托尔曼 | Edward C .Tolman  

Tolman's purposive behaviorism



  托尔曼的主要著作有:《动物与人的目的性行为》(1932)《战争的内驱力》(1942)《托尔曼自传》(1952)。此外,他的学生们还选辑出版了《托尔曼论文集》(1951)。托尔曼虽然早期就已经成为行为主义者,但对其他学派的理论则采取博采众长的态度,其理论与华生的行为主义、麦独孤的策动心理学、吴伟士的动力心理学和完形心理学都有着复杂的联系。并在其长期动物学习实验的基础上,建立了目的行为主义,后来改为符号学习论(sign learning theory)或符号完形论(sign-Gestalt theory),强调其理论的认知性质。故它又被称为认知行为主义(cognitive behaviorism)。


书 名:动物和人的目的性行为
作 者:托尔曼


Tolman is known for his significant contributions to the studies of learning and motivation. He was born in Newton, MA in 1886. It was expected that he would enter the family’s manufacturing business, but instead Tolman chose to pursue an academic career and earned a bachelor’s in Electrochemistry from MIT in 1911. During his senior year at MIT while reading the works of William James Tolman decided to become a philosopher. After graduation he took a summer school course in philosophy and decided he preferred psychology. That fall he enrolled in Harvard as a philosophy/psychology graduate student. After his first year of graduate study Tolman went to study in Germany. While there he was introduced to Gestalt psychology. Tolman lost his job at Northwestern University for making “anti-war statements” during World War I. He then moved on to Berkeley where he remained till his death. During World War II Tolman served with the OSS, and in the 1950’s Tolman gained recognition for his refusal to sign the California loyalty oath.
