1V@ }c1iC f"I,O
Professor Sir Michael Rutter graduated from Birmingham University Medical School in 1955. After postgraduate posts in neurology, paediatrics and cardiology, he undertook training in psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital in London, qualifying with distinction in 1961 before going to spend a year on a research fellowship at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. On his return he joined the Medical Research Council (MRC) Social Psychiatry Unit, remaining until appointed as Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry in London in 1966, subsequently reader and then, in 1973, Professor of Child Psychiatry and Head of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.心理学空间6QCe6A"Y ` y
From 1984 to 1998 he was Honorary Director of the MRC Child Psychiatry Research Unit and from 1994 to 1998 he was also Honorary Director of the Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Research Centre, both of which he set up at the Institute of Psychiatry. Since 1998 he has held the position of Professor of Developmental Psychopathology. He has published some 38 books and over 400 scientific papers and chapters.心理学空间~1Q/cFR#X*M;w

R%YOZ(V @r0He was elected to the Royal Society in 1987, was knighted in 1992, and was a founder member of both the Academia Europaea and the Academy of Medical Sciences. He is a foreign member of the US Institute of Medicine, and is currently president of the Society for Research into Child Development. He won the Helmut Horten Foundation prize in 1997, the Castilla del Pino prize in 1995, and the Ruane prize in 2000. He has honorary degrees from the Universities of Leiden, Louvain, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Chicago, Minnesota, Ghent, Jyvaskyla, Warwick and East Anglia.
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Vg}z)ia9G/v0Dorothy Bishop心理学空间 t2c`j$]*T6q
Professor, Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University, Oxford, England心理学空间%uSi8A"U
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Daniel Pine
]Uzls[0NIMH Intramural Research Program, Bethesda, MD, USA心理学空间 u:Ud xs
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Steven Scott
%jg3V0V2Dn UNs&I0Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College, London, England
Jim S Stevenson
eM7O c8D:[;m6z0Associate Dean, Department of Psychology, University of Southampton, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences and School of Psychology, Southampton, England心理学空间:S9h7V"[s c

:ie)g*{{-q7d0Eric Taylor
"aZ Jk{[h&ETf0Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, MRC Social Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, London, England
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Anita Thapar
m QzVN/WX*g0Professor, Department of Psychological Medicine, Cardiff University School of Medicine, Cardiff, UK
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b&|t"W2?},h3h0目录心理学空间C9aS C n X\H |
Part I: Conceptual Approaches.
[7sG,|%d IEl'F*i01 Developments in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Over the Last 50 Years (Michael Rutter, King’s College London and Jim Stevenson, University of Southampton).
M]8Z1}Lr"R02 Classification (Eric Taylor, King’s College London and Michael Rutter, King’s College London).
)XA*N s I03 Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Conceptual Issues (Dorothy Bishop, University of Oxford and Michael Rutter, King’s College London).心理学空间!l6e0Yv5n Z6F] O @2x&t
4 Clinical Assessment and Diagnostic Formulation (Michael Rutter, King’s College London and Eric Taylor, King’s College London).心理学空间:Y'{;oLW!X-D5B:@
5 Using Epidemiological and Longitudinal Approaches to Study Causal Hypotheses (E. Jane Costello, Duke University Medical Center).心理学空间h b^|-v"n
6 Using Epidemiology to Plan Services: A Conceptual Approach (Michael Rutter, King’s College London and Jim Stevenson, University of Southampton).
2Gz$\5^1~n07 Children’s Testimony (Maggie Bruck, John Hopkins Medical Institutions; Stephen Ceci, Cornell University; Sarah Kulkofsky, Cornell University; J. Zoe Klemfuss, Cornell University and Charlotte Sweeney, Cornell University).心理学空间(w;Y1Iu0f JI"]&i
8 Legal Issues in the Care and Treatment of Children with Mental Health Problems (Brenda Hale, House of Lords and Jane Fortin, University of Sussex).心理学空间/q0B'Bh#};V{ w:g
9 What Clinicians Need to Know about Statistical Issues and Methods (Andrew Pickles, University of Manchester).
+~ amg0v1N010 Health Economics (Martin Knapp, London School of Economics and Political Science).
+K2u q-Af@d011 What Can We Learn from Structural and Functional Brain Imaging? (Christopher Frith, University College London and Uta Frith, UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience).
$Ozqc$P*d012 Neurobiological Perspectives on Developmental Psychopathology (Charles Nelson, Harvard Medical School and Shafali Jeste, Harvard Medical School).心理学空间7t4K+r fp}7A _8RP_
13 Development and Psychopathology: A Life Course Perspective (Barbara Maughan, King’s College London and Michael Rutter, King’s College London).
l1b aR#w T9Uj014 Temperament and Personality (Avshalom Caspi, King’s College London and Rebecca Shiner, Colgate University).心理学空间)K$L'y-T b*M+hoF%A$l
15 Sociocultural/Ethnic Groups and Psychopathology (Anula Nikapota, King’s College London and Michael Rutter, King’s College London).心理学空间Q4^i\JX4uT&R1p E
16 Basic Neuropsychopharmacology (Nora Volkow, National Institutes of Health, USA and James Swanson, University of California).心理学空间,btis/e*`,I0y'd0H
17 Clinical Neurophysiology (Torsten Baldeweg, University College London and Stewart Boyd, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust).心理学空间vS3XK f8o7| L
18 Psychological Treatments: Overview and Critical Issues for the Field (John Weisz, Harvard Medical School and Sarah Kate Bearman, Harvard Medical School).心理学空间Y6v6jn6S2D G#g
Part II: Clinical Assessment.
:v-q Y*b5g}019 Use of Structured Interviews and Observational Methods in Clinical Settings (Ann Le Couteur, Newcastle University and Frances Gardner, University of Oxford).
3b6U otL,[+x020 Using Rating Scales in a Clinical Context (Frank C. Verhulst, Erasmus MC-Sophia Children’s Hospital, The Netherlands and Jan Van der Ende, Erasmus MC-Sophia Children’s Hospital, The Netherlands).
/P)I1^!h@QW021 Psychological Assessment in the Clinical Context (Tony Charman, University College London; Jane Hood, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, London and Patricia Howlin, King’s College London).心理学空间n g,u)BTr|i!i}A
22 Physical Examination and Medical Investigation (Gillian Baird, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and Paul Gringras, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust).心理学空间\/o;n!\ t
Part III: Influences on Psychopathology.心理学空间-e*`D6h(S-C.FMKHu
23 Genetics (Anita Thapar, Cardiff University and Michael Rutter, King’s College London).
g0Es R+u:V9l8k024 Behavioral Phenotypes and Chromosomal Disorders (David H. Skuse, Institute of Child Health, London and Anna Seigal, Institute of Child Health, London).心理学空间o#]3^nF!GZFR
25 Psychosocial Adversity and Resilience (Jennifer Jenkins, University of Toronto).
#bbyPh9s r2O m026 Acute Life Stresses (Seija Sandberg, University College London and Michael Rutter, King’s College London).心理学空间S4\1{6V @wA#@c
27 Impact of Parental Psychiatric Disorder and Physical Illness: Alan Stein (University of Oxford), Paul Ramchandani (University of Oxford) and Lynne Murray (University of Reading).心理学空间X2|ElPf
28 Child Maltreatment: David P. H. Jones (University of Oxford).
5Jk qK3_%~I:y029 Child Sexual Abuse: Danya Glaser (Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children).心理学空间5aZs"EI(h8`.m%KvY^
30 Brain Disorders and their Effect on Psychopathology: James Harris (The Johns Hopkins Hospital, USA).
Srw s+q ixZ4^031 Psychopathology in Refugee and Asylum Seeking Children: Matthew Hodes (Imperial College London).
8Q`{`+Amx032 Residential and Foster Family Care: Alan Rushton (Institute of Psychiatry, London) and Helen Minnis (University of Glasgow).心理学空间'N"{)B#T_3gw&x f
33 Adoption (Nancy J. Cohen, University of Toronto).
w.y:`PFc C~5n0Part IV: Clinical Syndromes.
-H]y6AK@/A034 Disorders of Attention and Activity (Eric Taylor, King’s College London and Edmund Sonuga-Barke, University of Southampton).
WAk:}2g0v9lK ]035 Conduct Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence: Terrie E. Moffitt (King’s College London) and Stephen Scott (King’s College London).
6{3@bts`036 Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder: Andrew C. Heath (Washington University School of Medicine), Michael T. Lynskey (Washington University School of Medicine) and Mary Waldron (Washington University School of Medicine).
]$@ET \:fD)]X037 Depressive Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence (David Brent, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and V. Robin Weersing, University of California at San Diego).心理学空间Q O _(HE&Ft&wT:ax
38 Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents (Ellen Leibenluft, National Institute of Mental Health and Daniel P. Dickstein, National Institute of Mental Health).心理学空间2~:Rgz Y
39 Anxiety Disorders (Daniel S. Pine, National Institute of Mental Health and Rachel G. Klein, New York University Child Study Center).心理学空间4A*uZ:P(XS8[h
40 Suicidal Behavior and Deliberate Self-Harm (Keith Hawton, University of Oxford and Sarah Fortune, University of Leeds).
J6oXuEH041 Eating Disorders (Christopher G. Fairburn, Oxford University Department of Psychiatry and Simon G. Gowers, University of Liverpool).心理学空间 l9i#W`#n9yG
42 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (William Yule, King’s College London and Patrick Smith, King’s College London).
y e Xa-zssW043 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Judith L. Rapoport, National Institute of Mental Health and Philip Shaw, National Institute of Mental Health).心理学空间$cu^].rD ?
44 Tic Disorders (James F. Leckman, Yale University School of Medicine and Michael H. Bloch, Yale University School of Medicine).心理学空间M;Ds?:mq7b2oT-N
45 Schizophrenia and Allied Disorders (Chris Hollis, University of Nottingham).
X#xr;e&O6u046 Autism Spectrum Disorders (Herman van Engeland, University Medical Center Utrecht and Jan K. Buitelaar, UMC St Radboud).
{4VD];Q0o \:c047 Speech and Language Disorders (Dorothy V. M. Bishop, University of Oxford and Courtenay Frazier Norbury, University of London).心理学空间A+j:Cd4@q
48 Reading and Other Specific Learning Difficulties (Margaret J. Snowling, University of York, UK and Charles Hulme, University of York).心理学空间}sF xoj5v'E:^
49 Intellectual Disability (Stewart Einfeld, University of Sydney and Eric Emerson, Lancaster University).心理学空间 }N\KU5{
50 Disorders of Personality (Jonathan Hill, University of Manchester).心理学空间'@CyC-]_b
51 Psychopathy (R. James Blair, National Institute of Mental Health and Essi Viding, University College London).
8I8~z!?){R,n052 Gender Identity and Sexual Disorders (Kenneth J. Zucker, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Canada and Michael C. Seto, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health).
.OpuNZ:u053 Behavioral Problems of Infancy and Preschool Children (0–5) (Frances Gardner, University of Oxford and Daniel S. Shaw, University of Pittsburgh).
sb kW{:eqN,@&J054 Sleep Disorders (Ronald E. Dahl, University of Pittsburgh and Allison G. Harvey, University of California).
!B}7w p/iU055 Attachment Disorders in Relation to Deprivation (Charles H. Zeanah, Tulane University Health Sciences Center, USA and Anna T. Smyke, Tulane University Health Sciences Center).
b2Ps }"?056 Wetting and Soiling (Richard J. Butler, Leeds Primary Care NHS Trust).
g2h d,U3i"E057 Psychiatric Aspects of Somatic Disease (Seija Sandberg, University College London and Jim Stevenson, University of Southampton).
:h G8jf8|seT:[{.h8HT058 Psychiatric Aspects of HIV/AIDS (Jennifer F. Havens, New York University of Medicine and Claude Ann Mellins, Columbia University).
r3{I9N&x'aa3f5W"D059 Mental Health in Children with Specific Sensory Impairments (Helen McConachie, Newcastle University and Gwen Carr, University of Manchester).心理学空间%p6GV#["W3Tl
Part V: Approaches to Treatment.心理学空间E;e#E$Bi1G
60 Community-Based Interventions and Services (Christina J. Groark, University of Pittsburgh and Robert B. McCall, University of Pittsburgh).心理学空间j(L#KL ba f
61 Clarifying and Maximizing the Usefulness of Targeted Preventive Interventions (Frank Vitaro, University of Montreal and Richard E. Tremblay, University of Montreal).
h1~#S;g Wq%_062 Behavioral Therapies (Stephen Scott, King’s College London and William Yule, King’s College London).
u^Jn"WZX|063 Cognitive–Behavioral Therapies (John E. Lochman, University of Alabama and Dustin A. Pardini, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center).心理学空间|$Ib5h$\Yj
64 Parenting Programs (Stephen Scott, King’s College London).心理学空间-k:f$e~WpL"y
65 Family Interviewing and Family Therapy (Ivan Eisler, King’s College London and Judith Lask, King’s College London).
+?)S*pMN8OS2Z M066 Psychodynamic Treatments (Peter Fonagy, University College London and Mary Target, University College London).
p]uDl"zJ067 Physical Treatments (Stanley Kutcher, Dalhousie University and Sonia Chehil, Dalhousie University).
(PrA,k#h G?t*P068 Juvenile Delinquency (Sue Bailey, University of Central Lancashire and Stephen Scott, King’s College London).
+t2qkVm&a069 Provision of Intensive Treatment: In-patient Units, Day Units and Intensive Outreach (Jonathan Green, University of Manchester and Anne Worrall-Davies, University of Leeds).心理学空间m(M_pV[}$Kt
70 Pediatric Consultation (Annah N. Abrams, Harvard Medical School and Paula K. Rauch, Child Psychiatry Consultation Service, USA).心理学空间wz].Mk'r9~
71 Organization of Services for Children and Adolescents with Mental Health Problems (Miranda Wolpert, University College London).
gSW~ z072 Primary Health Care Psychiatry (Tami Kramer, Imperial College London and Elena Garralda, Imperial College London).心理学空间,_7v/R0k?%f*N J+k
73 Genetic Counseling (Emily Simonoff, King’s College London).
9R8SGU\ Uk074 Special Education (Patricia Howlin, King’s College London).
S E&@~}Pq0Index.心理学空间{0`:z~4fkJ+z
Plate section.心理学空间 T#{@+o5ll+M


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